Chapter 96 (Happiness)

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Thank you guys for all the birthday wishes! Love you, babes ❣️

I'm so obsessed with 2gether the series, oh my God! Do you guys watch it? It's so good 😭 Bright looks hot as hell and Win is such a cutie! It makes me want to write a short story about them, too!

Can you guys believe, that we are getting closer to ONE MILLION READS OH MY GOD. And it's all thanks to you guys 😭 You guys have my whoooole heart! 💕

Zhi Shui's POV

"Oof, I'm so full." Da Yu said, as he opened his zipper. I slapped his arm and glared at him. I looked around and hoped, that no one saw him.

"I would be too, if I ate over 10 samples of cake. Babe, you were supposed to taste a little bit of each piece and not eat all of them! And we still haven't decided on a wedding cake!" I whined and pouted.

"Those were small pieces and I'm sorry. It's not my fault that we left the house without eating lunch." I rolled my eyes at him. It was his fault.

"And why is that? Why didn't we have the time to eat lunch?" I asked sassily, placing my hand on my hip.

"....We had sex." He said, sheepishly.

"That's right. Because you were too horny to keep it in your pants."

"Oh don't give me that. Based on your screams, you loved it, too." I blushed and slapped his arm again. Oh God, this was so embarrassing!

"Da Yu, you are too loud! Stop it!" I whispered.

"Don't give me that face or I might have to eat you, too." He winked and pecked my cheek.

"Anyway... Which cake did you like the most?" I asked, while trying a piece of cake myself.

"Hm, I like your cake the most." He winked and I rolled my eyes at him. Of course he meant my ass. Why did I even expect a different answer from him?

"Alright, enough. We have more planning to do, babe. We have to decide now." I told him, being serious.

"What about this one? It's chocolate flavored, you can never go wrong with chocolate." I tasted another piece, just to make sure. And yes, it definitely tasted amazing.

Now that we decided on a cake, we went on to go suit shopping. Yes, we still didn't have a suit, yet. We went to 5 different shops and just when we were about to give up and go home, we went to one last store and instantly fell in love. There were probably over a thousand different suits in front of us, which made sense. The previous stores were all smaller ones, but this one was incredibly big.

(A/N: That's what she said....)

"Oh my God, babe! Look! This is amazing." I immediately left him and went to the clerk, telling him my thoughts on my wedding suit. It took us a while to find the perfect suit, but it was definitely worth it. After trying on about 20 different suits, I think I finally found the perfect one. And it seemed like Da Yu agreed, too. When I came out of the changing room, it seemed like he couldn't take his eyes off of me and I had to blush, feeling overwhelmed.

I was getting married to the love of my life. Oh my God.

"What do you think, babe? How do I look?" I teased him, while twirling for him. Holy shit, I've never done that before. I was feeling good, I was feeling confident. I looked amazing and I wasn't ashamed to admit it. I felt like I could rule the world and it showed.

Zhi Shui's suit.

"Baby, oh my God. You look to die for. Are you really mine??? Holy Shit." I giggled and pecked his cheek.

"Only yours, baby. Only yours." I smiled.

"God damn, baby. Can we get married now? Like right this second? Holy shit!" I had to laugh so hard, he was such an idiot. The cutest idiot.

"Da Yu, are you crying? Oh my God, babe no." I smiled fondly and pressed my hands on his cheeks, leaning my forehead against his.

"I'm so damn lucky, I mean look at you. You are one fine piece of ass." I rolled my eyes playfully, and kissed him.

"I'm sorry, baby. I didn't even ask you how you felt. Do you like it?"

"I love it, I'm taking this one for sure." My decision was final and I couldn't be happier.

"Oh, thank God. Okay, now it's time for me to find one." He kissed me one last time.

"You didn't even look around, did you?"

"Nope, I was too busy drooling over you when you tried those suits on."

"Da Yu! Okay, what kind of suit are you looking for?" He shrugged.

"I'm not picky, babe. I could wear a trash bag and I wouldn't care. As long as I get to marry you, I'm good." I smiled and hit his chest playfully. I knew he would say something cheesy like that.

Da Yu's suit.

(A/N: The quality of those pics are really bad, wattpad has been messing up my updates a lot recently. I'm sorry babes.)


We were so exhausted by the time we were done shopping. We got two of the most important things on our list done. The wedding cake and our wedding suits. Now onto the next adventure tomorrow. The wedding venue. We actually had a couple places in mind, we just had to check them out in person. I couldn't wait to marry Da Yu. I was the luckiest person on earth. The ups and downs we went through made me the person I was today. I actually felt good about myself and sure, there were still times where I felt like shit about myself, but I was getting there. I was getting more confident and I loved it. It felt amazing. At the end of the day, my happiness mattered. Nothing else. And I couldn't believe it took me such a long time to realize that.

But we all got our own battles to fight and win, right?

I looked at a sleeping Da Yu and found myself smiling. How was it possible to love a person so much? How was it possible to be so in love you felt like crying? Small tears streamed down my face. I leaned over him and pecked his lips.

"I love you. So much." I whispered and laid down next to him, feeling happy.


Short, I know, but I'll update a long chapter this week because I'm off of work for a week! It's been so stressful because of this Corona virus. My body is so tired and exhausted, I definitely need a break. I hope you all are safe and if you need someone to talk to, feel free to dm me if you want!

I love you guys. 💞

A New Beginning (Advance Bravely: Xia Yao & Yuan Zong) ~COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now