Chapter 62 (Will you marry me?)

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I'm so sorry for the long wait, but I had to deal with a few not so pleasant things and I wasn't really in the mood to write lovey dovey stuff. I hope you guys understand.

This chapter is quite cute 😍


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Da Yu's POV

Today was the most important day for me. Today was the day where I was going to propose to the love of my life. My Wang Zhi Shui. Was I scared? Yes, I was. Really scared. I kept thinking about the worst scenarios that could happen. And the worst thing that could happen to me, was, if he said no. I was so nervous, not gonna lie. I wanted everything to go smoothly and I didn't really want to do a big proposal either, because I wanted Zhi Shui to be comfortable and he liked simple things, so that's why I decided not to propose to him in public. I actually planned on doing it tonight, when we would both be laying in bed. I was going to give him this big speech of how much I loved him and wanted to be with him for the rest of my life. It wasn't really that special, but for me it was going to be the most important and special moment in my life.

"Zhi Shui! Come here real quick, please!" I called him. He was in our bedroom right now, folding the laundry.

"Why did you call me?"

"I missed you, come here. I feel like I haven't seen you the entire day." I said and took him into my arms.

"Let me finish the laundry first. I'll be back soon." He tried to get up, but I didn't let him. There was no way I was letting him go now.


"Da Yu, please. I need to get it done today or else I will never get it done." He begged.

"I want to cuddle you right now, so I won't let you go now. You can beg all you want and also, that's not the kind of begging I like to hear from you." I said, winking at him. He flushed bright red and turned away from me. I loved when he got all shy and flustered, it was such an adorable sight.

"We can cuddle later all you want. Right now, I have chores to do." He said, pinching my cheeks. I pecked his lips and sighed.

"Alright. Don't take too long, though. Do you want me to help you?" He shook his head and kissed my cheek.

"No." And with that, he left me there and went into our bedroom. It was already quite late, 11PM, so we would both be heading to bed soon. As the time went by, I got more and more nervous.

I took out the ring I had bought for Zhi Shui a while ago. Yuan Zong was with me, he was actually a big help and I was glad that he was with me. When Zhi Shui thought that I was cheating on him, it broke my heart. He was the love of my life, my everything. Never in a million years would I cheat on him. But then again, I wasn't surprised that he thought that. He was very insecure about himself, he didn't feel like he was good enough for me. He had lived with those insecurities all his life. He thought that he was ugly, that he would never be able to live a happy life. And it broke my heart. You would think that after three years of us dating, he would feel happy about himself, happy in life. But he didn't. There were still a lot of times where he would just break down and cry for hours or have anxiety attacks. But there was not much I could do, he pushed me away most of the times and it broke my heart to see that. But I would still take him into my arms, hold him close and tell him how much I loved him. It wasn't much, but it was the truth and I really think that helps him. Still to this day I don't really understand why he thought that way. He was the most beautiful person in my eyes. He just needed to see that and I knew, that it was still going to be long road until he got there and I was going to be with him throughout the whole journey.

"Are you coming to bed? It's getting quite late and we have to be up early tomorrow." I heard my love call, so I got up and went to our bedroom, getting ready for bed. I wasn't as nervous anymore and I was so excited. This moment was going to change our life forever.

After I had gotten ready for bed, I waited for him to join me. He came in, wearing nothing but one of my big shirts, that looked absolutely adorable on him. He placed his head on my chest and sighed, closing his eyes. It was now or never now.

"Hey, love?" I ran my hand through his soft hair, placing a kiss on top of it.

"Hmm?" He said tiredly, his eyes still closed.

"Have you thought about your future and what you want to do more in life?"

"Not really, no. All I know is that you are going to be in it." He mumbled, looking up at me. I cooed at the adorable sight, he was so tired.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Zhi Shui..." I think he caught on on what I was planning, because his widened. His eyes were sparkling, because the lamp on our bedside table was still on.

"Da Yu- I..."

"I think you know what I am about to do, huh?" I smiled and got out of bed, kneeling in front of him. I took his hands in mine and his eyes and mouth widened in shock.

"W-What is h-happening?" Tears were already filling his eyes and I had to swallow hard. Here were go.

"Zhi Shui... when we are together, life seems so wonderful and lovely without a doubt, because you are my desire and the man of my dreams. Without you, life is so dull and boring and nothing seems beautiful. Without you there is no cheer, joy or happiness in my life. I want you to know that you are my everything and I want to spend my whole life with you. I love you so much, Zhi Shui. Forever. So today, I am asking you, will you marry me?" He stayed silent for a moment, his mouth still wide open. A few tears ran down his cheeks and I gently kissed his tears away.

"M-Me? You want to m-marry m-me?"

"Of course. Who else?" I laughed lightly.

"Oh god... Da Yu..."

"Yes, my love?" I bit my lip, suddenly feeling nervous and sweaty.

"Make a promise that you will never- never ever leave me alone, that you will stand by me through everything, that you will be with me whenever I n-need you. You are m-my need and no one else. You make me feel l-like a very special boy. You- You make me happy and for that, I will never be able to thank you enough. I love you, too, Da Yu. So much." I nodded, kissing his forhead and we both then bursted into tears, hugging each other close.

"So that's a yes, then?" I grinned.

"YES!" He screamed and no words could explain how I was feeling in that moment. I was overjoyed! It was an incredible feeling and the happiest moment in my life.

After we pulled apart, I took his left hand into my mine and put a ring on it.

To say that we did not even get a minute of sleep that night, would be an understatement.



I'm so sorry for the long wait once again, guys. I love you all so much and thank you so much for your continuous support.

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