Chapter 49 (Lingerie)

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I'm so sorry for the long wait, guys, but I just have been so busy and exhausted lately. I wrote this short chapter, before heading to work.

I hope you still enjoy it!

30 Votes and 7 comments for chapter 50!

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Xia Yao's POV

Yuan Zong and I were currently taking a break from all the work. We had a ton of work to do today and neither of us had the energy or motivation to do anything. Well, Yuan Zong did, but I didn't. Right now, Yuan Zong was sitting in the armchair in his office, with me sitting in his lap and cuddling him close. I loved being in his arms, I always felt so safe and loved when he wrapped his big, strong arms around me, engulfing my whole body. It was a wonderful feeling and I felt blessed to have such an amazing man like Yuan Zong. He waa seriously so good to me and treated me like I was his only purpose in life.

"I will be out of town the whole day tomorrow." I heard him suddenly say, kissing my head afterwards.

"What? Why?"

"Two press conferences will be held and I have to attend both of them. It's about our new projects and of course I have to be there to advertise them." I wasn't used to being without Yuan Zong and this new, bad news were giving me so much anxiety already.

"D-Do you really have to go?"

"Of course I have to go, baby. I am the owner of this company." He smiled sadly down at me and I couldn't help, but become upset. I hated being without him and just the thought made me want to crawl into a hole and never get out.

"Can I go with you?"

"I'm afraid not, love. It's a long drive, too and I don't want you to be exhausted."

"I don't care. I just want to be with you... I don't care if it's a 3 hour drive-"

"Wait, how do you know it's a 3 long hour drive...?" I felt my cheeks heat up. Damn it.

"I may or may not have snooped through your papers..." I mumbled shyly and smiled up at him.

"Oh, did you now... you are lucky we are at work right now, or else I would have pulled you across my lap and given you several spanks."

"Then do it." I smirked, challenging him.

"Hmm... your arse does look quite lovely, all red and full of my handprints. A truly delicious sight, baby." He placed his big hands on my butt, squeezing it. I leaned up and placed a gentle kiss on his upper lip, before biting and pulling at it.

"I love your lips." I whispered against his lips, before kissing him again, wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing myself closer against him.

"Mmh and I love you, baby."

"So... Can I come with you, tomorrow?" I tried my luck again.

"No, babe. I told you already."

"But please!" I whined.

"Xia Yao, no. And that's final." I finally gave in, not wanting to push any further and make him mad.

"Oh and Yuan Ru is coming over tomorrow, to stay with you and your mother."


"Just in case."

"I can take care of myself!" I snapped at him.

"Xia Yao, baby. Please, just listen to me."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you, I know you are just looking out for me." I pressed a kiss to his cheek and widened my eyes.

"Hey, don't give me that look now." He groaned and I giggled. I loved winding him up!

"What look?" I bit down on my bottom lip, widening my eyes like a puppy, to give him that innocent vibe.

"Baby..." He breathed out, before slamming his lips against mine. I let out a high pitched moan at the sudden move.

"Nuh, uh. I gotta go back to work." I teased, before getting up from his lap, but not before grinding my ass down, receiving a spank in return.

"See you later, boss." I smirked and headed towards my office, leaving a flushing red and flustered Yuan Zong behind.

I loved the power that I had sometimes. There were times were he was in total control, making me feel overly submissive and making me want to do nothing more than to please my man, but there were also times were I was in charge of him, using my body and actions to lure him in. Just like right now.

I still had a few more minutes left, so I decided to text Yuan Ru and tell her to come into my office. I would have went to her office, but that other girl was there and I was in no mood for a b*tch- fight between us.

"What's up, Xia Yao?" She walked in, wearing long high heels. I never understood how people could walk in them, it looked so painful to me.

"You are coming over tomorrow, right?"

"I am and I'm so excited!"

"Can we go shopping tomorrow, then? We both have the day off and I'm in dire need of a distraction." I would rather go with Yuan Zong, but there was nothing I could do about it.

"Aye, shopping for your man?" She winked and my cheeks heated up at that.

"N-No! I just need clothes."

"Alright, alright. I'm just messing with you, brother in law." She giggled.

"And yeah, of course we can go. I would love to! And also, I desperately need new clothes." I could imagine Yuan Ru being that kind of person who had tons of clothes, but still thinking she didn't have any clothes at all. Not gonna lie, I was like that too.

"Okay, good. Just... don't tell Huan Lige about it, yeah? I can't stand her."

"I won't, I promise." I sighed and moved over to my desk.

"Thank you. I was thinking about buying Yuan Zong a present, so you need to tell me what he is into. He never talks about himself."

"Actually, I don't know either. He never talks about his interests. And also; if he wanted something, he could have easily bought it himself."

"Oh, dang it." I groaned.

"But maybe you could buy something more... exciting." She giggled.

"Like what? What do you mean by that?"

"I do think you would look quite good in lingerie, Xia Yao. A thong, to be exact."


What do you guys think?

Sorry for the short chapter, but I gotta go to work. Sorry loves!

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A New Beginning (Advance Bravely: Xia Yao & Yuan Zong) ~COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now