Girl Meets Dresses

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If you asked her to describe this very day a year ago, Maya would have called it 'the best day ever' as she and Riley were going to shop for dresses to wear to the dance and afterwards, she and Josh would have dinner together. That doesn't mean it wasn't a great day now, it just wasn't as special as she'd imagined. How was she supposed to enjoy her date with Josh when she was constantly plagued by the thought he didn't like her enough to see her as a real girlfriend. She tried not to spend too much time thinking about it when she was at Demolition with Riley. It was their favorite store and they just released a new collection of beautiful dresses. Riley was browsing through the racks of clothing. 'Have you found anything yet, Peaches?' she asked her friend. Riley wasn't exactly excited to go to the dance, but she did want to make a point of looking nice if she was going anyway. 'Hmm, not much', Maya said, checking out an emerald green dress with spaghetti straps. It was nice, sure, but it didn't say 'Maya'. 'Me neither', Riley admitted. 'But we'll find something.' Maya nodded. They hadn't been looking for that long and there were plenty of options left in the store. 'When is your date with Josh?' Riley asked her friend. 'Tonight.' 'Tonight?' 'Yeah, I told you so yesterday, remember?' 'Right', Riley said, feeling guilty for not recalling her friend had ever told her such thing. When she turned her attention back to the clothes, she suddenly saw it hanging on one of the racks: a beautiful short black dress with a flowing bottom and cap sleeves and some sparkles spread across the surface. She lifted the dress's hanger from the rack and held it up so Maya could see it as well. 'Wow', her friend said, 'it's beautiful. You should definitely try it on!' she exclaimed. Riley nodded enthusiastically. 'But first, we're going to find you a dress to try on too.' The girls didn't need to search much longer after that. Maya held up a dark blue strapless dress that would bring out her blue eyes. 'That's so your dress!' Riley exclaimed. Maya nodded, not believing she found the perfect dress to wear to the dance. Maya had never been the one to like dances a lot, but she had a newfound appreciation for them when she tried on the dress and looked at her reflection in the fitting room's mirror. She couldn't wait to wear it to the formal and was already trying to picture the look on Josh's face when he saw her in it. The fabric felt soft against her skin and she felt so comfy she didn't feel like ever taking it off. Maya didn't often think she looked pretty, but here she was, standing in front of the mirror, and barely recognizing herself. What a dress can do for a girl, she thought. Riley had put on her dress as well. She looked cute in it, the black dress suiting her perfectly. 'I don't think we need to look any longer', she stated. Maya shook her head. 'I think you're right.'

The girls purchased the dresses a few minutes later, and, relieved they found something to wear, left the store after chatting with Aubrey, Demolition's salesgirl, for a little bit. She assured the girls they looked amazing in their new clothes and told them about her recent holiday to New Zealand. Riley and Maya returned to their homes after that. Maya had only been back in her room for two minutes when her phone rang. 'Hi, Riles', she said as she picked up. She'd seen her friend's number on the display. 'Hi!' Riley greeted her. Maya had noticed how happy Riley had been that day. Maybe it was just a show and she was still sad on the inside, but if she was, she had done a great job at hiding it. And maybe her friend was somehow getting over Lucas now that he had found himself someone else. Maya wasn't sure. 'Are you ready for your date yet?' Even though Maya and Josh had been going out for almost a year, Riley still called her best friend to see if she was ready and do it in a teasing way. 'No', Maya said. 'I got home, like, two minutes ago.' She laughed a little when she said it. 'Oh. Well, I'll let you prepare then', Riley said. 'Sure', Maya replied. 'Have fun on your date!' 'Will do. Thanks, Riles.' 'Bye Peaches.' 'Bye Riles.' The conversation ended and Maya was still laughing. She found it funny her friend had called her immediately, but also appreciated her friend caring so much about her.

Maya still hadn't picked an outfit for her date half an hour later. She usually didn't care about clothes that much, but tonight, she wanted to look perfect. She wanted to wear the new dress, but she knew she couldn't for she had planned on wearing it at the dance. After a few more minutes of debating with herself, she settled for a white top and a black skirt. She combed her hair and put on the slightest bit of make-up. It had taken her a while to create a look she was happy with, but it had been worth it. Or so she'd thought. Josh was supposed to pick her up at seven, but it was already ten minutes past and she was starting to worry. Would he even show up? The answer came ten minutes later.

Josh: I can't come. Lots of stuff at college. I'm really sorry. Can we set another date?

Maya looked at the text she'd just received. Her heart sunk as she read his words. She typed a response.

Maya: Sure. I'll see you soon. Good luck.

She took a deep breath before taking off the dress and putting on sweatpants and a hoodie. She went to the bathroom and splashed cold water in her face and rubbed the make-up off. The next thing she did was dialing Riley's number.

M: 'Riles, it's me. Can I come over?'

R: 'Hey, Peaches! Sure you can. But...aren't you supposed to be on your date with Josh?'

M: 'I'll explain later.'

R: 'You know what? I'll come to you instead. Stay right where you are. I'll be right there and I'll bring us some dinner.'

Maya let her phone drop on her bed and then fell down on top of her mattress as well.

Hi everybody :) I hope you liked this new chapter! Thank you so much for reading it. And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters, I really appreciate it :D I wish you all a great day!


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