Boy Meets Girl

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- During couples' day -

A boy with brown hair and hazel eyes stood on the rickety stairs that led to the beach. He looked at a group of what seemed to be a group of friends laughing and walking alongside the ocean. He sighed. There weren't many people his age on the island, and the friendships he made during the holidays with tourists always lasted about two weeks. People constantly came to and then left the island, but he had been there for his entire life. He took a deep breath and walked over to the group that had now settled down on the soft white sand, figuring he could make a few friends.

Before he reached the group though, a girl stood up and started walking in his direction. The boy saw she had light brown, wavy hair and hazel eyes, just like his. His heart started racing. He thought she looked really pretty. She was now very near. 'Hi', he said to her when she passed him. The girl turned around, smoothing her hair. 'Hi', she said. 'I'm sorry, I gotta go. My friends and I will soon be leaving for this hot air balloon flight I planned and I really, really need to use the restroom', she told the boy, pointing towards the bathrooms that were about 500 feet ahead. She mentally scolded herself for talking to a stranger about her having to pee. 'Mind if I join you?' the boy asked. 'What?' 'I mean, walk with you to the bathroom. Not join you in the restroom', he quickly explained. He felt his cheeks burning. The girl looked at her friends and then at the boy. 'Um, sure', she replied.

'So, a hot air balloon ride? You're quite the adventurer, then', the boy said. The girl nodded. 'I like to think so. But it's not really that adventurous. I can't wait to go zip-lining and diving', she said, clearly excited thinking about all the activities she wanted to do. 'What's your name?' the girl then asked. 'I'm Evan', the hazel-eyed boy told her. 'I'm Emily', Emily replied. 'Are you on a holiday here?' she asked Evan. 'No, this place, well, it's my home.' Emily's jaw dropped. 'Are you kidding?' Evan shook his head 'no'. 'That's so cool!' Emily exclaimed. 'You're so lucky', she told him. 'Living here seems like a dream.' Evan shook his head again. 'I get it seems like that. But it's not all that. It can get kinda lonely', he said. Emily nodded. 'I get that.' 'Well, here's your stop', Evan told her when they reached the restrooms. 'Oh, I hadn't even noticed we're here yet', Emily said, laughing. 'Well, um, thanks for walking me', she added a little awkwardly, before disappearing into the small building.

When Emily returned from the restrooms, she found Evan waiting for her. 'You waited?' she asked with a trace of a smile on her face. He shrugged. 'I figured I told you about me living here in Kauai, but what about you? Are you on a vacation here?' 'Yep', Emily said. 'I'm here with my friends... Well, actually I'm here with my boyfriend and his friends. They don't seem to like me that much.' Evan's heart sunk a little when he heard her say the word 'boyfriend'. 'Ah, that's, um, a shame. I know I just met you and you're probably thinking What does this guy even know?, but I think they're crazy for not liking you.' Emily gave him a grateful smile and couldn't help but blush a little bit. She noticed he was kind of cute.

'Thanks, Evan. I really appreciate you saying that.' They were walking towards the rest of the group again. 'Hey, why don't you come and meet my friends?' she then asked him, recalling how he'd said living on the island could get kind of lonely. 'Oh, no, it's fine', he replied. 'Besides, you have that hot air balloon ride to get on.' 'Oh. Yeah, right. The hot air balloon ride. I completely forgot for a moment', Emily admitted. Evan chuckled. 'Well, I should get to Lucas then', Emily said. 'Lucas?' Evan asked. 'My boyfriend', Emily explained to him. 'Oh.' The brown-haired boy looked towards the group of friends sitting on the beach and looked at one person in particular: a tall boy with dark blonde hair and green eyes. 'Lucas Friar', Evan said. Emily's eyes widened. 'Wait. You know him?' 'Yes. But I thought he was dating... Never mind', he quickly said, before maybe hurting Emily. 'Well, have fun on your hot air balloon ride!' he said.

'Wait a sec', Emily said. 'Will I see you again? I mean, um, you seem really nice. Are you sure you don't want to meet the rest of the group?' 'Nah, I'm good. But thanks for offering. Maybe some other day. I'm at this beach most of the time', Evan told her. 'Okay. Well, I guess I'll see you around, then', Emily replied with a smile that was returned by Evan. 'Sounds great', he told her, before walking off with a huge smile plastered on his face. He felt like dancing and did a weird jumping kind of move.

'What was that?' He turned around to see Emily a few feet away, looking directly at him and laughing. She gripped her stomach thinking back at the image of Evan jumping. 'That, um, a Hawaiian thing. You New Yorkers wouldn't know it.' 'Hey, how did you-?' Emily started to ask, but she stopped herself. He knew she was from New York because he knew Lucas was. 'Well then, enjoy your Hawaiian jump-dance-thingy', she said smiling, before turning away and walking over to her friends. And as he looked at the girl, Evan's heart did a Hawaiian jump-dance-thingy of its own.

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked this chapter! I'm shipping Evan and Emily soooo hard right now. Thank you all so much for reading. And I want to give a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters, I really appreciate it a lot :D I wish you all an amazing day!


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