Girl Meets the Walk

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'See you in a few hours!' Maya called out to her mother. She and Josh were going on a romantic walk. The previous day had been so stressful what with having to prepare the wedding, so today, they were ready for some earned relaxation. 'Wait, honey', Katy said, 'where will be you going?' 'Just that waterfall we were at last week', Maya replied. 'Okay, well, have fun', Katy told her and Josh, waving as they left. 'And be safe!' she then called after them.

'Oh no', Katy said twenty minutes later. 'What's wrong, Mrs. Hart?' Riley, who was just walking past her, asked. 'Riley, sweetie, did Maya say how long they'd be gone?' Riley bit her lip, thinking. 'Well, they were going to have a picnic at the waterfall, and it's quite a walk there. So, um, I guess about four or five hours. Why?' 'Because they forgot their backpacks', Katy said, pointing at the counter, on top of which two backpacks were lying. 'How could someone possibly forgot their backpack?' Riley said, furrowing her eyebrows. Katy shrugged. 'I have no idea. But they don't have any food or water with them right now and they need energy for the walk and it's important that they keep themselves hydrated', she said, concerned.

Riley looked at the clock. 'Maybe I could try to catch up with Maya and Josh, and bring their backpacks with me', she suggested. Katy thought about that proposal for a moment. 'No, sweetie, I couldn't ask you to do that. The backpacks are way too heavy, and besides, what if you get lost? Do you even remember the route?' Riley looked at the ground and slowly shook her head. 'I remember parts, but not all. But I could-' 'No, sweetie, it's very kind of you to suggest, but...' Katy's voice trailed off as she spotted Lucas sitting on the couch, reading a book.

'Wait, Lucas, you know the way, right?' she asked the boy. Lucas looked up from the book. 'What way are you referring to, ma'am? I'm a little confused.' Katy walked over to where he was sitting. 'That big waterfall we visited recently?' 'Oh right', Lucas said, glancing at Riley. 'The waterfall.' 'And?' Katy asked. 'Do you know the way there? Maya and Josh forgot their food and water.' Lucas hesitated a moment before saying, 'Yes, I know the way'. Riley was tapping the counter with her fingers nervously, anxious for what Katy was going to ask next.

'I know you two probably have your own things to do', Katy said to Riley and Lucas, 'but could you maybe bring these to my daughter?' she said, picking up the two backpacks. The brown-haired girl and the green-eyed boy looked at one another. 'Sure', Lucas said. 'Thank you so much, darlings!' Katy exclaimed. 'I really appreciate it. I'm so busy with the wedding, I can't go myself.' 'It's no problem', Riley said softly, and she wondered if Katy's concern for her daughter was the only reason she had asked her and Lucas to go, or if this maybe also had something to do with the conversation they'd shared at their recent visit to the waterfall. Riley shook that thought off. No, she is just worried about her daughter and Josh, Riley thought, taking a deep breath.

'What are you doing?' someone asked as Riley and Lucas opened the front door to leave the mansion. It was Emily. 'Maya and Josh forgot their backpacks, so we're going to see if we can catch up with them', Riley exclaimed. 'Oh really', Emily said, the harshness in her voice taking Riley by surprise. The girl had been so nice to her yesterday, and now she was back to her old ways. 'It won't take long', Lucas told Emily, who raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms. 'And I'm supposed to just stand here and let you two go for a romantic walk together?' Lucas shook his head. 'It's not like that, Emily. Maya's mom asked us to do this.' 'Maya's mom? Maya's mom, who is very close to Riley and would probably help her get back together with you? Don't you see what she is trying to do?' 'Emily, back off', Riley told the girl, defending herself. 'I'm just as happy about what she asked me to do as you are, and I am not trying to steal your boyfriend from you. Don't you remember what I told you yesterday?' Now, Lucas was confused. 'What?' he asked the girls. 'Nothing, Lucas. I have nothing to say to you right now', Emily said angrily, before taking off.

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