Chapter 12 (Don't get sassy with me!)

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I love writing this story for you guys, hope you enjoyed it so far! Chapter 12! Remember, everything is fictional and are my own ideas! My english isn't that good either, so bare with me, guys! 🙈

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Next chapter will be longer, this is just a filler! :)

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Xia Yao's POV

I woke up today, feeling pretty good. I got ready slowly, since I had a lot of time to spare and even grabbed a quick breakfast, which consisted of a small coffee and an apple. I wasn't feeling hungry, that's why I got something small to eat on my way to work. I know I was supposed to stay in bed for the rest of the week, which were only 2 days, but I didn't want to. Especially because I felt perfectly fine and wasn't even sick to begin with.

It was pretty nice day out, so I decided to just walk to work.

Arriving at work, I hesitated to go in at first. What if Yuan Zong saw me? He sure as hell was going to be mad! F*uck it! Going in, I avoided eye contact with pretty much everybody, not wanting to get caught the very first minutes of work. And I succeeded. Hell, yeah!

Now I didn't know what to do, though. I pretty much finished all of my work for the week yesterday. Damn it! Sighting, I logged into my e-mail account, hoping to find a few e-mails to respond to. And to my luck, there were 10 e-mails waiting to be answered already. Seemed like today was a good day for me. Everything went good so far!

But of course, every happy end had to come to an end.

Hearing voices outside, I started to panic. Shit, what if I got caught!?

"Xia Yao is absent today, Peng Ze." I heard Yuan Zong say. Great, those two again.

"Oh, okay. Do you happen to know why, sir?"

"I gave him the rest of the week off." Geez, show a bit more emotions, boss.

"Okay, good. Thank you, boss. I was pretty worried about him." Now I had to roll my eyes at him. Worried? WHY! There was no need to be worried about me, I was perfectly fine! Ugh, friends.

"It's okay. Go and get ready for the meeting in half an hour." He mumbled back. What? It was my job to accompany him to meetings. My job! I was about to burst into Yuan Zong's office, but I composed myself. Calm down, Xia Yao. There is no time for even more drama, you are already screwed.

"Oh, one more thing, boss. I obviously don't have a key for Xia Yao's office. Could you maybe put his jacket on his desk for me?"

"Why do you have his jacket?" Yuan Zong asked in a deep voice.

"He forgot it at my place a few days ago and-" He got cut off my our boss.

"Yes, now go." What? Why was he mad all of a sudden?

Oh no, he was coming to my office now. I was about to crawl under my desk, but it was too late. I got caught.

"Look who we have here..."

"Uhm, good morning, sir-"

"Save it." He was mad. Really mad.

"Didn't I make myself clear to you? Are you deaf?"

"There is no need in me staying home, missing a lot of work, when I am not even sick, sir." I said calmly.

"I am your boss, in case you haven't noticed."

"I know." I answered.

"Then do as I say!"

"I do-"

"Clearly not! You are supposed to follow my orders and not the other way around!" He was shouting now. Was I the only employe of his that made him mad? I hoped not.

"I'm sorry, but I don't see why I should miss work, when I have no reason to."

"Again, are you deaf? You do as I say!"

"Not in this case, sir. I'm sorry."

"Don't get sassy with me, Xia Yao..." He looked me deep in the eyes and I never noticed the height difference between us, until now, when he got closer and closer to me. God, was he tall!

"I, in no means, want to disrespect you, sir." I felt like I got on his last nerve all the time.

"You are making me mad, Xia Yao. Real mad. And I don't like that. Not at all."

"You have no reason to get mad, sir." Just shut up, Xia Yao. Seriously, I should have just stopped talking.

"Go home."

"No. I won't." I crossed my arms over my chest, looking up at him. He really was intimidating!

"You are testing me, aren't you?" I just looked away, saying nothing.

"Fine. I will let you off with a warning for now. Test me again and you will deeply regret it, understand?" I said nothing.

"I said understand!?"


"Good. Be ready at 12 PM, we are going out to lunch. My treat." I just nodded. He continued to stare at me for a few moments, before walking out.

I sighed, going back to answering e-mails. For some reason, I was really looking forward to lunch break, hoping the time flew by fast. I had no idea why.

Maybe I was just hungry.


Sure, Xia Yao. "Hungry." 😉

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A New Beginning (Advance Bravely: Xia Yao & Yuan Zong) ~COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now