Girl Meets Extraordinary Relationships

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Riley woke up with Maya's arm still around her. Careful not to wake her best friend up, she lifted the arm from her body and slowly got out of bed and slipped into the bathroom. After having brushed her teeth and combed her hair, she heard Maya stir in the bedroom. A little surprised that her friend might already be up, she left the bathroom to find Maya standing up from where she had been sleeping only a few minutes ago.

'Maya, what on earth happened to you? It's only seven thirty, shouldn't you be sleeping for, like, five more hours?' Riley asked. Maya shrugged. 'I'm hungry', she replied. 'Let's get you some food, then', Riley said. She followed her friend downstairs.

They were all alone in the kitchen since all of the others were still sound asleep. 'What do you want for breakfast?' Riley asked. 'Anything edible is fine', Maya answered, letting out a chuckle. 'I think I saw a bar of chocolate somewhere around here yesterday', the blonde added, glancing at the cupboard. 'Chocolate for breakfast? Really, Maya?' Riley asked, having found the candy bar. 'Why not?' she then said, sitting down next to her friend, who had plopped down on the couch in the living room.

'You know, Peaches, we haven't been with just the two of us in a little while. I like hanging out with you alone', Riley said, letting her head rest on Maya's shoulder. 'I agree. I mean, I love hanging out with the whole gang, and with Josh, but we should make a little more Ring Power-time', Maya replied. Riley nodded. 'Exactly. So, how have you been?' Maya burst out laughing, causing Riley to look at her confusedly. 'What's wrong?' she asked. When Maya had her laughing under control, she said, 'Nothing. It's just that you asked me how I was like we met for the second time ever, like we aren't together pretty much 24/7.' Riley giggled. 'Yeah, okay, you have a point there', the brown-eyed girl admitted, smiling. 'But seriously, how have you been? Have you grown accustomed to the fact that Shawn is now officially your father?'

'Well, it doesn't feel like anything has changed after the wedding', Maya told Riley truthfully. 'I mean, I have always seen Shawn like a father ever since he and my mother started dating and it started getting more serious. I'm glad they got married, though. Makes it even more real. Gives me some reassurance.' Riley smiled, nudging Maya. 'Not that you'd need any. They seem really in love', she said, which brought a grin to the blonde's face. 'They really do, don't they?' Maya always got happy at the mention of her mother and Shawn being in love. She loved seeing them happy, and she loved she now had a father-figure who was always there for her. Before Shawn had come into her life, she had always seen Cory as a sort of father. But as much as he loved her and helped her, Maya knew he could never be her real father. She was glad to have one now.

'Speaking of being truly, madly, deeply in love, how are you and Lucas? Still going strong?' Maya asked. A blush started spreading on Riley's cheeks. 'I guess so', she said, smiling to herself. 'Aw, look at you all cute and shy', Maya cooed. 'I'm just glad we are back together. It's like I am only now realizing just how much I missed the guy the past year', Riley admitted, more to herself than to the girl sitting next to her. 'I'm glad you're back on too', Maya told her. 'Seems normal, like the natural order has been restored.'

The girls were quiet for a while after that. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, though. Riley's head was still on Maya's shoulder, and they were content the way they were sitting there, just thinking and listening to one another's heartbeats.

'Hey, Maya?' Riley asked all of a sudden, breaking the silence. 'Yeah, Riles?' Maya answered. 'Could you wait here for just a second whilst I go upstairs? I need to, um, grab something real quick, okay?' Maya nodded, wondering why Riley was acting a little... mysterious? Secretive?

Not even a minute had passed when Riley returned. She seemed a little nervous. Maya wondered what for.

'Peaches', Riley started as she returned to the spot on her couch, 'I saw this in a local shop and it reminded me of us.' She didn't reveal the item she had in her hand yet.

'We've been friends for - Gosh, I don't even know for how long. The only thing I know is that I can't remember you ever not being by my side. And I can't see a past, present or future without you in it. You're my best friend, Maya. Always have been. Always will be. You're the one person I go to when I'm angry, or sad, or happy. The only person I share my food with', she said, stopping for a few seconds to let out a giggle.

'If you're lucky in this life, you get an extraordinary relationship. My mother and my father met each other very early and stayed together for the rest of our lives. Your mother and Shawn met one another later on, but I truly believe they are soulmates and won't ever leave each other. If there's one thing I know for sure in my life, it's that you are my extraordinary relationship, Maya.'

She know revealed two rings in her hand. They were silver, and had a little sun on them. 'We always say we'll say together through ''Thunder'' and ''Lightning''', Riley continued, 'but I want to share every moment with you for the rest of my life - not just the bad, but also the good ones.'

Maya smiled through the few tears that were streaming down her face. 'God, Riley, I love you so, so much. You know that, right?' she said as Riley put one of the two rings on her right index finger. Riley nodded and pulled Maya in for a hug.

'But just to be clear, though', Maya said jokingly, 'you don't have to share every moment you and your sheep-riding boyfriend have.' This earned her a light slap on the arm from Riley, who, even in the process, never released her hold on Maya.

Hi everyone :) I'm so happy I was able to update again this weekend. Even though the actual series has ended, I still wanted to add some elements from it to this story. That's why I used the extraordinary relationship part. Thank you all so much for reading. And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and to those who added this story to their reading list :) I wish you all a truly awesome morning/afternoon/evening/night!


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