Girl Meets Epilogue

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10 years later...

Riley sat down on one of the white plastic chairs, her bare feet brushing the sand as she swung her legs back and forth while humming some song that had been in her head all day. Her hair blew in the soft breeze that was the only thing providing her with some coldness in the summer heat. She looked at the sand as she drew a circle in it with her big toe.

Riley looked up when she felt someone sat down on her left, and smiled when she saw it was a blond-haired boy with sparkling blue eyes. 'Hi, Lucas', she greeted him. Lucas slung his arm around her. 'Hi, love', he replied, before softly pressing a kiss to Riley's left temple.

It sometimes amazed Riley how, after all this time, they were still together. But, on the other hand, it didn't surprise her at all. Whenever she talked to Texan boy, she couldn't help but feel this... this something in her stomach. It's hard to explain what it is exactly. It is kind of like when you've had a long, hard day at work or school, and then you come home, and all stress just flows away and you're the most comfortable you've been all day. That's what being with Lucas is to Riley. Home.

After they had returned from Hawaii, both had been afraid things might not work with the two of them, just like the last time. They had done everything in their power to not pressure themselves too much, and to just enjoy being together. And it paid off.

After graduating from high school, they went to college together. Now, they share an apartment in New York, not too far from both of their workplaces, and from the Matthews' residence. They have a small kitten with black-and-white fur and bright blue eyes. Riley'd insisted they call her Plum, because of her eyes, which reminded Riley of Maya. She had initially wanted to name the kitten Peaches, but decided on another fruit since she thought Peaches was for Maya alone.

Riley had also wanted to give the kitten purple fur, but Lucas managed to talk her out of that idea. The three of them had lived together for about three months now.

The past few months, Riley and Lucas had been talking a lot about their future, and Riley was sure her boyfriend of ten years was going to pop the big question soon. And when he would do so, she had no doubt about what her answer should be. No, of course!

Just kidding. Riley couldn't wait for them to get married, and to have lots of babies together. She'd always wanted a big family.

Lucas pulled her closer to him, close enough for her to nuzzle her face in his neck and to smell his cologne. 'You look beautiful', Lucas whispered in Riley's ear, earning a smile from his girlfriend. She smoothed the soft fabric of her dress, and Lucas continued, 'Then again, you always do.' Riley blushed as she said, 'You don't look too bad yourself.'

At that moment, Farkle and Smackle sat down next to them. 'Aloha!' Smackle greeted them cheerfully. In those ten years, Smackle had gone through some big changes. She was now way more open, and less afraid to speak to friends. Most of all, she'd grown to love acting affectionate towards people. Riley couldn't be more proud of her friend.

'Hello, ladies and gentlemen', Farkle said to Riley and Lucas. 'Um, Farkle, it's just us', Riley told him, giggling. 'Don't care', Farkle answered. 'I love to make an entrance.' He stood up from his chair and bowed, only to sit back down afterwards.

'I've missed you guys so much', Riley told the couple, and Lucas nodded in agreement. 'Yeah, it's been way too long', he added. 'It's been, like, two days', Farkle said dryly. 'That's two days too many, bro', Lucas protested, before giving Farkle a big hug.

'Sometimes, I think Lucas and Farkle are the ones getting married today', Smackle said, shaking her head. "Tell me about it", Riley replied with a playful roll of her eyes.

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