Chapter 74 (Love....?)

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New update!!!

If you follow me and read the message that I left on my message board on my profile you'd know that I actually planned to update two weeks ago, but then I got the news that my uncle passed away and I was so heartbroken and didn't have the energy or strength in me to write. Hope you guys understand. 💔

Follow me here on wattpad, please, because I'm tryna reach 1K followers! 💕

I know that most of you guys love Xia Yao's and Yuan Zong's relationship more than the other two, but we have to focus on the other couples, too. All three of those couples have an important message behind them :)

150 Votes and 30 comments for chapter 75!

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Zhen Zhen's POV

I just came back from a modeling shoot for a couple different magazines and was now on my way to the company to meet Peng Ze for lunch. I was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to go home and take a shower and maybe even take a nap, but he insisted that I go to lunch with him, like always.

I haven't seen Xia Yao and Yuan Zong in a while, which was odd considering I came all the way to DongBei to visit him for a couple of weeks and yet we didn't really spend that much time with each other. So I was excited when he texted me their new adresse this morning, telling me to go and visit them tonight. Even though they had plenty of room left for me, I decided to stay over at Peng Ze's house while I'm here in Dong Bei. Well, Peng Ze basically begged me to. But hey, who was I to complain? I got great sex with a handsome man every day, there was really nothing to complain about.

"Oh, there you are. I was just about to call you to see where you went." I told him. He was usually in his own office, working, but he was actually at the reception this time.

"Yeah." I was hoping for a kiss as a greeting, but was met with a cold and distant Peng Ze. I was already exhausted, so I really did not want to deal with him being so moody right now.

"That's it? That's all you have to say...?"

"What am I supposed to do? Jump up and down and be all cheery about your visit?" He said, rolling his eyes. That was so unlike him, he was usually happy to see me, but now he seemed like all he wanted me to do was to go away. He was the one who called me and told me to come.

"Well... a kiss would have been nice, Peng Ze."

"But not at work." He simply said, not even meeting my eyes.

I just stood there, with my mouth wide open. What has gotten into him?

"Since when did work ever come between us... messing around?"

"You've had a lot of 'messing around' since you've been here, Zhen Zhen. And not only with me." He said, shaking his head.

Was he... jealous?

"That's usually what happens when you are fuckbuddies with someone, captain obvious." I replied back, sassily. I was so annoyed at this point.

"Well, why don't you go back to them and stop bothering me instead, hmm?!" What even was he angry about? I didn't get it and he had absolutely no reason to be angry at me.

A New Beginning (Advance Bravely: Xia Yao & Yuan Zong) ~COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now