Girl Meets Eli

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'Boy, I screwed up, didn't I?' Zay whisper-asked Lucas after Vanessa had left the room. Lucas raised his eyebrows in a Do you seriously still have to ask me? kind of way. Zay looked down. 'I lost the best thing that has ever happened to me', he said, more to himself than to his best friend. 'Then tell her that', Lucas told him. 'The part about her being the best thing that has ever happened to you, I mean. Not the 'lost' part.' Zay shook his head. 'I can't go back to her now. I hurt her really bad.' Lucas sighed. 'Then you should apologize for what you did and said.' 'She probably doesn't even want to see me right now', Zay replied. Lucas frowned as he said, 'Then why did she just tell you all of that?' 'I can't just go up to her', Zay answered. Lucas shook his head as he started walking to the door. 'Funny', he said before leaving the room, 'I never thought my best friend would be so much of a coward.'

As Zay watched his best friend walk out of the room, he felt tears sting in his eyes. 'Then what am I supposed to do?!' Zay said to no one in particular.

Vanessa let tears roll down her flushed cheek as she sat down in one of the poolside chairs in the yard. She was mad at herself for going up to Zay and telling him about what happened that night. Vanessa wanted to be alone, yet she also wanted to tell someone about everything that had happened in the past twenty-four hours. She didn't want to interrupt Riley and Lucas or Maya and Josh, knowing they were probably spending time together. She flinched at the thought of the couples. Less than a day ago, Zay and her were still together... She immediately pushed the thought of Zay out of her head. Who could she confide in? She instantly thought of Smackle, but dismissed the idea. She loved her best friend to death, but she wasn't sure whether Smackle could give her the best advice on what to do. Who else was left? Normally, she would just talk to Zay. Not that that was a possibility right now...

Vanessa sighed and was about to give up, when she thought of someone. She took her phone out of the pocket of her jacket and quickly dried her tears before dialing a number. 'Hey Emily', she said as the girl picked up her phone. 'C- could I maybe talk to you about... something?' Vanessa asked. Emily told her she was currently at the beach with Evan and a friend of his, and said Vanessa could join them. 'Sure. I'll be there in thirty', Vanessa replied. With slight reluctance, since her last visit to the beach wasn't really a great one, she went back into the mansion to put on her bikini and a sun dress, before leaving to join Emily, and Evan and his friend. She looked at Zay's bedroom once, to which the door was closed, then turned away, the sad look not leaving her face until she finally arrived at the beach.

'Hey Vee!' Emily greeted Vanessa cheerfully as she spotted her friend. Her enthusiasm quickly faded when she noticed the sad look in the dark-skinned girl's eyes. 'Um, so, you know Evan', Emily said to Vanessa, pointing at the brown-haired boy next to her. 'Hi Vanessa', Evan said. 'Hey', Vanessa replied. 'And this is Eli', Emily said, introducing Evan's friend. Vanessa studied the boy as they shook hands. He had messy, dirty-blonde hair, and big, brown eyes. She noted how his eyes were beautiful, yet not as warm as Zay's. She involuntarily noticed how he was well-built. The boy, Eli, gave her a big, toothy smile as they let go of each other's hands. 'Well', he said, 'it's definitely great to meet you', Eli told Vanessa, as he looked up and down and studied her. His eyes then fixed on hers and remained there for longer than Vanessa was comfortable with. 'Um, yeah, you too', she said, looking down shyly. 'You're cute', Eli told her. Emily shot him a warning glance as she spoke up. 'She's not available, Eli. Cut it out.' Eli didn't look at the girl. He kept his eyes on Vanessa instead. 'So, you have a boyfriend?' he asked. Vanessa's throat immediately went dry. It was as if every drop of liquid had left her body because she had been crying for so long. 'N- no', she practically whispered. 'What did you say?' Eli asked her as a smirk started spreading on his face. 'I- I don't have a boyfriend. N- not anymore, at least', she said, barely able to let the words escape her mouth.

Eli put an arm around Vanessa's shoulder. 'Glad to hear', he told her. He ignored the glares Emily was shooting him.

Hi everyone :) I know this was a short chapter, but I will be updating again this weekend! I hope you liked it nonetheless. Thank you all so much for reading. And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and to those who added this story to their reading list, I appreciate it a lot! I wish you all an amazing day :)


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