Chapter 27 (not your baby!)

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Hey guys!

I decided to upload chapter 27 for you guys, despite my writers block. I really hope you guys still like how it turned out a little bit :/

Yuan Zong's POV

This boy truly was going to be the death of me. And here he was, standing in front of me, wearing my clothes, that were way too big for him, pouting his lips and asking for a good night kiss. I really had to prevent myself from ravishing him right then and there, but of course I would never take advantage of him like that, in his drunk state.

"Helloooo, I'm waiting!" He slurred, placing a hand on his hip.

"No, Xia Yao."

"What! Why?" He pouted. Seriously, if he didn't stop right now.... The things I wanted to do to him. Oh, the list was endless.

"Because I say so. Now go to sleep. Come on, it's already late." I tried pulling him back into my bedroom, so he could sleep, but of course, my boy was so damn stubborn.

"Noooooope." He turned away from me, stomping his feet like a child.

"Don't make me mad now, come on."

"No. You go to sleep."

"Listen to me for once, god damn it!"

"Why should I? You don't listen to me either!" I rolled my eyes at him. Such a child, my love.

"Just go to sleep, okay."

"No. M' not tired." He wiped his eyes. Not tired, my ass.

"You are not making this any easier for me."

"You are not making this any easier for me." He said back, moking me.

"Xia Yao!" I was so done with him at this point.

"Yup?" I sighed, holding my arms wide open.

"Come here." He smiled so wide, making my heart melt. He drove me so crazy. I couldn't put into words how much he meant to me, how much I loved him. This stubborn boy stole my heart and I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Comfy." He mumbled into my chest, hugging me close. I didn't want to let him go, ever. But of course, once he sobered up, he would be back to his stubborn little self.

"Can you do me a favor?"

"Hmm?" He said, closing his eyes.

"Can you go to sleep for me?"

"No. Gimme kiss." I sighed, thinking about whether I should just give in or not.

"I can't, baby."

"Do not call me baby. You won't kiss me, your baby, therefore you aren't allowed to call me that." He mumbled, sticking his tongue out. I smiled down at him, running my hand up and down his back.

So we just stood there, holding each other for good 10 minutes. After a while, I heard him snore softly against my chest. I couldn't help, but kiss the top of his head. I wish this moment lasted forever, but I just carried him back into my room, tucking him in. Taking my phone out, I took a sneaky picture of him sleeping, making it my phone backround. He looked so damn adorable all snuggled in, snoring softly. Drunk Xia Yao was just so endearing.

I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep. There was no way. With Xia Yao sleeping safe and sound just next door. I really had to refrain myself from going in there and pulling him tight against my body. And I knew there was way more to come. Xia Yao really made it difficult for me at times. I had sleepless nights because of him, staying up all night just thinking about him, wanting to hold him close and keep him in my embrace. I loved him so much to the point I would do everything for him, for my love. And with everything, I literally meant everything. He was my everything, my first love. I couldn't get him out of my head and I was going to get him, make him mine. I knew that he was going to be mine, even he knew that. There was no way in hell I was going to be only friends with him. No one could have him, but me.

But what made him want to get drunk? Why did he get trunk? Was it because work was too stressful for him? Did his mother pressure him again? Or was it even because of... me? No. It could not have been me, I was sure of it. That boy always made worry all over about him. First, he wasn't taking good care of himself and now he was even getting drunk! Unbelievable, that boy. I was definitely going to have a long talk with him. I was afraid he was going to take it too far and collaps completely. The way he was behaving, was definitely not healthy for him and for me. An idea sprung into my head. Maybe I knew what was going to be easier for him, making work more enjoyable and less stressful for him. That idea consisted of his two other friends. With that in mind, I took my phone out and dialed Peng Ze's number, hoping he was still awake and those other two boys were with him. And after four rings, he finally picked up and I sighed in relief.


"Hello, Peng Ze. I need to ask you something. Are your other two friends still with you?"

"Yes, sir. Why, is there a problem?"

"No, not at all. Put me on speaker, please."

"I did, sir." He said, in a nervous tone.

"Hello, boys. I have something to ask you guys something." I continued.

"And what might that be?" One of them said, sounding excited.

"How about both of you start working in my company from now on?" I told them, hoping they would agree.

"I don't think my boyfriend, Zhi Shui would approve. He works as an artist and I don't know know if I really want to quit my job-" I cut him off.

"The pay is exceptionally well." I tried to persuade them.

"Sir, please let us think about it."

"Alright, I will ask the both of you in a week again. Goodbye." I hung up and threw my phone on the table.

Tomorrow sure was going to be eventful, I could already tell.


There you go, guys :/

Thank you guys for all the love so far. ❤

A New Beginning (Advance Bravely: Xia Yao & Yuan Zong) ~COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now