Girl Meets New Year's Eve

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A/n: This is a GMW one-shot. It isn't part of the book or the characters' story line, but I wanted to write it as a NYE present. I hope you all enjoy it :)

'Everyone here?' Topanga asked, looking around the room. She'd invited some people over for New Year's Eve. On her left, she saw her parents-in-law, Josh, Farkle and Lucas. On her right were Riley, Auggie, Ava, Maya, Shawn, Katy and Smackle. They had also invited Zay and Vanessa but they were celebrating the holidays in Texas. Her husband was nowhere to be seen. 'Where's Cory?' Topanga wondered out loud.

'I'm here!' Cory called out from another room. 'Just... a... second.' A loud BANG! could be heard, and Topanga frowned. 'Cory, you alright?' she asked. 'Fine. Fine. Be there in a minute', Cory answered. 'But I thought he said he would be here in a second?' Auggie said, pouting. Topanga patted his head gently. 'What if he misses the countdown?' her son asked, clearly worried. 'It's only ten, love. There are still two more hours to countdown', she reassured him. 'Oh. Okay then.' Auggie sat down on the couch and Ava followed him.

Cory emerged from the another room, panting. 'Sorry, had to take care of something.' Shawn clapped him on the back. 'Well, I'm glad you're here now', he told his best friend. 'Aw, see guys? Shawn loves me', Cory said with a big smile on his face, looking around triumphantly. 'Yes, I do. Now go get me a beer', Shawn commanded him. Cory raised an eyebrow, but walked to the fridge nevertheless. 'What am I?' he asked. 'Cinderella?' 'At least Cinderella had a pretty dress', Shawn said. 'I am utterly hurt', Cory announced, clasping his hand over his heart. 'Topanga, borrow me one of your dresses!' Topanga looked at her husband in that are you kidding me? way. 'Do you want me to be like Cinderella or not?' Cory asked her impatiently. 'No, you moron!' Topanga exclaimed. Cory sat down on the couch next to Auggie and Ava, moping.

Lucas crouched on the floor next to where Cory was sitting, and placed a hand on the man's shoulder. 'Shall I tell you a funny story to cheer you up?' he suggested, offering him a genuine smile. 'No', Cory mumbled. 'C'mon, Dad. Do you really want to be rude to Lucas in the last few hours of 2017?' Riley asked her father. 'I can answer that for you', Maya said with a huge smirk on her face. 'Don't', Riley told her. 'Riley, my dear daughter, my cinnamon apple, you suggested one of my resolutions be ''be nicer to Lucas''. At least give me two more hours of mad-dogging you two and being rude to him.' Riley shrugged and turned to her boyfriend. 'Can't say I didn't try.'

The group spent the last two hours before midnight playing both board- and Wii-games, eating, and chatting away. When there were only twenty more minutes left until countdown, Cory announced he had somewhere to be. 'I need to take care of one more thing. You all go up to the roof and I'll be there in a few, okay?' Auggie walked up to his father. 'A few? Minutes or seconds?' 'Minutes, Auggie. But I'll be back before midnight, okay? This is just really important and I have to go now if I don't want to be late.' Auggie pouted, but let his father leave.

Topanga gave her husband a strange look. She didn't understand why he was so distant the entire night? Had she done something wrong perhaps? Cory's absence bothered her a lot. Sure, she made fun of him at times and, yes, they argued, but she wanted him with her at midnight. Distressed, she followed the others up to the roof, where everyone divided into little groups.

Auggie and Ava were perched on the bench, already asleep on each other's shoulders. They had never managed to stay awake until midnight.

Near the roof's edge were Riley and Lucas, Maya and Josh, and Smackle and Farkle. Katy and Shawn were a little off to the left. Katy waved Topanga over as their gazes met. Topanga gestured that she'd be waiting for her husband's arrival. She checked her watch: five more minutes until countdown. She rubbed her arms with her hands, trying to stay warm in the December cold. 'He better be here soon', she whispered to herself, shivering in her thin coat that was failing to keep her warm. Normally, Cory would put his arms around her to keep her warm, but where was he now?

She checked her watch again. 23:58. 'Shit', Topanga muttered under her breath. She took note of how all the couples were now looking at each other lovingly, ready to kiss each other when the clock struck midnight, and tears stung in her eyes. Had Cory really bailed on her? Had something come up? She forced herself to have faith in her husband, but as there were only thirty seconds left until countdown, her stomach dropped.

'Ten!' she now heard people shouting. 'Come on, Cory', she said, the desperation clear in her voice.

'Nine!' Topanga took in a deep breath, trying not to panic.

To her, this was a big deal. Every year they kissed each other at midnight. It had become a tradition to them. If Cory wasn't there in a few seconds, it would be an awful prediction for the upcoming year.

'Five!' Topanga really wanted to politely ask everyone to shut up, for they were all stressing her out even further.

'Four!' Well, it wasn't like he would be coming now, right? It was too late.

'Three!' Prepare yourself for a lonely start of 2018, Topanga, she told herself.

Footsteps and rushed breaths neared her, but she didn't notice anything.

'Told you I'd be here, didn't I?' was the last thing Topanga heard, before everyone shouted 'One!' and she felt someone's lips on hers. When she pulled back and opened her eyes, she was shocked to meet Cory's gaze.

'Don't you dare pull that prank on me again, you bastard!' Topanga exclaimed, but cheers everywhere overruled the sound of her voice. 'Shh', Cory whispered in her ear. He pointed at the sky, motioning for her to look upwards.

She did and her eyes widened at the colorful sight above her. A loud bang, and then suddenly, a word appeared in the night sky. No, rather a name. TOPANGA, was spelled in green fire. Another bang. WILL YOU MARRY ME?

'W- what?' she said, stuttering as she tried to process what was happening in the sky above her. 'I know we're already married, but I recently read something about couples who renew their vows as sign of their undying love for each other and I really want to do that with you. I love you, Topanga. I want to renew my vows if you want to do that too', Cory told her. When Topanga remained silent for a while, he added, 'Um, I know it's cheesy. And I know that the Will you marry me? is incorrect, since we're already married, but they didn't have WILL YOU RENEW YOUR VOWS WITH ME? fireworks.'

'And they did have Topanga?' Topanga blurted out. Cory blushed. 'No, I had that specially made for tonight. That's why I was a little late. I'm sorry for that, by the way. I wanted to do this because you're always saying I'm not romantic enough and such, and then I almost end up missing our New Year's Eve's kiss. I'm a screw-up', he said, looking at the ground with sadness in his eyes.

Topanga lifted his chin with her right hand. 'Look at me', she said softly. 'You're not a screw-up. I- I can't believe you did all of this. I love you so much, Cory. And of course I want to renew our vows. You had me at the ''undying love'' part', she said with a smile. Tears were in her eyes again, but this time they were of happiness. 'Really?' he asked. 'Of course, silly', she said, nudging him. Happy tears were now rolling down both of their faces, and the others -except for Auggie and Ava who were, of course, still sleeping - surrounded them.

'So', Cory began. 'To make it more official. Will you marry me again, Topanga?' Topanga nodded happily, and Cory took her hand and gently kissed it. The group burst into cheers and applause and the couple was tackled in a massive group hug. There was never a better way to start the new year, Topanga thought to herself.

Hi everyone :) I hope you all liked this chapter. I was originally planning on making it a Rucas/Joshaya/Smarkle one, but I figured, why not go with the original couple? So here it is, a NYE Corpanga chapter. I wish every single one of you an amazing New Year's Eve and a great 2018! I wish you all the best for the new year <3

And as always, thank you so much for reading and thank you in general for your amazing support the past year!


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