Girl Meets Tears

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After Shawn's big announcement, he, Katy and Maya stayed over for dinner at the Matthews' home to celebrate. Their original plan was to take the family to a restaurant, but celebrating at home felt a lot cozier. After dinner, Riley and Maya went upstairs, to Riley's bedroom, and they sat in the bay window. 'It's great news', Riley said. Even though she wasn't happy at that moment, she tried to sound as enthusiastic as she could. She had to. For her friend. 'Yeah, it is. I can't believe it. It's so unexpected. I mean... Hawaii. But on the other hand, it's the best place. It's where they got engaged.' 'I think it's cute', Riley said. Maya nodded. 'Me too.' The girls fell silent, until Maya finally got the courage to ask Riley what had been on her mind for the whole day. It had been on her mind for a while, actually. 'Riles... You remember this morning, right? We were just talking to Farkle, Zay and, um, Lucas and suddenly you ran away.' 'I had to go to the bathroom', Riley defended herself. 'Riley, I've known you for a very long time and I know when something's up. Is something going on between you and Lucas? If there is, you can tell me.' Riley bit her lip. She wasn't sure if telling Maya was the right thing to do. 'No, nothing's going on. We're fine.' At least, that's what she had been claiming ever since the two of them broke up. 'Okay', Maya said. It was clear she wasn't buying it. She knew Riley was hiding something. But she also knew it was better to wait until she was ready to tell her and to not put any pressure on her friend.

After that conversation, the girls discussed lighter topics. Celebrities, their favorite TV-show, school and more. At 9 p.m. they went downstairs to ask if it was okay if Maya stayed the night. It was. They put on their pajamas and sat down on Riley's bed. 'Okay, truth or dare, Maya', Riley said. 'Oh god, we aren't really going to play that game, are we?' 'Yes, we are!' Riley exclaimed as she clapped her hands. She was glad her friend was able to distract her from all the Lucas-thoughts that usually crossed her mind. 'Fine. Um, dare', Maya said, curious what kind of dare Riley had in mind. 'Let's see...' Riley said as she thought about a good dare for her friend. 'Ooh, I know! Send Josh a text that says, 'Hey, bae'.' Maya groaned. 'You know I hate the words 'babe' or 'bae'!' 'Exactly', Riley replied and she burst out laughing when Maya took out her phone reluctantly. 'Ugh, I hate you', she said. 'Love you too.' Riley smiled. It took Josh only a minute to respond.

Josh: ... Who are you and why did you steal Maya's phone?

Maya couldn't help but laugh as well. He knew she hated the word 'bae'. She had forbidden him to ever use it when he was talking to her.

Maya: Babe, what do u mean?

Josh: Whoever you are, give Maya her phone back! Now!

Maya: Bae, it's me, Maya, your bae.

'God, that's enough ''bae'' for one day', Maya stated as she put down her phone. Riley nodded in agreement. 'Poor Josh', she said, still laughing. 'Okay, Riles, your turn. Truth or dare.' Riley thought for a few seconds. 'I'll go with truth.' Then she thought of Maya asking her if there was anything up between her and Josh, and she quickly changed her mind. 'You know what, Peaches? I'll think I'll go for dare instead.' 'I dare you... to prank-call Josh, because I feel like we haven't tormented him enough this evening.' 'I'm really starting to feel sorry for him', Riley said as started dialing her uncle's number. 'Wait', Maya interrupted her friend. 'Use my phone. He'll think it's the person who ''stole it''.' 'Good idea.' Maya handed Riley her phone. 'It's on my speed dial', she told her friend. 'Okay, here goes', Riley said as she took a deep breath.

J: 'Maya?'

R: 'Hello.'

Riley spoke in a deep, husky voice.

J: 'Who is this?'

R: 'Who is this?'

J: 'That's what I asked. This is Josh, you called me. Who am I speaking to?'

R: 'I have your girlfriend's phone.'

J: 'And who are you exactly and why do you have her phone?'

Maya's heart fluttered a little when she noticed he didn't correct Riley when she called Maya his girlfriend. Riley started humming a song in a creepy way.

J: 'Give Maya her phone back!'

'I will', Riley said. 'Bae', Maya added in a flirty tone.

J: 'Maya?'

Josh thought he'd heard her voice.

R: 'She's not here.'

Riley kept humming the song.

J: 'Stop it! You're creeping me out! If you're going to return her cell, than why did you call me?'

Riley didn't answer. She just kept humming and started singing a few of the lyrics in a tone that could have been in a horror movie.

J: 'Leave me alone!'


The line went dead. 'Aw, he hung up', Maya said, a little disappointed.
She quickly sent Josh an apology text, explaining it was a joke. His response came a few seconds after she'd hit sent.

Josh: Haha okay, good to know. I was freaking out. You're still my bae ;)

'Oh no, he did not!' Maya exclaimed. 'What did he do?' Riley asked. Maya let Riley read the text Josh had sent her. Riley immediately started laughing. 'You should've seen that one coming.' 'Ugh', was all Maya had to say.

The girls went to bed a few hours later. They were tired from all the talking and laughing and more importantly, they had to go to school the next morning! Riley couldn't sleep, though. Now that she was the only one awake in the dark room, alone with all her thoughts, everything that happened that day came back to her. Maya awoke to the sound of someone crying. Riley's sobs filled the room. She'd tried to mute them by putting the blanket over her mouth, but it hadn't worked. 'Riles...?' Maya asked. Riley tried to say something to Maya, but her words were smothered by the fabric covering her mouth. Maya shifted to lie a little closer to her friend. She put one arm around Riley. 'It's going to be alright', she said softly. She could feel Riley shaking her head in a way that said, ''No, it isn't''. 'Hey, I'm here for you.' Riley was still crying. Her pillow was wet from all the tears she'd shed. 'When you're ready, you can always come to me and tell me what's wrong. I promise you, everything will be alright.' Maya's voice soothed Riley a little bit. The girls sat up straight. 'Do you feel like you can tell me about you and Lucas?' 'How do you know it's about Lucas?' Riley asked, wondering if her feelings were that obvious. 'I just know.' And that's when Riley started telling her everything that happened after the break-up.

Hello everyone :) I hope you liked the second chapter! Thank you all so much for reading and thanks to those who have voted on the previous chapter :) I'm thinking of writing a Joshaya short story that takes place during Christmas(because the holidays are coming up. That might sound weird because it's November, but I was already listening ''All I want for Christmas'' in July). What do you think? I wish you all an awesome day :D


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