Chapter 31 (Shopping with Yuan Zong)

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Here is chapter 31 for you guys! 😊

I knew it was a rather long wait and I'm sorry. I will try to be quicker with updates, but it does take a long time to write these chapters, guys. I apologise. 💕

20 Votes and 6 comments for chapter 32! 💕

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Xia Yao's POV

"Get dressed, you are coming with me."

"Uhm, good morning to you, too?" I greeted Yuan Zong, feeling confused.

"Good morning. Now get dressed." He demanded yet again.

"What for? Where are you going, sir?" Honestly, I didn't even know why I still bothered calling him "sir", since I was always so disrespectful towards him anyway.

"We are going shopping." He said, emphasising the word we.

"And what for? Can't you go alone?" I replied back, feeling myself slowly get angry at him, for wanting to take Peng Ze with him last time.

"Xia Yao..." He said in a serious tone, giving me chills.

"What? Why aren't you taking Peng Ze with you like last time?"

"Like last time? You mean that time when you got so jealous and ended up not calling him for me? Oh yeah, I remember!" He spit. Me, jealous? In his dreams!

"Why would I get jealous? There was nothing to be jealous of!" No matter when and where, we always ended up fighting.

"If you say so, love." Was he for real?

"Don't call me that.." I warned him.

"Okay. Want me to call you baby, instead?"

"No! Stop saying that now!"

"Alright, baby." This man was just unbelievable. No wonder he wasn't in a relationship. I mean, who could endure him? He was just so shameless in every way!

"Alright, asshole." I fought back, noticing how his expression got darker.

"You are testing me again, aren't you."

"Says you!"

"Maybe you need a good whipping." He smirked, walking closer towards me.

"You know what? Let me get dressed and I will meet you in the parking lot in just 5 minutes." I hurriedly said, managing not to stutter, wanting to escape his shameless moves as fast as possible.

"Gave in so easily, huh?" He smirked.

"J-Just go, please!" And he complied, leaving with an evil smirk on his face. How was I going to withstand him? I knew he was going to embarrass me on purpose. I just knew it, that's what he did all the time. I groaned and put my jacket on. I really did not want to accompany him to go shopping. He was old enough to do it himself, for christ sake! This was going to be a long ass day for me and I was not ready for it at all.

"Divas like you always take a long time to get ready, don't they?" He laughed, when I arrived 10 minutes later. He was already pissing me off and we weren't even in the car yet.

"What the hell are you talking about this time, huh? I'm not a damn diva!" I protested. My blood-pressure always increased because of him!

"Sure you aren't, Xia Yao." He rolled his eyes at me. I wanted to slap him. I really did!

"Why can't you just behave like a normal human being, huh? Why do you always want to make me slap you?"

"Then stop seducing me. Do you know how hard it is for me to not kiss you? You are making everything so hard for me, Xia Yao. Swinging your sexy hips from side to side, while elegantly walking down the street." I went crimson red at his words. He really had no shame in talking like that!

A New Beginning (Advance Bravely: Xia Yao & Yuan Zong) ~COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now