Chapter 24 (No, I'm not jealous!)

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Here is chapter 24 for you guys, I hope you like it!

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25 Votes and 9 comments for chapter 25! 💕

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Xia Yao's POV

I saw it coming. I never had luck, of course I was going to be confronted by my boss right now. I was so stupid, I couldn't believe I let Yuan Zong catch me lying to him, it was all so embarrassing.

"So... how come I didn't know about that emergency meeting...?"

"I forgot..."

"Hmm. Right." I knew he didn't believe me, his smirk gave it away.

"Yup." I simply shrugged, pretending as if everything was okay and that I wasn't actually dying inside. So humiliating!

"So, you forgot to tell your boss, that there was an emergency meeting he had to attend. You forgot to tell me and yet you go around, telling people that I was indeed in that emergency meeting right now...?" I wanted to slap that fricking smirk off of his face. As if I wasn't embarrassed enough!

"Uhm, yes?"

"Interesting..." He could so tell I was lying to him the whole time.

"You mean there was no meeting to begin with, huh?" I felt my cheeks flush, I quickly looked away.

"T-There was!"

"Who told you that? After all you are just an assistant." Ouch, that hurt a bit. Just an assistant...

"I-I just heard that-"

"From whom?" He came closer. Oh god, not this again.

"I-I, uhm. Someone t-told me!" He smirked again.

"And who told you that, little Xia Yao?" How dare he call me little Xia Yao, what the hell!

"Don't call me that!"

"Answer my question." He demanded.

"I dont have anything to tell you, sir."

"So, you were jealous." He stated all of a sudden. Jealous of what? Was he actually kidding me!

"Ha! Yeah, no."

"Oh, Xia Yao..."

"What!" I was so angry at him!

"You are jealous." He said again, amused.

"Of whom?"

"Who said it was a person?" He raised his eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Jealous of what?"

"Kim." What! This was just too funny!

"Are you for real now, boss man? No, I'm not jealous!" I was laughing, holding my stomach.

"Before you knew her. You thought I had an affair with her, didn't you...?" This was all so humiliating.

I tried not to stutter. "What, no!"

"And guess what I found in the trash can in my office..." He said, walking around his office.

"Like I know. As If I rummage through your trash."

"Smart mouth you have, hmm?" I looked him up and down, while he walked around his office. He wore a tight white dress shirt, his sixpack even showing through. I felt myself start to flush. There was no time for you to check your boss out, Xia Yao. Pff, as If I was doing that.

"My eyes are up here, you know."

"Get to the point."

"Careful, Xia Yao. That smart mouth of yours will get you in lot of trouble one day." I crossed my arms over my chest, looking up at him.

"If I remember correctly, I saw a pink note on my computer. You don't happen to know where I it is, right?" I started to tense up.

"N-No?" It sounded more like a question. God, I was such a fool!

"Hmm... but I do."

"Then why ask me?"

"Wanna know where I found it? In the trash can." Oh no. Please, no.

"And If I also remember correctly, you were supposed to clean my office, while I was absent." He came closer to me.

"A-And? I don't know what you are talking about." I looked away, feeling intimidated.

He laughed coming even closer, whispering in my ear.

"I think we both know..." He stopped talking.

"Know what?" My breathing was uneven, letting out shaky breaths.

I felt him smirk against my ear, feeling goosebumps on my body. There was just something about his touches that made me shake all over and I did not like that. I hated how he made me feel so vulnerable and small.

"Just get back to work." He trailed his lips along my ear, before parting from me, leaving me breathless.

"Y-Yes sir." I looked away from him, feeling his gaze on my body.

I was so embarrassed. I wasn't scared of him, but he was just so intimidating! Why couldn't he just leave me alone? It would have been better for the both of us. He really wasn't making it any easier for me.

At least I had something to look forward to tomorrow. I was going to meet Peng Ze's friends, finally. I was actually pretty excited! Finally seeing new faces, having fun without constantly stressing about other things. Like work. My mother. Or Yuan Zong. That man was just... something else. He was one of a kind, I had never met anyone like him. Was I happy to have met him, glad, even? I didn't know. I had to admit, he made my life at least a bit more interesting, exciting. He was the first person I made out with, was intimate with. To me, that only happened in relationships. I didn't want to get involved with anyone I was not commited to. And yet here I was, snogging my boss, questioning myself, even.

I really should stop thinking about that day, but it was still so vivid in my mind. I couldn't help it. That man was just everywhere, I swear. It was just unbelievable. He was even in my dreams, touching me inappropriately and I didn't even stop him. That was what shocked me the most.

I kept telling myself that I didn't want him to touch me like that, didn't want him. But when we first kissed, I didn't stop him. I didn't mind. His touch made me go crazy, as if I was drunk. In fact, I didn't want the pleasure to end, I had never felt that way before in my life. Everything was so confusing to me. The only question I kept asking myself now was:


And I yet had to find the answer to that question.


Short chapter, but oh well ;)

Next chapter will be longer and new characters will be introduced, too! :)

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A New Beginning (Advance Bravely: Xia Yao & Yuan Zong) ~COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now