Chapter 85 (anonymous call)

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Hey, I'm back (finally, ugh) and a HAPPY NEW YEAR, MY LOVES!

My goal was it to reach 500K at the end of 2018 and we did it! OVER 505K READS!

Thank you guys so much for all the love and support you guys give me every single day! I love you 💜

This chapter will mainly be about Zhen Zhen any Peng Ze! Their storyline is going to be very interesting, so be patient ;)

Zhen Zhen's POV

It's been 4 weeks since I went back home and quite a lot of things have changed, actually. I haven't been spending as much time with my friends as before. I haven't been going out to clubs and trying to hook up with a random guy. The only thing I did was go to work and then back home. I was still in touch with Xia Yao and we both checked up on each other once a week at least. Even my mother was worried about me. She asked me if I was okay, because according to her, I seemed to have changed quite a lot.

It was saturday today and usually I'd have made a lot of plans with my friends, but I just didn't feel like going with them this time, even though I was really bored. But for some reason getting drunk and fucking some random dude didn't sound so appealing to me right now. Why? I didn't even know.

Not gonna lie, I was feeling miserable.

I missed Xia Yao and Yuan Zong.
I missed Da Yu and Zhi Shui.
Heck, I even missed Yuan Ru and her constant mood swings.

But the person I missed the most, was Peng Ze. At this point, I couldn't deny my feelings for him. They were small, but still there. And I was scared.

Scared of getting fucked over again. Scared of having to pick up all the broken pieces again that I spent so much time and energy into making my heart complete. I put up this cold and hard facade to make other people think I was a strong person, but when in reality I was pretty fragile and had a soft heart.

I slowly got out of bed, going to get dressed, when my mother yelled my name.

"Zhen Zhen! You forgot your phone downstairs! Come get it, someone called you!" I sighed and rolled my eyes. It's was probably Xia Yao or an old fuckbuddy that tried to hook up with me again.

Not today.

I grabbed my phone and saw that I had three missed calls, all from an unknown number. Hm, weird.

I dialed Xia Yao's number and after a couple seconds he picked up.

"Hello? Zhen Zhen?"

"Hey... Did you just call me? It was anonymous." I rubbed my forehead.

"No, it would have shown my name if I called you."

"Yeah, right. That's weird, I never get calls by an unknown number."

"Let me ask Peng Ze and I'll call you again." What did Peng Ze have to do with it?

"No, why would you? I'm done with him anyway."

"Uh, for no reason. Alright I'll talk to you soon, y-" I cut him off.

"Xia Yao. I know you aren't telling me something here." I said, slowly dragging each word.

"Wait, you are home right now, right? You're not going anywhere?" He rushed out. Huh, what was with all the questions?

"Yes... Why are you asking?" I said, confused.

"No reason. I really have to go now, Imma ca-"

"Xia Yao, you fucker! Tell me, why the fuck are you making a big deal out of it?" I yelled, feeling frustrated.

"Bye!" And with that, the line went dead. That asshole. What just happened?

I was so mad right now. Why the heck would he need to call Peng Ze? I was done with him and he knew that and so did Peng Ze. But I was mad at myself too. I knew that Peng Ze would just be another fling, like everybody else. Yet, I still had hopes. Hopes, that I shouldn't have had. I was stupid enough to believe that he might return the same feelings that I had towards him.

But I needed to move on. I had to.

I shook my head and went to the kitchen to warm up the leftover pizza from yesterday, even though I wasn't really that hungry. I ate two slices and threw the rest of the food away. What now? I usually never felt bored, because I always had people around me to make some plans, but I was all alone lately. Which was my decision, it wasn't like I had no friends to hang out with, but I just didn't feel like going out.


A couple hours passed and I still had nothing to do, but my mother asked me to go shopping with her, so I did. We didn't take long and even I managed to buy an outfit for myself. After dropping my mother off at work, I drove back home.

I got out of my car and saw a man sitting on the stairs that lead into my house. After looking closely, I daw that it was none other than Peng Ze. I felt myself get angry and I dropped my bags on the ground and started yelling.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I screamed. I started to shake, that's how mad I was.

"Please, just hear me out. I need to tell you something." He begged and I noticed the dark bags under his eyes. He looked like he hadn't slept in days.

"No. I don't want to talk to you. Now leave." I crossed my arms in front of my chest, holding my ground.

"No, I won't leave. I wanna fix things between us." He rubbed the back of his neck and sheepishly looked away.

I raised my eyebrows at him, before rolling my eyes.

"That's what they all say, don't they? People always want to fix their mistakes, before making empty promises." I said and pushed past him to open the door.

"Please, just hear me out. 5 minutes, that's all I ask for, okay? Not more, not less."

"What's even there to talk about? It's not like we were ever together." I said. I noticed how his expression changed. He looked... sad?

"Listen, what we had was fun. It was all just lust, nothing more and nothing less. We both had our fun, no? It was just sex." I lied and tried to act serious.

"Y-You really think s-so?" I shrugged.

"Yes. Why? You didn't have to come all the way here."

"I just thought- nevermind. You know what, you're right." He gave in.

Wait what? That was it?

"You thought what? That I would develope feelings for you?" I fake laughed. He just avoided my gaze.

"Tell me, Peng Ze. What did you think?"

"Nothing. It's okay." I wasn't aware of how much I was actually hurting him with my words.

"You thought I had feelings for you, didn't you?" He looked away again.

I went closer to him and placed my hand under his chin, turning it towards me.

"You did, right?" He finally nodded and I had to refrain myself from kissing him right then and there.

"Well," I whispered and my nose brushed against his.

"I don't." He closed his eyes and inhaled a deep breath.

"But I do." I pushed away from him.

"W-What? No you don-"

"I love you, Zhen Zhen."




I wanna thank you all once again for all the love and support you guys give me every single day. I really don't deserve you guys. I love you and happy new year 🎉💜

A New Beginning (Advance Bravely: Xia Yao & Yuan Zong) ~COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now