Girl Meets Preparations

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The day of the dance was finally upon them. Whether that was a good thing or not... Well, let's just say everyone had their own opinion. There was Riley, who didn't feel like watching Lucas dance with that girl Emily, but tried to remain positive because she didn't want to ruin Charlie's evening. There was Maya, who had been looking forward tot he formal, but now didn't want to go. She was still upset with Josh for blowing off the date last minute. Others were genuinely excited to go. It was Farkle's first dance with Smackle and even though he had a nervous flutter in his stomach, he was still aching to go. And Zay, oh Zay, how he was excited fort he evening. He didn't really care for the party, but his girlfriend Vanessa would be flying over from Texas and he'd been looking forward tot hat ever since the day she left New York the last time. It hadn't been that long since he'd last seen her, but still, it felt long to a man who's in love and Skyping and texting her just wasn't the same. As for Lucas, no one really knew how he felt about the whole formal-thingy. He hadn't said much about it after that one time at Riley's.

Everyone was busy preparing themselves. Even though Maya didn't feel like going, she was still happy that she could wear her new beautiful dress again. The soft fabric wrapped itself around her like a hug. She took a deep breath before looking in the mirror and admiring herself. Her mother had curled her hair and Maya'd applied some make-up herself. Not to much, though. There were always some girls who looked like they robbed a whole make-up store. Maya shivered at the thought. Wasn't less more?

Riley was at home preparing herself too. She put on her black dress and twirled a few times. It was perfect. Unlike Maya, Riley had opted for straightened hair. Even though Riley hated herself for it, she couldn't help but wonder what Lucas would think when he saw her. She brushed back a strand of hair and told herself sternly to not think about it. He'd probably be too busy with Emily to even notice her. She heard someone knocking at her bedroom door. 'Come in!' Cory entered the room. 'You look beautiful', he told his daughter. 'I'd rather you stay here, far away from all the boys.' Riley wasn't sure if he was serious when he said the last thing for there was a big smile on his face. 'Thanks, Dad', she said, returning his smile. 'At what time will that Charlie-kid arrive?' Cory asked. 'Around eight, he said.'

And at exactly eight p.m., not a second too late, the doorbell rang. 'I didn't even know we had a doorbell', Topanga said. 'I'm so used to everyone just walking in.' Riley opened the door. 'Hi, Charlie', she said. 'Hi, Riley. You- You look amazing.' Riley gave him a small smile. 'Thanks. So do you.' After saying their goodbyes to Cory, Topanga and Auggie, Riley and Charlie left. They would meet up with the others at the dance. 'You ready?' Charlie asked her as he extended his hand. She hesitated a few moments before intertwining her fingers with his. 'Yeah', she said, taking a deep breath. 'Here we go.'

Hi everyone :) I know this chapter isn't long, but I'll try to update a new chapter as soon as I can(hopefully tomorrow, but I'm not sure). Thank you so much for your support! I wish you all a great day :)


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