Chapter 40 (Caught in the act)

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Chapter 40 is here!

Oh wow, 40 Chapters already! O.O

Btw, where are you guys from? COMMENT! I'm really curious to know! :)

I am from Germany 😊🇩🇪

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Xia Yao's POV

"Yuan Zong! Get dressed, my mother just arrived!" I panicked. Yuan Zong and I were still panting from our... intimate actions. I never thought that this day would come so soon, everything happened so fast and I didn't know where this sudden burst of energy and confidence came from. But I like it. Loved it, actually. I felt like I've gotten even closer to Yuan Zong, which was a wonderful feeling.

"You need to get out there and tell her I am in the shower. I can't go out there, looking like this!" I pointed to the many lovebites Yuan Zong had left on my neck and collarbone. I started to blush, just thinking about it.

"They suit you, baby. Many more will be added to the collection, soon." He winked at me and moved forward, placing his hands on my hips and kissing me. I hummed against his lips and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back, just as eager. I pulled his bottom lip in between my teeth and tugged on it, emitting a deep groan from Yuan Zong. We were so caught up in our kissing, that we did not even hear my mother calling out for me.

"Shit. Go out there, Yuan Zong." I pushed him towards the door, just as he pulled his T-Shirt over his head.

I needed to figure out on how to cover these marks, because if my mother saw them, I would A) be bombarded with questions and B) be dead.

It was too hot, so I couldn't wear a scarf or anything. But then, the stupidest thing came to my mind. My mothers make up. She had so much, surely there was something I could cover those marks up with. How could I get to her make-up bag, without her noticing it? Dang it.

"Xia Yao! Hurry up, I brought food!" I heard her yell. I was in deep shit, now.

I took my phone out and started texting my man. He needed to help me out.

Distract her, I'm going into her room to get her make-up bag.

I received an answer from him immediately.

Alright, my princess ;)

He teased me and I rolled my eyes fondly. He was never going to stop making fun of me. Ever.

So I tip-toed around the house, trying to be as quiet as possible and went into her room. I tried to look for the bag, without moving all of her things around, so it wouldn't look too suspicious. I knew that it was not okay for me to go through her things, but in my case it was a life or death situation. So I had to do it, for my own safety. After what felt like an eternity, I finally found her make-up bag. On her bed.

After opening it, I was immediately confused. What was I actually looking for? I opened the package that said blush on it and closed it again. Nope, too rosy. Next package said highlighter. What was that? I opened it and realized, that it was sealed and not even used. I started to panic and immediately put it back. Then I noticed a little bottle in there. Many, actually. Now I just had to find one in my skin color. How could people even see the difference between all those thinhs and know how to apply it? This shit was so difficult!

Finally I found make-up that could actually match my skin tone. Okay and now that I had it, how was I supposed to put it on? Was it going to dry fast or should I use a blowdryer to help it get dry? Why was this so damn hard! I saw the people on commercials use some type of brush or sponge, but I obviously couldn't go to the kitchen to get a sponge right now. (A/N: *facepalm*)

A New Beginning (Advance Bravely: Xia Yao & Yuan Zong) ~COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now