Chapter 99 (Happy Ending)

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AHHHH! I'm finally back with chapter 99! This book is almost finished, noooo! :(

Anyway, I really loved writing this book for you guys, it's been 3 years! Wow! Thank you so much for 900K reads! Road to one million! I can't believe it, you guys are so amazing! 💞💞💞

Xia Yao's POV

All of us three couples were very happy at the moment. We mananged to get over every bumpy road that was infront of us so far. No one could get in our way, we were too strong to let anyone come in between us. Our love was so strong, so deep. We managed to fight through every insecurity, that tried to break down our love, that tried to tear us apart.

We all knew that whatever was coming for us all, we would fight through it all and win every battle. We were that strong. There were days, where we fought. Of course there were. No love was perfect, yet we were all perfect for each other. We completed each other, we needed each other. We relied on each other. Even though Zhen Zhen and Peng Ze's love was still blooming, they were stronger than ever, after finally realizing that they were meant to be.

Zhi Shui recently told me about the struggles of their relationship and I felt heartbroken just hearing the fight he had to go through together with his fiancé, Da Yu. It's crazy how they wre the first to get engaged, yet Yuan Zong and I were the first to get married. I chuckled at the thought.

We all deserved our happy ending after all our struggles. And we finally got it.

I could not wait until I walked down the isle with my handsome soon to be husband. Looking back to when I first met him, I realized just how crazy destiny worked. To think that the stranger, that I had briefly met in the supermarket, was going to be my husband by the end of this month. I giggled, thinking back about how he stalked me a little bit. Every other person would find it creepy, but he didn't do anything to harm me. And to think that I used to hate him? Gosh, how the tables have turned, right?

I mean, who would not fall for Yuan Zong? He was stunning. Kindhearted. Caring. Overall just amazing.

"Hey, pretty. What are you thinking about?" 

"Just thinking back on everything. I just think it's crazy how everything turned out between us." I told him and cuddled into his side when he sat down beside me on the couch.

"Yeah, how so? I knew you would be mine one way or another." He smirked and kissed the top of my head. As much as I wanted to disagree, deep down, I knew it also back then.

"It's still hard to grasp the fact that I was also your first love."

"First and last love, baby." I looked up at him and leaned in for a kiss, meanwhile playing with his ring.

"Can't we get married now?" I pouted.

"I wish, babe. But we gotta wait a bit more."

We were so far finished with the wedding planning. Only small details were left and then we would finally be able to sleep peacefully without having to wake up so early every day. Yuan Zong went back to work, so I was the one who mainly did the last few things that were left to do. I will also go back to work after our wedding and our honeymoon.

"Can you finally tell me where our honeymoon is going to be? I want to knoooow!" I pouted. He was the only one who knew the location and he refused to tell me. It wasn't fair, because I would have to pack last minute, then.

"I won't, babe. It's a surprise and I really hope that you will like it."

"Is it somewhere sunny? Somewhere cold? I need to know, so I can pack the right clothes." Literally anything was possible, because I loved to travel.

"Hm, I don't know. I guess we will both have to wait and see."

"Ugh, don't do this to me. You know how much I hate surprises!" I pouted. He just laughed and kissed my head once again.

It suddenly knocked on the door. Right, Yuan Ru was supposed to come over.

"Heeeeey! It's your favorite sister in law!"

"You are my only sister in law." I laughed.

"Still. I'm one in a million." Yuan Zong just rolled his eyes at his younger sister.

"Xia Yao, are you ready? Let's go!" I looked at her, confused.

"Huh? Where are we going?"

"Shopping! Duh!"

"When did we plan that? Didn't we go yesterday?"

"You can never do too much shopping. Now let's go."

"You two have fun then, I'll go upstairs and do some work, so we can enjoy the weekend, babe." Yuan Zong said and kissed me. Yuan Ru fake puked and gagged. I couldn't blame her. We were pretty disgusting. Disgustingly cute.

"Alright, babe. Just text me if you want anything, okay? I'll head out now." He nodded and I gave him one last kiss, before heading out with Yuan Ru.

"Why are we going shopping today? I thought we already had everything?"

"Don't you want to look for more lingerie?" I blushed and looked away. I did want to look for more. After all, we would be gone for two weeks.

"Okaaaay. Let's go."

"See, now you are excited! Does he know what you look like in lingerie?"

"I once send him a picture when he was at work and he immediately drove home." I laughed at the thought.


"Well, he didn't get to enjoy it too much, because my mother came to visit us. And it only happened last week." Yuan Zong was so grumpy the whole day, it was kinda hilarious.

"Damn, poor guy. Time to find some more goodies, then. Come on!"

Wedding, here I come!


It's been so long, I know! But, I just can't accept the fact that there is only one chapter left, until this story is finished! :(

I think I'm gonna cry so much when this story is done!

120 Votes and 25 comments for the wedding chapter, it will be the longest one! Wedding + wedding night! (Honeymoon) 🔞

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