Chapter 28 (good morning kiss?)

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Here is chapter 28 for you guys!

Can't believe it's chapter 28 already! 😱 The longest chapter, too ;)

And please don't expect me to upload every day, I am trying my best, but I don't have time everyday:/ love you guys ❤

25 Votes and 8 comments for chapter 29! 💕

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Xia Yao's POV

I woke up, feeling very exhausted and tired and the headache was killing me! I reached over for my phone, only to realize that I wasn't in my room. I took my surroundings in and this room looked way more expensive than mine, it was also way bigger than my room back at home. I started to panic. Where was I?! I laid back down, deciding to calm myself down, before I went back into panic- mode. I had to say, the bed was very very comfortable. No wonder, it probably was pretty expensive. The smell was also familiar to me, as if I had a deep connection with it. Really familiar, actually. Where did I smell that smell before?

And then it hit me.

The way he held me, staring down at me and kissing my forehead, pulling me closer against him, kissing down my neck and leaving marks. The way he hoisted me up against the wall, getting inbetween my legs, looking me deep in the eyes, his breathing erratic, just like mine. My heart seemed to stop, everytime I looked him in the eyes and felt him close against my body. I was drunk off of his touches, his passionate touches all over my body and all the sweet words he kept telling me over and over again. The way he passionately kissed me, slowly pressing his soft lips against mine, capturing my lips in a sweet kiss, while sucking on my bottom lip and telling me how beautiful I was. Slowy and gently taking me into his embrace. I had never felt like that before in my life and I didn't want the moment to ever stop. I had kissed back just as passionate and fast, leaving him and myself breathless, our tongues dancing together in a hot, messy kiss. Our shirts quickly found their way to the floor, his touches leaving electric currents through my body, making my eyes roll to the back of my head. The pleasure I was receiving was just too good. His sweet smell driving me crazy and that smell only belonged to one person.

Yuan Zong.

I jumped out of the bed, once the realization hit me. No. I couldn't have slept here at Yuan Zong's house. No way in hell. How did this even happen? Did he take advantage of me, in my drunk state? That bastard! What about the others, Peng Ze, Da Yu and Zhi Shui? Why didn't they stop him and let me go with him? I was so embarrassed. I prayed to whatever god was out there, that this was not Yuan Zong's house. Then again, none of the other boys were that rich to the point where they could afford such a house.

Looking at myself in the big mirror in front of me, I not only noticed how... messy my appearance was, but also that I wasn't wearing my clothes. These clothes were way too big for me, even if they were comfortable.

I decided to just keep the clothes and get out of here as fast as I could, not wanting to get caught and embarrass myeself even further and I mangaged to, but of course, luck wasn't on my side yet again.

"Where do you think you are going, hmm?" Yuan Zong. Of course.

"Why am I here?" I just asked in return. I looked him up and down, only to see he was just in his boxers. Well, damn it.

"Because I took you here."

"Thanks, captain obvious." I rolled my eyes at him.

"You are back to your senses now, I see. Finally." He chuckled, amused.

A New Beginning (Advance Bravely: Xia Yao & Yuan Zong) ~COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now