Girl Meets Hot Stuff

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'Hello, stranger. Haven't seen you in a while', Smackle greeted her boyfriend as she sat down on the couch Farkle was also sitting on. 'It's been...' Farkle stopped to glance at his watch. '... about fourteen minutes since you last saw me', he stated. Smackle rolled her eyes. 'I missed you anyway', she said, earning a smile from the boy. 'Aw, I missed you too', Farkle replied. He put his arm around Smackle's shoulder and pulled the girl a little closer to him.

'So', he said, 'what do you feel like doing?' Their time on Hawaii was limited and the two wanted to make the most of their visit. However, this time, Smackle answered with, 'Can we just sit here for a while?' Farkle nodded. 'Sure, we can do that.' Smackle smiled. She had never been that big of a fan of adventures anyway, and even though she did want to explore the island a little further, for now she just wanted to stay like this with Farkle - cosied up on the couch, her boyfriend's around her. She wouldn't mind staying like that for the rest of her life.

As soon as she realized that, she found she was quite surprised at herself for thinking so. Although she had made a lot of progress with becoming more comfortable with being affectionate towards others, she still shocked herself sometimes.

'Can I tell you a story?' Farkle asked, snapping Smackle out of her thoughts. 'Yeah, that'd be nice', she replied with a grin plastered on her face. She has always loved her boyfriend's stories.

'About six years ago, I visited Einstein Academy. I was eleven at the time and was thinking about transferring there. Even though I usually was a pretty confident boy, I was quite nervous that day. At my school, I always was the most intelligent child, even as young as I was. At Einstein Academy, however, I had no assurance I would still be at the top.

'As I entered the school's building I was shivering and shaking. What if no one would like me there?' 'Impossible', Smackle intervened. Farkle smiled at her. 'Thank you, love', he said, before continuing the story. 'So, I entered one of the classrooms, and sat down in one of the seats. I looked around me, recognizing no one, which is, I guess, logical. A few minutes later, the teacher started the lesson. At first, I was able to understand everything he said. Most things I already knew. But then, he started getting into topography, a subject which was yet to be covered at my school. He started asking all these questions about capitals of various countries. And I sat there, hoping he wouldn't ask me anything. Because, cut me some slack, I was ten years old! Which ten-year-old knows stuff like that? Okay, well, everyone at Einsteins's, apparently. My biggest nightmare then came true. The teacher turned to me and asked me what the capital of Burkina Faso was. I know it might sound ridiculous, but I was already so intimidated by everyone in the classroom. I needed to not embarrass myself by being the least smart person there. But I didn't know the answer. I was desperately trying to think of anything to say, but nothing came out. Then this girl, who was seated next to me, raised her hand. Without waiting for her teacher to acknowledge her action, she said, 'Ouagadougou', answering the question for me. I still don't know whether she had sensed my discomfort, or simply just wanted to show everyone she did possess that knowledge, but that girl saved me that day. My confidence wasn't shattered that hour, like I expected it to. Instead, I look back at that day as being great, even if I didn't decide on transferring to Einstein's. I enjoyed myself so much that day. All thanks to that girl', he finished the story.

Smackle furrowed her brow. 'It sounds familiar', she said. 'That's because that girl was you, Smackle', Farkle told her. 'You saved me that day. And I'm very grateful for that. Most people probably wouldn't understand how much I needed to make the best of my visit to the Academy, but it meant the world to me.' A huge smile appeared on Smackle's face. 'I remember it now. I also remember thinking you were a very cute boy', she confessed, blushing. 'I thought I'd never see you again', she said. 'Six years later and you're sitting here with me, in my arms', Farkle said. Smackle looked at the ground, still smiling. 'I got very lucky', she said. Farkle smiled at her, and pressed a kiss to her temple. 'Me too, Isadora, me too.'

A few minutes later, their moment was interrupted by music being played in the next room.

Cory hit the 'Play' button on his iPod, causing music to blast through the kitchen, where he and Topanga were. 'We recently talked about all of her old memories', he shouted over the music. Topanga recognized the song as 'Hot Stuff' by Donna Summer. 'Remember when the boys and I danced to this?' he asked. Topanga burst out laughing, recalling the beautifully idiotic performance from when they were younger. Apparently, Cory had not forgotten the dance moves, as he was knowing taking over the kitchen with his dancing, causing Topanga to laugh even harder. When the song was finished, she was clutching her stomach, having gotten an ache from all the laughing.

'That. Was. Amazing. Truly', she told Cory, who was trying to catch his breath. 'Although, I must admit: no one pulled that dance off like Feeny.' A smirk appeared on Cory's face. 'I know. I can only aspire to be as good of a dancer as he is', he said. Topanga then pulled her husband in for a hug. 'You still were pretty great, though', she told Cory. 'Pretty great?' he asked. 'Woman, I was on fire!' he protested. Topanga chuckled. 'Yes. Yes you were. I hope you didn't sprain anything.' Cory raised an eyebrow as he pulled back from the hug. 'Are you suggesting that I'm more easily hurt because I'm a little older now?' Topanga rolled her eyes as she pulled him back close to her. 'Shut up, and hug me you idiot.'

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked this fluffy chapter! Thank you all so much for reading. And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters, and to those who added this story to their reading list, it truly means a lot to me. I wish you all an awesome day!


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