Girl Meets a New York Luau

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The night of the party had come upon them, and Riley and Maya were busy dressing up in their shared bedroom.

'I'm just so excited!' Riley gushed as she slipped into her short, flowing dress in a shade of orange that most resembled the color of the setting sun, that hit right above her knees. She grabbed a pair of matching earrings and positioned herself in front of the mirror to put them on.

'Me too', Maya said. She was already in her pearly white dress, which was embroidered with small silver flowers. Every once in a while the light would hit the flowers and it would look like Maya was emitting light herself. Her hair was wavy, as opposed to Riley's straight brown locks, and cascaded over her shoulders.

She pursed her lips while putting on a light pink shade of lipstick, shoving Riley away from the mirror. 'This is our first luau ever. How do you feel?' Riley asked, holding her fist near her best friend's mouth to resemble an interviewer holding a microphone.

'I feel great', Maya replied, smiling. Her icy-blue eyes were sparkling even more than they usually did. 'My parents are gonna love this so much', she said, her grin widening slightly at the word ''parents''. God, how much she loved to be able to say that.

Riley nodded. 'For sure. This party's going to be amazing.' She had finally managed to successfully put on her earrings and was now working on the clasp of her bracelet.

'Here, let me help you', Maya said as she carefully put Riley's bracelet around the brunette's wrist. 'Thanks', Riley said gratefully. 'No biggie. We're gonna be doing this 'til we're eighty anyway', Maya replied. 'What? Partying in Hawaii?' Riley asked. 'We're going to be some badass grandmas then.' Maya let out a light chuckle. 'No, silly. I meant helping each other with these little things. But don't think I'll ever be wiping your butt', she added, eliciting a giggle from Riley.

'Sure. I'll remember never to ask you for such a thing.' Riley smoothed her dress with her hands and touched the golden-orange flower she had pinned in her hair. Maya was wearing a similar hairpin, but hers was in silver and white.

'Girls, you almost done?' Topanga called from downstairs. 'Yes, Mom!' Riley shouted back. 'We'll be there in one minute.' 'Okay, love', she heard her mother say.

Riley turned to Maya, and brushed a strand of blonde hair away from her friend's face. Maya smiled at her. 'You look beautiful', Maya told Riley, looking at her. 'So do you', Riley said warmly. After exchanging another smile, the girls linked arms and walked downstairs. The stairwell was rather narrow - a little too narrow to walk beside one another - but they managed.

Topanga and Katy were awaiting them downstairs, both clasping their hands together. 'Oh, don't you two look just lovely!' Topanga exclaimed. 'So beautiful', Katy chimed in, wiping a tear away with the back of her left hand.

'Mom, why are you crying?' Maya asked. 'You just... You two are such beautiful girls', Katy answered, putting her arms around the two best friends. 'Inside and out.' Topanga joined the semi-hug.

The two mothers had also dressed up for the occasion. Topanga had put on a red, long-sleeved dress, whereas Katy had opted for pink and cap-sleeved.

After having complimented their mothers on their looks, the four were finally ready to go. Shawn was already waiting for them in the car. The rest of the group was already at the secluded beach, setting up the last few things and ready to welcome the two guests of honor.

Katy squeezed her daughter's hand as they approached the vehicle. 'Thank you so much for doing this with your friends. It is absolutely incredible, she said to Maya. 'You don't even know what the surprise is yet', Maya said. 'How can you possibly know you like it?' Katy looked at her fondly. 'I just know. Anything you do is pretty incredible to me.' Maya blushed at the compliment and she squeezed her mother's hand back. 'Oh, and Mom?' she asked. Katy hummed as a sign that she was listening. 'They're not my friends', Maya said. Katy raised her eyebrows in confusion. 'They're my family', Maya finished. Her mother smiled warmly. She could not be more grateful for the big family she and her daughter had gotten over the years. 'Yes. Family', she said, nodding in approval, before opening the car's door to let her daughter get in the vehicle.

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