Chapter 66 (Show me some love)

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Hey loves!

I'm pissed, cause my surgery date got postponed to next month. What the heck? 😩

Anyway... enjoy this Chapter! 💜

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Xia Yao's POV

Yuan Zong and I were currently out eating lunch. We were supposed to meet the other boys for lunch, too, but apparently they had better things to do.

"How was the meeting today?" I asked him.

"Exhausting. I feel like most of those company owners out there don't even know how to run a business. None of them had a clue of what I was talking about." He rolled his eyes. His mood did change once he came out of his office. He was happy this morning and now he was just grumpy.

"Dang. Was it really that bad?"

"Babe, you go and spend three hours with a bunch of idiots, who are just plain stupid and unable to run their own companies."

"I'm sorry, babe. You were only trying to help them out, too. But I guess you can't really help them." He just shook his head.

After we were done eating, Yuan Zong went to pay the bill and we made our way back to the company. We still had a bit of time left, so we decided to go on a walk.

"Come on, baby."

"Can we go and get some ice cream? I'm actually craving it right now." I pouted and Yuan Zong nodded. He stood still for a moment, staring at my lips. I laughed and lighty pushed him away.

"Stop staring at my lips, you perv."

"I can't help it. If there weren't so many people around, I would kiss the living daylights out of you." I felt my cheeks heat up at that and I started to walk.

"That sounds very good right now." I said, winking at him. I loved teasing him, it was my favorite thing to do.

"Alright, you go in and I'll wait outside." He said and I agreed.

As I was about to order, someone tapped me on the shoulder from behind. I expected it to be Yuan Zong, but instead I was faced with a man, who was definitely younger than Yuan Zong and also chubbier.

"Uhm, can I help you...?" I felt really uncomfortable for some reason.

"Hey, cutie. Mind if I join you?" He smirked and oh no. If Yuan Zong had seen this right now, he would definitely have torn him apart.

"Yes. I have to go now." I tried to leave, but he grabbed my arm, preventing me from doing so.

"Leave me alone, I need to go." I tried again.

"Listen, babe-"

"Don't fucking call me that! Leave!" I was raising my voice now. I didn't care if I was causing a scene.

"Hey, calm down. I'm sure we'll have lots of fun."

"I don't fucking think so." I heard Yuan Zong say from behind me and I let out a sigh of relief.

"And who are you?"

"I'm going to beat the shit out of you, if you don't leave my boy alone." I watched as his eyes widened in shock and I used the chance to get out of his grip and run over to Yuan Zong.

"Listen. If I ever see you near my boy ever again, I will make sure to make your nose even more crooked than it already is. Now get the fuck out of my sight." I was still shaking from the whole incident and I think Yuan Zong noticed it. He wrapped his arm around me protectively and what disgusted me the most, was, that not one person in here tried to help me or kick the man out.

"How are you feeling, love?"

"I'm okay, let's just go." I said and pulled him along.

"We're going home. I'll tell Peng Ze and Yuan Ru to look after the company for the rest of the day." I shook my head.

"No, Yuan Zong. I can go work to worry, don't worry." I tried to assure him, but he wasn't having it.

"No. We're going home and that's it." He demanded and I sighed, giving in.


It was the next day. I finally calmed down from the incident that had happened yesterday and was now chilling in our living room with Yuan Zong and the other four boys. Zhen Zhen was a bit tipsy and constantly trying to make out with Peng Ze, while Peng Ze and Da Yu were gulping down shot after shot. Thankfully my mom was at her friends house or else she would have whooped all of our asses. Even Yuan Zong's. I wanted to drink a bit of alcohol so bad, just to let loose for the night, but Yuan Zong would not let me, claiming that I could let loose in the bedroom tonight. Zhi Shui, Yuan Zong and I were the only ones who were sober.

"Xia Yaoooooo." Zhen Zhen slurred.

"What now, Zhen Zhen?" I rolled my eyes at him. He was so annoying when he was drunk.

"Peng Ze has a big dick. You should seeeee itttt."

"No thanks." Peng Ze only laughed and kissed his cheek. I'd always thought that Peng Ze was a weird guy.

"I'm serious! Yao Yao." Yao Yao, really?

"Stop being so childish, Zhen Zhen."

"And the sex is gooooood!" He slurred again and cringed. Eww!

"I don't care, Zhen Zhen. Now shut it." I turned to Yuan Zong, but he was in a deep conversation with Da Yu and Zhi Shui and honestly, I felt kind of left out. So I grabbed his arm to get his attention.

"Show me some love, too." I pouted. I was very sleepy and exhaused and everytime I felt sleepy, childish Xia Yao mode got activated.

"You know I love you, baby." I placed my head on his chest and planted a kiss on my forehead.


"Awww, look at you, Xia Yao! What a daddy's boy, huh?" Da Yu smirked and I glared at him.

"Shut up, Da Yu."

"You sleepy?" Yuan Zong asked me and I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Want me to carry you to bed?" I nodded and mumbled "yes".

"Alright, Xia Yao is feeling sleepy, guys. I'm taking him upstairs. I'll be right back."

"Stay wif meh." I sleepily said into his neck.

"I'll be right back, gotta get the guest bedrooms ready for the boys."

"They can do it themselves."

"Xia Yao, no. They are all drunk, apart from Zhi Shui." I sighed and finally let him go.

"Hurry up!"

I really wanted to stay awake for a bit longer, so i could have some alone time with Yuan Zong, but I was just too tired to even function. And the last thing I remember, before drifting off to sleep, was, how Yuan Zong wrapped his strong arms around me and pulled me into his chest.


Next chap will be.... :(

There is a little heads up, lol.

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