Girl Meets Bro's' Night

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'Question number two: Have you ever liked somebody else in a romantic way while being with your partner?'

Everyone was quiet, either deep in thought or afraid to say anything. 'Well, not me', Riley said. 'For me, it's always been Lucas, and only him.' She smiled saying his name. 'Yeah, same goes for me', Vanessa chimed in. 'I may not have liked Zay at the start, but after I started falling for him... I have never liked anyone else.'

Riley noticed how awfully quiet Maya was. 'Peaches?' she asked, a little hesitant. Before Maya could answer, Smackle entered the room, joining their little circle. She asked what the girls were doing and quickly caught up with the game. And then it was Maya's time to finally answer the question. 'I, um', Maya began. 'I guess I liked somebody else for a little while, or at least thought I could.' Riley was shocked to hear this, seeing as she had always thought Maya had been happy and in love with Josh. 'It was before Josh and I were even a thing', the blonde then added quickly. 'I didn't even knew he liked me at the time', she continued. 'And Farkle and I were pretty close, so... A part of me wondered if everything wouldn't be a lot easier if I just liked Farkle instead.' When she saw Smackle's face falling throughout the story, Maya felt the need to elaborate a little further. 'I never really liked him, Smackle, I promise. I was, however, struggling with my feelings for Josh. I thought he would never care for me the way I cared for him. And Farkle was there for me the entire time - in a non-romantical way, of  course - and I just wanted for someone to love me. Makes me sound desperate, doesn't it?' Smackle carefully put an arm around her friend, whose blue eyes were now sparkling a little less than usual. 'It doesn't. You were sad about the possibility of Josh not returning your feelings, and thought that Farkle might be able to do what you thought Josh couldn't', Smackle said, shuddering a little at the thought of Farkle liking any other girl than herself. 'I'm glad you told me this, Maya. Friends should tell each other everything. I know you're happy with Josh, and that you only ever loved him. But, if anything were to ever go wrong between you in the future, keep in mind that the genius is mine', she finished, warning Maya. 'I can assure you that nothing will ever happen between Farkle and I. We're just good friends. And I can also assure that you are the only girl Farkle wants.' The girls exchanged smiles, before Smackle opened her mouth to say something else.

'I know I am always saying things about Lucas being so cute and all, but I need you girls to know that I never liked anyone besides Farkle. The other girls aww'ed at the statement. 'We know, Smackle', Riley said, pulling the girl in for a hug, which the raven-haired girl gleefully returned, 'we know.' The other three girls joined their embrace before deciding to watch a movie instead of continuing with the questions.

A few rooms from theirs, Lucas, Zay, Farkle and Josh were seated in a circle of their own. 'So, um, when the girls have these girls' night thingy's, what do they do?' Josh asked, feeling a little awkward. He was sure he was going to regret agreeing to have a ''bro's' night'' later on. 'Well, um, I think they paint nails and stuff', Lucas answered, feeling equally uncomfortable. 'No way in hell I'm painting my nails!' Zay exclaimed. 'I don't think any of us want to do that', Lucas said, and Farkle nodded. 'Good', Zay replied. 'We could, um, talk?' Josh suggested. I think the girls do that too.' Farkle nodded again. 'That could work', he said. All four boys then stared off into space, trying to find a topic for them to discuss.

'Yeah, this ain't working', Zay said after a while, getting tired of the silence. 'Let's just think of something else.' Everyone agreed. 

'Oh, I have an idea!' Lucas said after a few minutes. 'Riley always tells me  how she and the other girls do these quizzes. She left one of her magazines in my room. I could go get it and we could try on of those, yeah?' The other boys weren't so fond of that idea, but agreed to it nevertheless. In a matter of seconds, Lucas had raced to his room and back to get the magazine. 'Okay, so the options are: Quiz 1 - Which celebrity should be your boyfriend?'

'Oh God, no', Josh said, groaning. 'You have any other quizzes there, Lucas?'  'It sounded pretty interesting to me', Zay admitted, shrugging as the boys looked at him in a way that said what's wrong with you?

'What are the other options?' Farkle asked his best friend. 'Quiz 2 - Is your boyfriend a prince or a frog?' Lucas said. 'It's better than the first one', Josh said, sighing a little. 'Dunno. The first one didn't sound all too bad', Zay told him. The oldest boy rolled his eyes. 'You go do that first quiz then, and we'll do this one.' 'Fine', Zay said. 'Lemme take some pictures of the quiz, since there's only one magazine and you'll probably want to use it.'

Soon, all the boys were caught up in the quizzes. Lucas, Farkle and Josh tried to see things from their girlfriend's perspectives. A broad smile formed on Farkle's face as he saw he had gotten a perfect score, signifying he was ''a prince'' and not a frog. 'Yes!' he exclaimed. 'This genius never gets lower than a 100% on any quiz.' Josh also got a perfect score. Lucas, however, was a little disappointed.

'I don't treat her like a princess. I'm just a stupid frog', he said, sad at the realization. 'Yippee!' Zay then practically shouted. 'I got Dylan O'Brien as my celebrity boyfriend. That boy is fine as hell!' When he noticed the other boys' glares. 'Okay, okay, not the right time, I get it. But leave my boy Dylan alone.' 'Vanessa's got herself some tough competition', Josh said chuckling, before turning his attention back on Lucas.

'Dude, you got a near perfect score. Don't worry about it. I'm Riley's uncle, so I am very protective over her. If you were treating her any less than a princess deserves, I would've ended you already. But I think you take great care of her. Don't let the one question bother you.'

The question had said, ''Does your boyfriend ever flirts with other girls?'' Lucas at first had wanted to claim that, no, he never flirted with any girl that wasn't Riley. But, he had then realized, wasn't entirely correct. He'd kissed Emily a ton of times in front of Riley. Sure, they hadn't been a couple then, but still... Lucas had definitely wanted for him and Riley to be a couple then, and he later learned that Riley had wanted the exact same thing.

'Maybe we should stop the quizzes, and just watch a movie instead', Farkle suggested. 'Great idea', Josh answered as he grabbed his laptop. After the first half of the movie, Lucas' spirits had lifted, and when Zay whisper-asked if he thought he and Dylan would be a good match, he smiled.

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked the new chapter. Thank you all so much for reading. And a special thanks to those who added this story to their reading list and to those who voted on previous chapters, I appreciate it a lot! I wish you all an amazing day :)


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