Girl Meets Couples' Day

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The day after the group visited the infamous waterfall, Emily was up early. She stood in the living room, a giant cowbell in her hand. She rang the bell and called, 'Everyone, meeting in the living room, now!' It was only 6 a.m. and no one knew why the girl wanted them there. 'It's sooo early', Maya groaned as she walked downstairs with Riley behind her. Soon, the others started to arrive as well.

'Good, you're all here', she said as Josh and Zay arrived last. 'Is that a cowbell?' Farkle asked, raising one eyebrow. Emily ignored him. 'So, as you may know, I have been planning an ah-mazing day for us', she said, emphasizing the 'a' in amazing. Everyone mumbled. 'We actually did not know that', Zay told the girl. Josh elbowed him.

Emily continued, not paying any attention to the boys. 'I can't tell you what we are going to do, but I promise you, it's gonna be great!' she said, clapping her hands. 'Why so early, though?' Maya asked. Emily groaned. 'Ugh, Maya, you can be so lazy.' Maya's nostrils flared. 'Oh yeah? You know what else I can be?' she said angrily, taking a step towards the girl. 'You can be, er, hugging me', Josh quickly said. He stepped in between Maya and Emily and put his arms around the blonde-haired girl. 'Where was I?' Emily asked herself. 'Oh right. It's gonna be great! You have exactly...' She looked at the blue-and-yellow clock hanging on one of the walls. ...'seven minutes to get ready', she continued. When nobody moved, she added, 'Well, chop chop, we don't wanna be late, now, do we?' Josh covered Maya's mouth with his hand, before the girl could say anything. Even though Riley did not like the girl, she started to feel a little bit sorry for her as still no one was moving. 'Come on, guys. I know it's early, but it's probably worth it. We'll have fun!' Riley said, encouraging her friends to get ready.
She started turning around to go get ready, when Emily stopped her.

'Oh, Riley?' the girl asked. Riley turned around to face her. Maybe she truly wasn't all that bad. Maybe she'd be thankful for Riley helping her. Maybe they could become friends, or, at least, civil with each other. Riley was curious what Emily had to say. 'I forgot to tell you. This is merely a couples thing. Because it's couples' day today', she told Riley. 'And since you don't have... well... anyone... Um, this is awkward', Emily said, smoothing her hair. 'It's only meant for couples. And you are, you know, alone.' Riley raised her eyebrows in a did-you-seriously-just-say-that?  way. 'She's not ''alone''', Maya said. 'She has us.' 'Not in a romantic way, though', Emily shot back. Vanessa cleared her throat. 'Well, if Riley's not going, than I'm not, either.' 'Yeah, me neither!' Zay quickly added and he walked over to Riley. 'Yeah, I don't think we will be going either', Farkle said, pointing at himself and Smackle.

'No, you guys, it's fine. Go have fun!' Riley told them. 'I'll have the whole mansion, the whole pool to myself. Go ahead. I don't mind.' 'Why can't Riley just come with us?' Maya asked Emily, annoyed. 'I already explained that, remember?! It is couples' day!' 'Ugh, you just made that up. There is no such thing as couples' day!'

'Stop it already!' Riley practically shouted. 'I don't mind being on my own for the day. I like being alone. Having some peace and quiet...' 'Are you sure?' Vanessa asked. Riley nodded. 'One hundred percent.' Smackle looked at her sympathetically.

'Emily, can't we just let her join?' Lucas asked his girlfriend. 'I mean, what's the problem?' 'Ugh babe, I'm getting a really big headache from all of this. Just drop it. Riley said she's fine. Right?' she said, turning to Riley. It wasn't much of a question. The look in Emily's eyes told Riley she'd better agree with her. Riley nodded. 'I'm fine', she told the group again, trying to sound as confident as possible. 'That's settled then', Emily said. She looked at her watch again. 'Damn. Only two minutes left. Hurry up!'

Fifteen minutes later...

'Well... I have the whole mansion to myself. I'm all alone. What should I do first?' Riley asked herself out loud, tapping her chin. She was pacing around the living room. 'I have the whole mansion to myself', she then repeated. 'I'm all alone', she said, a sad look in her eyes.

'No, you're not', a voice then said. Riley turned around in surprise. 'Maya?' she asked as she saw her best friend descending the stairs. 'And Josh', a voice then said. 'Wha- What are you doing here?' Riley asked them. Even though she wanted her friends to have fun, she couldn't help but feel relieved that she wasn't alone. She might have told the others she didn't mind being by herself, but as it turned out, she did.

'You didn't think we were gonna leave you all by yourself, did you?' Maya asked and Riley smiled at her. 'I know you, Riles. And I know you don't want to be alone. You were just being nice. Unlike that witch Emily', Maya then added bitterly. 'Thank you guys so much for staying', Riley said, grateful. 'I'm sorry I kept you here.' 'You didn't keep us here', Josh told her. 'We wanted to stay.' Riley smiled at her uncle and pulled him in for a hug.

'Hey, how about some friends-and-family time, huh?' Josh asked the girls. He knew Riley well enough to know that Emily's comments had hurt her and he wanted to be there for his niece. 'That sounds amazing!' Riley said happily.

'Don't you mean ''ah-mazing''?' Maya said, impersonating Emily. Josh and Riley laughed. Josh walked over to Maya, still laughing, and pressed his lips against hers for about three seconds.

'You know', Riley joked, 'If you're planning on getting romantic and all, it might not be too late to join Emily on her ''couples' day''.' Maya and Josh both chuckled. 'I'm kidding', Riley said. 'I'm glad you're here.'

Hello everybody :D Thank you so much for your patience! I hope you liked this new chapter. Is Lucas finally starting to see Emily's true colors? Find out soon! Thank you all so much for reading and a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters! I wish you all an ah-mazing day ;)


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