Chapter 2 (all eyes on me)

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Here you go with chapter 2! :)

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Xia Yao's POV

Since my mum would be gone for pretty much the entire day, I had nothing to do and no one to talk to. I haven't made any new friends yet either, obviously and I was bored to death.

On one hand I was hungry and wanted to make some food, but on the other hand we just moved in and I didn't want to burn our brand new kitchen down. Food delivery it was, then! I know, I know. Not the healthiest option, but I was too hungry to give a damn.

I ordered myself some
Chow Mein (炒面)

I ordered myself some Chow Mein (炒面)

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and Dumplings (饺子)

I had been craving those two dishes lately

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I had been craving those two dishes lately.

After I had finished eating, I browsed the internet to find a new gym I could go to and sign up for. To my luck, there was one and it was only 15 minutes away from my house. I decided to go there now, I could use that now, after demolishing a whole lot of food.

I used to be very chubby as a child and people would often make fun of me for that. At age 16 I started to exercise more and more, being careful with what I ate, also. I lost approximately 10 pounds in only 3 weeks, so I continued with my routine and soon became obsessed with going to the gym. I went at least 6 times a week, twice a day. I went back and forth with losing weight and also gaining the weight back, because my parents started to fight more often so I got comfort by eating lots of junk food.

Now, at age 25, I finally had my dream body, the shape I aspired to have as a kid. But since I hadn't been to the gym in a month, I wanted to get back into shape.

After signing up for a gym membership, I started with cardio for approximately 30 minutes. After cardio, I went over to lift weights. For some reason, I felt uncomfortable. As if someone was staring at me and chills were running down my spine. It was probably nothing, though. I wasn't used to this gym yet, that's what I decided was the reason for it. And even if someone was creeping on me, I didn't even care. They could get lost for all I care! All it did, was boost my ego even more. So...

After working out, I made use of the big mirror in front of me. I took at least 20 selfies, deleted 19 of them and posted the best one, where I was also shirtless, on weibo. I mean, could you really blame me? I made a huge progress over the years. Of course I wanted to show off!

I was bored, so I took another selfie in the elevator, also posted it on weibo, before leaving the gym and walking towards the parking lot, to get to my car

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I was bored, so I took another selfie in the elevator, also posted it on weibo, before leaving the gym and walking towards the parking lot, to get to my car.

The moment I stepped out of the gym, that weird feeling came over me again, as if someone was staring at me, again, or following me around

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The moment I stepped out of the gym, that weird feeling came over me again, as if someone was staring at me, again, or following me around. Looking around me, I saw no one else besides a young couple or maybe they were siblings, friends or whatever. It couldn't have been them, now, could it? They looked like they were too deep into the conversation they were having, so, no. It wasn't them, I was sure of it. And also, they were two people. Surely I would have noticed them staring at me in the gym.

Maybe I was just overreacting and no one was actually stalking me. Yes, I was calling it stalking, because, well, it was! Don't judge me!
And also, who could resist someone like me? Come one, I was one handsome boy, wasn't I!?
(A/N: ohh Xiao Yao, baby. Don't be so arrogant! 😂😝)
It's called being confident!

I made sure to go to bed early, since I had my first day of work tomorrow. I was really excited and looking forward to it, but I also felt pretty nervous. I mean, what if I fucked up? On my first day of work, that is!

I was pretty clumsy at times, so I wouldn't really be surprised if I did screw up.

Oh well, I really hoped that tomorrow would end up well for me. My duty as a man, as a son, was to work and bring money into the house to pay the bills.

I could have easily moved into a flat on my own, I was 25, for gods sake! But I didn't want to leave my mum all alone on her own, now that she was divorced, too.

I wasn't rushing it, either. I was still young, single and living at home with my mum, paying the bills.

I mean, it could have been worse, right?

Let's just hope that tomorrow would end up well for me and that I was going to get along with all of my new co-workers, especially my boss.

And again, that weird feeling came over me. Why did that keep happening to me?! Come on!


Hope you liked it, loves! 💓
The chapters will get longer, I promise!

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