Girl Meets the Holiday Surprise

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Everyone had to wake up early, because they couldn't afford to be late for their 5 a.m. flight. 'I'm so excited!' Riley exclaimed, throwing the blankets off her and Maya, who had spent the night at the Matthews' home, when the alarm clock rang. The sleep-deprived Maya groaned and pushed her friend out of the bed. Riley scrambled to her knees, stood up, and smoothed her pajamas. 'Rise and shine, Peaches', she said, tugging at Maya's arm. Her friend remained where she was. 'Gwo bwack to schweem', she mumbled, trying to say. 'I'm not going back to sleep!' Riley announced. 'It's two a.m., Maya, you have to get up', she told her friend. Reluctantly, Maya sat straight. 'Why did we even bother to go to sleep?' she asked herself. The three hours of sleep had done pretty much nothing for her, if not made her even more tired. 'You can sleep on the plane', Riley said. Even though they wouldn't be in the plane for three more hours, the thought made Maya get up. She walked over to the bay window and let herself fall onto the soft cushions. Riley sat down next to her. 'Hey, only eight more days until the wedding', she said to Maya, who looked up, her eyes blinking. 'The wedding... Right... The wedding. Whose wedding?' she asked confused. She clearly was still in sleeping mode. Riley chuckled. 'Your mother and Shawn's wedding, you silly!' She nudged Maya, who was still half asleep. 'My mom's and...' Her blue eyes suddenly became wide and Riley could see a sparkle appearing in them. Maya jumped up from the bay window. 'I'm getting a dad!' she exclaimed, a smile spreading on her face. Riley jumped up too. 'Yeah, you are!' 'Why didn't you wake me earlier?' Riley rolled her eyes and laughed.
Maya rushed to the kitchen. 'My mom is getting married!' she exclaimed and she hugged Topanga, who was busy preparing breakfast. Riley's mom flashed her a broad smile. 'I know. Isn't it great?' Cory entered the kitchen. Maya immediately turned to him and put her arms around him as well. The minute Riley entered the room as well, she felt her friends' arms embracing her. It was a side of Maya that didn't come out often, but when it did, Riley loved it.

The others were already at the airport when the Matthews' family and Maya arrived. Her mother and Shawn had spent the evening planning the last wedding details, and they looked tired. Tired, but happy nonetheless. Josh immediately went over to Maya to greet her when he saw her. 'Hi', he said. 'Hi', Maya locked eyes with him for a millisecond, but looked down at the ground straightaway. 'I've barely slept. Please don't look at me, I look awful', she said. He lifted her chin with one finger so he could look her in the eyes when he said, 'Maya, you always look beautiful to me.' A strand of blond hair fell in front of her face, and Josh brushed it away with his hand, gently placing it behind her ear. 'Thanks', Maya said, offering him a small smile. She stood on the tip of her toes and pressed her lips softly against his. The kiss didn't last long though, as the couple was interrupted by Shawn's loud coughing. 'You're not my dad yet', Maya teased him, kissing Josh again. Shawn looked at Katy, desperate for some backup. 'She's not a little girl anymore, she can do what she wants.' Even though Shawn hadn't known Maya since she was born, it felt like he'd been around forever. When Maya and Josh broke the kiss because Shawn started coughing again, they laughed at Maya's soon-to-be-dad's shocked face. 'Now you know how I feel when my dad intervenes!' Riley said to her best friend. Cory intensely studied his fingernails. 'I have no idea what you're talking about.'

Riley smiled to herself. She remembered all the times her father had come in between when she was talking, or even looking at Lucas. Lucas... She looked around for him. He was standing with Zay, Farkle and Smackle, and...

'Emily?' Riley asked, her jaw dropping. The girl smiled at Riley with faked sweetness. 'Oh hi, Riles!' she exclaimed, overly enthusiastically. 'It's so good to see you, darling!' 'I don't like her', Topanga whispered in Cory's ear, not taking her eyes off the girl. Emily opened her arms and pulled Riley in for a hug. When she was sure no one would notice, she whispered, 'Come near Lucas and I'll destroy you.' She took a step back and flashed Riley a big, toothy smile. Riley returned her fake smile and pulled the girl in for another hug. She made sure to add extra pressure and Emily gasped for air. 'So good to see you too, darling', Riley replied. When she let the girl go, she smoothed her hair. 'So, Emily, are you gonna tell me what you're doing here, or not?' Riley asked the girl, carefully trying to remain talking in a sweet tone. 'Of course, sweetie.' Even the boys were catching up on the faked niceness of both girls. Zay made a face. 'Boy, this is not how a friendly conversation is meant to go, is it?' 'My parents were looking for a holiday destination, but couldn't find anything they liked, so I suggested we come to Hawaii.' 'Great', Riley slowly said, pronouncing it more like guh-reat. 'God, I really wish I had popcorn right now', Zay's said, his eyes never looking away from the girls. Emily smiled again. Riley returned it, not wanting to be the first one to drop the whole we're-such-great-friends act. She had been looking forward to the holiday, even though it meant she'd be with Lucas, who, she suddenly realized, had decided to go. But now, things had gotten a whole lot worse. And she was determined to not let Emily get under her skin and ruin these special weeks for her. 'Bring it on', she muttered under her breath. 'What did you just say?' Emily said. 'Nothing. Just that I'm very, very, very glad you're here to celebrate these special times with us', putting more and more emphasis on each time she said the word 'very'. 'If you would excuse me, honey, I'm going to talk to my friends.' Riley walked away from the girl to greet Zay, Farkle and Smackle, who'd witnessed the entire spectacle. They didn't say anything about it, though, and just started talking about the holiday and how excited they were about it. 'I can't wait to show you Hawaii', Farkle told Smackle. He smiled at her. Riley was glad someone was still looking forward to the holiday, because for her, things seemed a lot less colourful.

Hi everybody :) Thank you so much for reading this new chapter, I hope you all liked it! I've already planned a -hopefully- great story line for Emily :D Thanks to those who have voted on previous chapters, I truly appreciate your support! And I wish you all an awesome day!


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