Chapter 75 (needed help)

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Chapter 75 is hereeee! :)

Might do a double update 😉

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 300K READS! That's so crazy! 😭 I love you guys with all my heart, thank you! ❤

And guys, I told you guys that I would update once a week, but if the goal of the votes and comments isn't reached, I wont update until you guys have reached it. It takes a lot of time to write the chapters, thats why I put a certain amount of votes and comments after every chapter. I hope you guys understand 💕

Follow me on Instagram: @pakgunlove

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Da Yu's POV

The days I spent without Zhi Shui by my side, seemed endless and it killed with every day passing by. It drove me insane, knowing that he was somewhere all by himself, without anyone by his side. It's been two weeks since I'd last seen him. Hugged him. Kissed him. Loved him.

I missed him like crazy, I needed him here with me. He was my fiancé and soon to be husband for gods sake. I had talked to him a couple of times, wanting to know how he was feeling. He claimed that he was feeling okay, but I didn't believe him one bit. I knew he needed me just as much as I needed him. I really didn't want him to leave to his parents' house, because they often liked to put pressure on him, whether it was about work or our family planning. They accepted our relationship, thank god, but I could still tell that they were uncomfortable around me, which I actually didn't mind.

Right now, I was getting ready to pick Zhi Shui up from his parents' house, which he did not know about. I was going to surprise him, but I didn't know how he'd feel about it. I also made an appointment for him, to see a therapist and I hoped that it was the right desicion for him. He obviously needed help from a professional. Of course he also had me, but I never knew what kind of advice I should give him, in order to help him, so I figured getting him a therapist would be the best decision.


After being stuck in traffic for about an hour, I was finally standing infront of Zhi Shui's parents' house. I was feeling quite nervous, actually, because I didn't know how he'd react seeing me standing there. I could literally burst into tears right now, but out of happiness. The fact that I was so close to holding him in my arms again, that I was able to kiss him again, brought so much joy to my heart.

I decided to send him a message. Hopefully he was even home.

'Babe? Are you home?'

I kept waiting for him to reply and after two more minutes of waiting, I finally received one.

'Yes, I am. Why, D?'

'Look outside.' I texted him and looked up at his room. A moment later, I saw the curtains of his windows move.

And there he was, my Zhi Shui, looking stunning as ever. I could still tell that he had dark bags under his eyes and I sighed.

Seemed like he couldn't sleep without me by his side, either.

I watched as his eyes widened in shock and he immediately closed the curtains again. Feeling confused, I was ready to go and ring the doorbell, when suddenly something was crashing into me.

It was Zhi Shui.

I immediately wrapped my arms around his slim waist and hugged him close to me. Breathing in his sweet scent, while repeatedly kissing his forhead. I missed him so much and it seemed like he missed me just as much.

"I-I thought I could d-do it, Da Yu. I really did think it would help me, but I was wrong. So, so wrong." He cried out, tears were starting to stream down his face.

"Pssht, it's going to be okay, love. Stop crying." He was shaking really hard and he didnt stop crying.

"I missed y-you."

"I missed you too, baby. So much." I whispered and picked him up. He soon wrapped his legs around my body, clinging onto me for dear life.

"Let's go inside, yeah? We need to talk." He nodded against my neck and whispered okay.

He had left the door open, so we went in and went into the living room. His parents were apparently at work, they owned a bakery near by and were supposed to be back in an hour or two.

"I want you to come back home with me, Zhi Shui. I cannot stand being away from you. It hurts too much when you're gone. You have to come back, there's no way I'm letting you stay here for one more night. I know that you haven't been sleeping well, I can tell from those dark circles under your eyes." I rambled and held his hands.

"You know me too well." He sighed, looking upset.

"I can't stay here any longer, either. It drives me even more crazy." He agreed.

"You have to tell me everything from now on, alright? I know you like to keep secrets from me from time to time, but you have to know that I will always be here for you, alright? It hurts me to see you like this, baby. It breaks my heart." I knew about his insecurities, but I obviously knew that there was more to that.

"I will, I promise."

"One more thing..."


"You have to see a therapist. I already made the appointment." I was scared of his reaction, but it had to be done. I couldn't stand to see him like that any longer. Especially when he had no reason to.

"I'm not even going to try and fight it. I need help. I know that and I'm willing to fight for it. I will do anything to save myself." He whispered.

I placed my hand under his chin, so our eyes would meet. I slowly leaned in and placed my lips on his soft ones, gently kissing him. I pulled back a little and pressed my forhead against his.

"We got this, yeah? We will get through it. Together."



This chapter is pretty short, but I will update tomorrow again, surprise! It will be about Yuan Zong and Xia Yao:)

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A New Beginning (Advance Bravely: Xia Yao & Yuan Zong) ~COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now