Girl Meets an Unexpected Guest

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A few hours later, everyone was tired from all the celebrating and their empty stomachs were craving food. Everyone was cramming together to get in line for the buffet. In the meantime, several waiters and waitresses were carrying out drinks.

'God, that pasta looks delish', Emily whispered to Riley as the girls waited for their food. 'I know', Riley replied. 'I haven't eaten in hours. Can't wait to dig in', she said. Emily nodded. She smiled at the small talk they were making. She regretted the way she had been treating Riley for the past few weeks and was glad they were now getting along pretty well. 'You look really nice in the dress, by the way', she told Riley, who shot her a thankful smile. 'Thank you. You look great too', she replied. 'Why, thank you', Emily said. Suddenly, Riley was called over by Maya. 'Riles, they have cupcakes over here!' the blonde exclaimed from the front of the line of people. 'That's my cue', Riley said to Emily, laughing. 'A girl's gotta get her cupcakes. Wanna join?' she asked the other girl. 'Nah, I'm good', Emily told her. 'Still waiting for the pasta', she said, before Riley walked off to where Maya was.

Emily looked around the venue. It was a beautiful location, perfect for a wedding. It was a shame she didn't really know that many people, though. Just as she was thinking that, she heard someone say her name. 'Emily?' the voice asked. The brown-haired girl immediately turned around.

'Evan?' she asked surprised. 'You- you're here', she said. It sounded more like a question. 'Yep', he answered. 'One of my many jobs', the boy told her, pointing at the tray of drinks he was balancing on one hand. 'W-wow, I really had not expected to see you here', Emily admitted. 'Well, I hadn't expected to see you here either', Evan said shyly. 'I mean, I didn't know whose wedding it would be before', he explained. 'You, um, look nice by the way. I mean, really nice. Not just nice, er... You look great is what I'm trying to say.' Emily felt her cheeks redden. 'Thanks', she said softly. 'You look nice too', she told him. Evan chuckled. 'In my waiter uniform? Sure', he said, laughing it off. 'I'm actually glad you're here', Emily told Evan. 'I'm glad too', Evan replied. 'I probably should get back to working, though', he said. 'But I'll catch you later, okay?' Emily nodded. 'Sure.' Evan started walking off, but turned around again. 'Do, um, do you want something to drink?' he asked her. Emily looked at the tray he was carrying. 'No, I'm good. But thanks anyway', she answered. He smiled before walking off again, this time without turning around.

After getting their cupcakes, Riley and Maya had joined their boyfriends, who had already been seated. They had been watching Emily and Evan's conversation from afar. 'How- um how do you feel about...?' Riley started asking Lucas. 'Emily and Evan together?' Lucas finished for her. Riley nodded. 'Honestly, I'm really happy for Emily if they become an item. I'm just a little worried about her getting hurt when she has to leave Hawaii, what with him living here and her being in New York', he explained. 'Yeah. But she seems to be a smart girl; she knows what she's doing. But, um, how do you feel about her possibly being someone else's girlfriend?' Lucas looked at Riley. 'Why would you ask me that?' Riley shrugged. 'I just...'

'Riley', Lucas began, 'I'm with you now. You're with whom I always have belonged and always will belong. Emily's a great girl, she's just not the one for me. You are. I love you, and you don't have to worry about me being sad about her falling in love with someone else. 'Cause the truth is, I have already fallen in love with someone else. And that someone else is you. I never stopped loving you, Riley. I thought I could get over you when we broke up, that I could really like Emily. But it's always been you. I don't want to ever be with anyone else again. I am not in the slightest hurt by Emily possibly liking Evan. If being with him makes her happy, than I am very happy for her.' After he said that, he pulled Riley close to him and gave her a light kiss on her forehead. 'Did- do you really mean that? Am I really the only person for you?' she asked. 'You always have been', Lucas told her softly, before cupping Riley's cheeks with his hands and pressing his lips softly on hers. 'I love you so much', Lucas told her. 'I love you too', Riley said, smiling.

'God, they're so cheesy and lovey-dovey', Maya said to Josh, who was sitting next to her. 'I think it's cute. And you think so too, just admit it', he said, nudging her playfully. Maya rolled her eyes. 'Yeah, yeah', she said. 'They're cute.' 'Just like we are', Josh said, wiggling his eyebrows. 'Don't push your luck now, Boing', Maya told him. 'Oh, just get over here already!' Josh exclaimed, before pulling her in for a kiss.

A few tables over, Cory was watching the kids intently. 'This is NOT supposed to be happening', he said, grumbling. 'Just let them be', Topanga, who was on his right. 'But... but they're growing up so fast', Cory mumbled. Topanga nodded. 'I know, Cory. That is life. And even though I'm sad time is passing so fast, the kids growing up is also the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.' 'We were once that young', Cory said. 'Yeah, well, sometimes you still have the mental age of a three-year-old', his wife joked. Cory laughed. 'Can't deny that. I really have to let her go, don't I?' he asked. Topanga knew he was talking about Riley. 'Yes and no', she answered. 'You have to let her go, but remember: she's your daughter. She'll never go away entirely. Family never does.' 'I am so lucky to have you, Topanga', Cory suddenly said. 'I praise myself lucky everyday because I had the chance to grow up and grow old with you.' 'Hey hey, we're not that old yet!' Topanga protested. Cory laughed again. 'I am very lucky to have you in my life too', Topanga then said more seriously. 'I love you', she told her husband. 'Even though I sometimes act like a three-year-old?' Cory asked with a grin on his face. 'Even though you sometimes act like a three-year-old, yeah', Topanga said, chuckling. They looked at each other lovingly, and Cory leaned in to give her a kiss on the tip of her nose.

Suddenly, Auggie and Ava ran passed their table, holding hands. When they stopped running, Auggie kissed Ava on the cheek. 'Okay, but that's were I draw the line!' Cory told Topanga, before rising from his seat to check on the kids. Topanga chuckled. 'God, I love that weirdo so much', she said, shaking her head.

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked this chapter. Next up is another chapter with a lot of ships. I really want to give Corpanga more attention, because I feel like I haven't really added them in most chapters. Thank you all so much for reading. And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and/or added this story to their reading list, I appreciate all of you support! I wish you all an amazing day :)


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