Chapter 14 (I am not lovable)

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I did not expect you guys to like the previous chapter that much! Wow! Thank you for all the lovely comments and votes! Now I can raise the bar even higher, hehe!

Enjoy chapter 14!

Updates will get slower, only for this month, though. School is killing me! One or two updates a week!

6 Comments and 20 Votes for the next chapter! One comment per person!

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Xia Yao's POV

I felt so awkward, I didn't know what to say. I mean, what would you have done if you were me!? (A/N: Love him back, duh... 😂) I felt really hot all of a sudden, feeling like I couldn't breath. What the heck, why did he have to fall for me out of all people! There were plenty of other good looking guys out there!

Okay, Xia Yao, calm down. You didn't even know for sure if he liked you like that. But all the signs were there. Oh god, I had really hoped he wasn't in love with me.

Should I have played dumb, pretending I didn't know who he was talking about? But, that would have been too obvious... I had to calm down or else I was going to freak out!

And yet I still decided to play dumb.

"That's good for you, Yuan Zong." I smiled awkwardly, looking out the window.

Every now and then I felt someone staring at us. Looking beside me, I noticed the waitress constantly checking Yuan Zong out. Couldn't she mind her own business? I mean, she was supposed to be working and not going after her customors!

"Is everything alright?"

"Huh? Uhm, yes." I just said, avoiding eye contact with him.

Like, seriously. How was I supposed to act, knowing my boss was in love with me? And we were both guys! That thought made me shiver all over. And not the good kind. Just, no! 

"You look nervous."

"I don't!" I said a little bit too quickly.

"You do-" I interrupted him.

"Look over there, she is totally checking you out." I didn't even want to mention that waitress, but I just felt too uncomfortable and had to change the subject as fast as possible.


"She is... pretty." She wasn't really my type, but, oh well. No one had to know.

"I don't care." He rolled his eyes at me, taking a sip of his water.

"Why not? Yuan Ru would be happy, too, you know."

"So she sent you? You could have just said no to my offer, you know." He was truly pissed, I could tell. Ugh, one time we were talking like we were friends, almost, and then there were times where I wouldn't want to do nothing more than to slap him! Like right now.

"N-No! It's not that!" I stuttered out, a bit too loud.


"You have no reason to be mad at me right now!" I knew I must have looked ridiculous, pouting like a child, but I didn't care.

"I'm not." He was seriously pissing me off.

"You are! Especially when you are in-" I stopped myself, not wanting to go further. Why could I never shut my damn mouth!?

"Especially when what?"

"Nothing." I just mumbled, looking away from him.

"Tell me." He demanded.

"There is nothing to tell you."

"Oh, but there is. C'mon, tell me. Spit it out." He was provoking me on purpose!

"No. I have nothing to tell you."

"Okay. Then don't. I already know, anyways."

"No, you don't!" I protested.

"Oh, but I do." I wanted nothing more than to slap that smirk off his face.

"What do you know, hmm?" I challenged back, crossing my arms over my chest.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out."

"How am I supposed to find out if I already know the answer to it?" Now I was the one smirking back at him.

"Stop lying. You don't." What the hell?

"Hey! I do, so stop twisting the words around!" I hissed quietly, not wanting other people to pay attention to us. I meant me and him

"Then tell me."

"That you are in love with me!" I slapped my hand in front of my mouth. I did NOT just say that. No, no, no, no, NO!

"Now I know. Thank you." That bastard did not just trick me into telling him... I was so damn stupid!

"And how can you even like me like that! I am no one special and I am a man!"

"Oh, but you are, Xia Yao." How could he take everything so lightly?!

"I am not! And how can you stay so calm!" I was seriously pissed right now. Who did he think he was?

"You are the only one making a big deal out of this."

"I am not lovable. I am not good with words and-"

"You are. You should know that. Your beautiful eyes, cute little smile, those pretty boy-ish looks you have and have you seen that ass of yours? Like, damn!" I was pretty certain I looked like a tomato right now.

"Shut-" I stopped myself again. I had to remind myself that he was my boss, I could not be disrespectful towards him.

He seriously disgusted me. Two men or two women together would never work out. That was just... not normal and not right. I didn't even want to think further into it or else I might have had passed out.

"There are plenty of other, beautiful people out there. You are just wasting your time on me!"

"I want you. Only you." He should have been lucky that he was my boss or else he would have been dead by now!

"But I am a man...-"

"So what?"

"That's disgusting! How can two men even be together!? That just gross!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, just wait and see." He smirked, payed the bill and walked out of the restaurant, leaving me alone.

Ugh, why couldn't he just leave me alone!? I was a good person, never caused harm to anyone! What did I do to deserve all of this?!

And I hated to say this, but I was actually scared of what he might have had planned. Really scared.


Decided to upload a quick and little chapter for you guys! Hope you liked it anyways! The story is starting to get interesting now, huh? 😉

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A New Beginning (Advance Bravely: Xia Yao & Yuan Zong) ~COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now