Girl Meets the Arrival

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The tropical heat hit them immediately after the group landed on Hawaiian soil. 'This feels like coming home.' Maya let out a deep sigh and spread her arms as she descended the airplane. When he was on the ground, arms still spread, Josh wrapped his arms around her for a hug. 'This feels like coming home, too.' Maya smiled at his sweet comment. Cory walked past, glaring at them suspiciously. 'I'll be watching you two', he said. Josh and Maya burst out laughing. At first, the blue-eyed girl had thought Cory's over protectiveness was slightly annoying. Now she just found it funny. Topanga walked up to them. 'Maya, you stay here with the others. Us adults will get the luggage.' 'What about me?' Josh asked his sister-in-law. 'You're an adult. You help.' 'Do I have to?' Josh whined. Topanga nodded and took him by his arm. 'Come on. Those suitcases aren't going to grab themselves.' Josh blew Maya an air-kiss as he walked away with Topanga. Maya walked over to Riley, who was talking to Farkle and Smackle. The couple had their arms around each other, and Maya's best friend looked a little lost standing with them. 'Hi guys', Maya greeted them. 'Hey!' Riley seemed glad to have her there. 'I'm so excited', Smackle said. 'I've never been here before', she confessed. 'Oh, you'll love it here', Riley told her. 'The island is beautiful.' 'Hey, have you kept in touch with that Evan-kid since we left last year?' Farkle asked Riley. 'Who's Evan?' Emily joined the group. Lucas, who was holding her hand, made a face. He remembered all too well who the boy who tried to destroy Riley and his relationship. 'Um, no one', he quickly told her. Riley shot him a questioning look, not knowing why he had given Emily such a vague answer. 'He's this guy we met last year. He lives on the island.' 'Oh', Emily said, not finding it that interesting. 'Well, I'm looking forward to meeting him', she then said. The others weren't sure if she was being sincere or not. 'Yeah, I don't think we'll be seeing much of him this year', Lucas told her. Emily shrugged. 'Why?' Riley asked. 'I mean, we left things on a good note. I'd love to see him again.' Okay, that wasn't entirely true, but she wouldn't mind meeting up with the guy sometime. If Lucas was hurt, he managed to hide his feelings very well. 'So do I', he said. Cory, Josh and Topanga then came back with their luggage. 'Everyone ready?' Cory asked. No one said anything.

'It's still as beautiful as I remembered', Maya said, entering the mansion that belonged to Vanessa's parents. They had agreed to let the kids stay there, just like they had done the year before. The adults, with the exception of Josh, would stay in a nearby hotel. Shawn and Katy had rented a holiday home of their own. 'It really is', Riley agreed, taking in the sight of her Hawaiian home. With two extra people - Auggie would be staying at the hotel with his parents - it was a little tight in the mansion, but they managed to make it work. To their dismay, Smackle and Emily had to share a room. 'Great', Emily said sarcastically as she saw the twin beds. 'Don't think I'm all too happy about this arrangement, 'cause I am not', Smackle told her as she smoothed her dark brown hair.

Just like last year, Riley and Maya shared a room. It was still decorated the same way. The girls loved it. As soon as they had entered their bedroom, the girls made a dash for the balcony and opened the big doors, letting the breeze rustle through their hairs. 'Oh, how I've missed this', Riley sighed. The girls admired the brilliant ocean view. 'This summer is gonna be just as good', Maya said cheerfully. Not wanting to ruin her friend's good mood, Riley nodded. 'It is.' She smiled at her friend. Maybe it was going to be just as good as last their previous Hawaiian getaway. A lot could change in one summer, she'd witnessed that last year. 'Remember when we threw those leaves at each other?' Maya asked Riley, who chuckled. 'I sure do', she replied, recalling their ''fight''. 'Wanna go for a swim?' Maya then suggested. 'We haven't even unpacked yet', laughed Riley. Maya shrugged. 'Okay, fine then', Riley told her. 'First one there is a loser', she said, walking slowly towards her suitcase. Maya, on the other hand, practically ran to her belongings, grabbed her bikini, put it on and ran out the bedroom door. Riley burst out laughing and after a few seconds, her best friend returned. Standing in the doorway, Maya said, 'You said ''first one is a loser'', didn't you?' Riley nodded. Tears were now forming in her eyes, still laughing. 'Well, last one in has to pay for the other one's dinner tonight', Maya said, adding a new rule to the game. 'Oh no, you didn't!' Riley exclaimed. 'I think I did', Maya smiled. The girls ran out of the mansion, pushing each other playfully, and still laughing.

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked this new chapter! Thank you so much for reading. And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters, I'm so happy with your support :D I wish you all a great day!


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