Chapter 92 (Pain)

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Hey babes!

I'm finally back with another chapter and it's a long one, too! Enjoy xx

P. S. Another chapter will be up this week, who wants Yuan Zong's POV...? 🤔

Xia Yao's POV

I am currently at Zhen Zhen's apartment, trying to knock some sense back into him. I've been seeing Peng Ze look so depressed and sad lately and it was definitely not something I enjoyed seeing. I kind of knew how Zhen Zhen felt, though. He had to learn how to trust again, how to love again. He got screwed over by someone he thought he could trust and rely on. It kinda felt like how I felt when I first met Yuan Zong. I had never experienced love before and it was a very new feeling for me, but once I experienced it, it felt amazing.

That's why I was so desperate to fix things between Zhen Zhen and Peng Ze. They both deserved to feel love and be cared for.

"I really want to get to know him more and even... trust him. But I'm just so scared that he's gonna play me. I mean, he was only interested in my body at first. He we did nothing, but fuck."

"I get it, Zhen Zhen, I really do. You've been saying that so many times already. But people change, believe it or not. He's been miserable, I can tell that you mean a lot to him and he's interested in you and not only your body." I said, meaning it.

"No, you don't get it. No one does, unless they went through the same thing as me. I was so in love with my ex boyfriend. So so in love. I was ready to give him the world and even marry him. He was so good to me, at first and I was so good to him. I've always been faithful, unlike him. And one day, he confessed to cheating on me. I fucking caught him in the act. Do you know how I fucking felt? I was devastated. It felt like my whole life was falling apart. I only saw the mistakes in myself, I thought that I was at fault. But I wasn't." He broke down in tears and I felt my heart break at that sight.

We have had this conversation so many times, already and it got sadder each.

It was true. I didn't want to know how he felt.

"Listen, Z. I wouldn't talk to you about this if your happiness didn't matter to me. And yes, Peng Ze was a player, but that's only because he had never experienced love before. But you unlocked something in him. You've unlocked love in him and you are holding the key to his lock now. To his heart. Please at least think about it."

"You are in love with Yuan Zong, right?" I furrowed my eyebrows, feeling confused. Where was he going with this?


"You would do anything for him, right?" This time I nodded.

"You see a future with him, right? You wanna be his husband, even. Spend your whole life with Yuan Zong, you guys have future plans with each other. You wanna build a family with him. You want him to be the father to your kids, and the granddad to your grandchildren. You wanna grow old with him, until death tears you apart." He listed, monotonously.

"Of course, I do. What does that have to do with me and Yuan Zong?"

"Imagine going home one day, tired after work, but excited to go home to your man, nevertheless. Wanting to spend the rest of the day cuddled up in his arms, after making love to him all night long. But instead, you see him with someone that is definitely not you. Someone who could never be you. Covered in hickeys, naked. You see the man you loved and trusted with all your heart. Cheating on you. Xia Yao, when I tell you my whole world was torn apart at that dark moment, I mean it." I was silent for a while, not knowing what to say. I was actually speechless.

A New Beginning (Advance Bravely: Xia Yao & Yuan Zong) ~COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now