Girl Meets Waterfall

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'Oh God', Lucas and Riley said at the same time, looking at each other, their eyes wide.

'What's going on?' Josh asked, confused. 'This is the place Riley and Lucas had their first-' Farkle tried to explain, but Riley covered his mouth with her hand. 'Look at that beautiful flower!' she exclaimed, pointing with her other hand, and everyone looked. 'Riles, that's a tree', Maya said dryly. Riley's eyes widened. 'Uh, yeah, I see it now.' She elbowed Farkle, as a sign he should not continue his explanation for Riley and Lucas's shock.

'Your first what?' Emily was now asking Lucas. 'Nothing', Riley quickly came to his rescue. 'Farkle's probably got a little confused, that's all.' Farkle nodded. 'Yeah, I, um... It happens a lot', he told Emily, who was looking directly in Lucas' eyes. No one said anything. The only sound was the sound of birds chirping and the water running from the big waterfall in front of them. Riley tried not to think of the picnic she'd had here with Lucas last year - their first date.How it had suddenly started to pour. How they had hidden in a cave. How they had danced in the rain together. How Riley had then realized she was in love with Lucas...

She quickly snapped herself back to reality, where Emily was still staring at Lucas. Katy, who had not noticed anything, was only paying attention to the crystal clear water. 'Isn't it beautiful? So blue and sparkling', she asked Shawn, who was standing behind her, his arms around her waist. 'It is. Almost as beautiful as the glimmer I see in your eyes every time I look at you.' Katy turned around, blushing, and kissed her fiancé on the lips. 'You're too sweet', she said, smiling. He smiled back, thinking how he, of all the people walking the surface of the Earth, had gotten lucky enough to marry this woman.

The group decided to stay at that spot for a little longer. They sat down on the dusty ground near the waterfall and the little lake accompanying it. Maya and Josh stepped into the clear water, their feet bare. 'Oh Gosh, it's cold!' Maya practically shouted when the water touched her toes as soon as she put her right foot into the lake. Josh laughed. 'What are you laughing at?' Maya asked. 'You.' Maya flashed him a thanks-a-lot look as she stuck her other foot in the cold water. 'Yeesh!' she exclaimed. Josh laughed harder. 'Laugh all you want, Boing', Maya said, a devilish grin spreading on her face. 'Let's see who laughs the hardest.' She now had grown accustomed to the cold and bent over to stick her arms in the water. In one flowing motion, she splashed Josh. He let out a high-pitched yelp and ran away from her. Now Maya was the one laughing. Josh then smiled at her sweetly, maybe a little too sweet, as he approached her. 'Come here', he said to her, pulling her in for a kiss. But before their lips could meet, he reached down and splashed Maya with the cold water. 'Ha! Revenge!' he shouted as he did a little victory dance. Soon, the two of them were engaged in a water battle.

Riley and Katy, who were sitting a few feet from the action, chuckled. 'They really like each other', Katy said, smiling at the sight of her daughter and Josh. 'Yeah, they do', Riley replied, also smiling. 'You picked a beautiful spot, Mrs. Hart', Riley then told Katy, who gave her a broad smile. 'It's really special', she continued, sneaking a peek at Lucas, who was talking to Zay, Vanessa and Emily. Katy put a hand on the girl's shoulder. She didn't know why this exact place was so special to her daughter's best friend, but she did had a feeling about Riley's feelings towards Lucas. 'Must be very special memories you have of this place, then', Katy said. Riley nodded slowly. 'Just know that because something has happened in the past, does not mean it is not a part of your future anymore. If we think something is special, like this waterfall', Katy told Riley, 'then we must never give up on it.' 'But what if you know it loving that person, er, I mean, thing, is just a waste of time?' Katy shook her head. 'If you really love that person, I mean, thing, it is never a waste of time. You understand?' Riley looked at her. 'Yeah. I think I do.' 'Good', Katy said, offering the girl a smile. She put her hand on Riley's shoulder for a few seconds, before standing up and walking over to where Shawn was sitting. Riley looked at Lucas, and for a moment, their eyes met.

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked the chapter! I feel like Katy is underrated, even though she in an amazing woman, so I wanted to add a little more of her! Also, I've decided to name this chapter like the one in Girl Meets Hawaii, because I feel like both of them are important to the story :) Thank you so much for reading and a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters :D I wish you all an awesome day!


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