Girl Meets Ready

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'So... What do you want to do later?' Maya looked up when Josh had asked her the question. 'What do you mean?' Josh shrugged. 'I don't know. I thought since it's the beginning of the holidays, we could go to a movie or have dinner together', he replied. The two of them and Riley were sitting in the cafeteria. Zay, Farkle and Lucas caught sight of them and started walking towards the lunch table. 'I actually already have plans with-' Maya was interrupted by her best friend. 'Maya would actually love to go to a movie with you, Josh', Riley told her uncle. Maya shot her friend a questioning look. Riley nodded in response, telling her friend it was okay for her to go out with her crush, even though the girls had originally planned another girls' night. 'Um, yeah, sure. That sounds great', Maya said to Josh. 'Great', he answered, 'I'll pick you up around seven.'

The boys had finally reached the table and sat down with their friends. Lucas happened to pick the seat across from Riley. When he realized he would be facing her, he awkwardly looked down and blushed. When he'd somewhat recovered, he managed to look her in the eyes. 'Good morning', he said, hesitating just a little. 'It's 1 p.m.', Riley pointed out. When she saw that Lucas didn't know what to do with her comment, she quickly added, 'But good morning.' She gave him a small yet warm smile. He returned it.

'Yo, love birds, pay some attention please!' Zay said. His comment was directed towards Riley and Lucas, who both shifted uncomfortably in their seats. Maya elbowed him. 'Dude, what are you doing?' she hissed. 'Oh, crap', he cussed, only then realizing how stupid the comment had been. 'I'm sorry', he quickly said. 'It's fine', Riley said, holding her head high to show his words hadn't had any effect on her - which hadn't been the case.

'What did you need our attention for?' Riley then asked him. 'Oh right', Zay said, clearly not remembering he'd been on the verge of saying something. 'I thought it would be great if we all got Shawn and Katy a present together. Everyone nodded approvingly, except for Maya. 'I'd love to', she announced, 'but I've already bought something.' 'That's fine', Farkle told her. 'The four of us, and Smackle, will get something together.' Maya nodded. 'If you're okay with it, I'd like to join in too', Josh said to the group. 'Of course!' Riley said. 'Yeah, the more the merrier', Zay chimed in. 'Great', Josh answered. 'I told Cory I'd join him for lunch, so I gotta go. Bye, everyone', he said, rising from the lunch table. 'Bye!' everyone replied. Before he walked away, Josh bowed down to meet Maya's lips with his. They'd kissed a lot of times, but it still felt magical every single time. 'See you later', he told her, and she smiled. 'Sure.'

'It sure is going great between the two of you', Lucas said to Maya, and she couldn't help but hear the spark of envy in his voice. He'd obviously tried to hide it, but she had noticed anyway. She wondered if it was because of Emily, or maybe someone sitting a little closer to him. Maybe he was just a little jealous of Maya and Josh's relationship in general. If only he knew about all the doubts she had... 'Yeah, that's right', she said, silently praying she hadn't sounded all too forced. But then she told herself to let it go. There was no need to force anything; Lucas was right. It was going great between her and Josh. And in a week or so, she'd be sitting on the soft Hawaiian sand, right next to him. The thought made her smile.

After a few more classes, school was finally over. Goodbye waking up early and doing homework! For six weeks, at least. Maya went home with a big smile still on her face. In a few more hours, she'd see Josh again.

And indeed, three hours after she'd returned to her apartment, the doorbell rang. When she opened the door, revealing Josh, the smile still hadn't gone away. 'You look beautiful', Josh told her, admiring the outfit she had on. She was wearing her favorite shorts and a blue top embroidered with flowers with a golden jacket on top. 'You don't look so bad yourself', she replied. She tried to act coolly about his compliment, but inside her stomach, a million butterflies were fluttering wildly. 'You ready?' Josh asked her, extending his hand. Maya nodded, taking his hand. She was. She was truly ready to let all of her doubts go and just have a nice time. Maybe she couldn't officially call him her boyfriend, but she was with him. And that was all that mattered.

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked the chapter! Thank you all so much for reading. And a special thanks to those who have voted on previous chapters :D I wish you all a great day!


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