Girl Meets Stars

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The next day, Topanga had decided to spend the entire day preparing for a big meal for the whole group. They would be celebrating Katy and Shawn's one week anniversary. She spent most of the day in the kitchen, cooking, chatting with whoever entered the room, and often being annoyed by Cory. He always tried to steal a little bit of food since he was too impatient to wait until the evening had arrived.

'Just a little bite', he was now pleading. 'No', Topanga told him, nudging him away from the stove. 'Get out. I need to finish it before everyone gets here.' 'But-' Cory tried once more. He cut himself off when he saw his wife glaring at him. 'Okay. Just know that I'll be back', he said. Topanga raised an eyebrow. 'Then you should know that I'll be watching you. No one touches the food before dinner. I've spent hours on it already.' Cory narrowed his eyes. 'We'll see, Topanga. We'll see', he told her as he started backing out of the kitchen. In the process, he bumped into the wall. 'Maybe you should try and see where you're going instead', Topanga said, chuckling to herself. Cory grumbled as he left the kitchen.

Not long after he had left, someone else entered the room. 'Hey, Emily', Topanga greeted the girl who had just came in. 'Hi, Mrs. Matthews. I'm just grabbing something to drink, sorry if I interrupted you.' 'No, no, you're fine', Topanga replied as she stirred in one of the pots. 'So', she then said, 'who was that boy you were talking to at the wedding?' Emily looked up in surprise. 'Er... I- I don't k- know who...' she stuttered. 'Oh, come on, is he someone special?' Topanga asked, her eyes twinkling with joy. 'His name is Evan', Emily answered with a blush on her face, after regaining her composure. She nervously tugged at a strand of her hair. 'I met him a little while ago.' Topanga nodded. 'He seems nice. I have not met him, but you two seemed to get along at the wedding pretty well.' Emily nodded, not really knowing how to respond. They did get along well - really well, actually. And Emily loved having made a new friend. If she could only see him a merely a friend...

'How about you give him a call and invite him for dinner tonight? I am sure Shawn and Katy won't mind one bit if you bring your boyfriend. The more the merrier, am I right?' Topanga suggested, smiling. 'He's not my boyfriend', Emily quickly said, her cheeks turning into a darker shade of red. 'We're just friends.' 'Ah, I see', Topanga said, a knowing look on her face. 'Well, than why don't you invite your friend to dinner?' 'O- okay', Emily said. She quickly grabbed her drink and was already halfway out of the kitchen when she turned back around and asked, 'Mrs. Matthews, do you need any help with dinner or anything?' 'No, that's fine, dear. You go have fun.' Emily smiled before leaving the room. A little nervous she fished her phone out of the back pocket of her jeans. With butterflies in her stomach, and goosebumps all over her arms, she dialed Evan's number. Her heart jumped a little when the boy picked up his phone and said ''Hello''. 'Er... Hi, Evan. This is Emily. I was wondering if you'd like to come over for dinner tonight.'

Ten minutes later, the brunette girl was sitting on the couch, fidgeting with her T-shirt. 'You nervous about something?' Maya, who had just entered the living room, asked. Emily looked up in surprise. She and Maya were starting to get along, but they had almost never been alone with just the two of us. 'Hmm, I guess', Emily replied. 'Can I sit?' Maya asked, pointing at a spot on the couch next to where Emily was sitting. 'Of course', the girl replied, offering the blonde a small smile. 'So, what are you nervous about?' Maya asked, genuinely interested in the answer. 'Well, I might, you know, like this boy. We met a little while ago and since then we have grown closer. I don't know if he feels the same about me though', Emily answered. Maya nodded as she processed the information. 'I'm assuming you're talking about a certain island boy called Evan.' A blush crept its way into Emily's cheeks as she nodded. Maya put her hand on the brunette girl's knee. 'Emily, I have seen you two together. He likes you. I have no idea whether it's as a friend or as something more than that - I think the latter - but he really cares about you. You should tell him how you feel. If he likes you back, then that's awesome. And if he doesn't, than I am sure he'll still be flattered and handle things well. I know we started things on the wrong foot, but I think you are a great girl, Emily, and Evan knows that too. Just tell him how you feel', she said. Emily let out a deep sigh. 'I suppose I should tell him. We don't really have that much time left on the island, so I need to do something soon.' Maya nodded. 'Yeah. You should do it as soon as possible. When is the next time you'll be seeing him?' Emily bit her lip as she looked at the clock, checking the time. 'In less than an hour...'

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