Chapter 21 (Xia Yao's plan)

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Hey guys!

Sorry for making you guys wait, but I'm just crazy busy with school that I didn't have time to update. But still, I decided to write this short chapter, wanting to upload something for you. :/

And, next chapter is going to be so funny! To me, at least ;)

Hope you enjoy chapter 21!

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Xia Yao's POV

It had been rather quiet at the company, surprisingly. With Yuan Zongs absence, I thought all the workers would be more.... daring.
Yuan Zong was going to be back tomorrow, I really did not look forward to him being back.
As expected, Huan Lige kept flirting with me, even asking me to take her out on a date. She was so annoying and everytime I asked her to stop she tried to seduce me by showing me her cleavage. I was so grossed out, traumatized, even. Thankfully Yuan Ru helped me out by telling her that I really wasn't interested in her, at all. Hopefully she was going to stop now.

And as for my mother, she was acting more and more weird everyday, but she wouldn't tell me what had happened. Trying to find excuses all the damn time.

"Xia Yao! Xia Yao!" I heard Yuan Ru call me.


"My brother just called, telling me that the company has to be in top form tomorrow, he is expecting a visitor."


"It's a woman!" Her eyes sparkled with excitement. I was so annoyed at this point.

"What has that got to do with me?"

"I want to thank you, silly!" She laughed, ruffling my hair.

"For what?"

"For finding him a girlfriend!" I tensed up, feeling my heartbeat increase.

"He... no. He is not dating anyone at the moment, Yuan Ru. Surely I would have known." No. He didn't have a girlfriend. Just, no.

"Oh, but he does, silly. Just trust me on that." I was angry. And that definitely wasn't the reaction I was expecting from myself.

"H-How do you know she is his g-girlfriend?"

"Well, before he had left, he told me that he was interested in someone at the moment." The note on his computer... Could she really have been his new love? There was no way she was, right?

"And Yuan Zong is like a new person, ever since he came back from that lunch date you guys had a while ago." She continued. I had never seen her so happy before.

"Please don't call it a date. Please."

"So..." She started. Oh no.

"What?" I took a step back.

"Can you do me a tiny favor tomorrow?"

"Depends. What is it?"

"Would you mind bringing them snacks tomorrow?" Hell no.

"I do mind."

"But please! Xia Yao... for me?"

"No." She pouted, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'm sorry. You should do it."

"You are mean."


"Yuan Zong is going to be very disappointed in you, you know."

"Like hell he is." I just wanted to disappear at that moment. Why did Yuan Zong follow me everywhere I went? Everything I did?

"You are his buddy-"

"We are not friends, Yuan Ru. Just drop it, will you."

"What do you mean? You guys went out to eat lunch and he likes you very much, Xia Yao. I've never seen him treat an employee like he treats you-"

"Yuan Ru. Please." She really wasn't making this any easier for me.

"Alright. I'll do it." I noticed how her mood changed drastically. She was so happy in the beginning and now she was just upset. Good job, Xia Yao.

I sighed, going back to work.

My mind kept wandering to Yuan Zong. I know I shouldn't have been thinking about him in the first place, but I just couldn't believe he would be playing me like that. All the lies he kept telling me, making me believe him. How could I be so naive?

You have beautiful eyes.


You have a cute little smile.


...those pretty boy-ish looks you have.


Lie after lie, after lie.

Why did that bother me so much? After all, I did hate him. I shoudn't even be thinking about him!
I really wished he was here right now.

So I could slap the shit out of him!

But that had to wait until tomorrow.
My eyes widened. That woman was going to be here. Well, I didn't know if it really was that woman. I felt myself start to tense up. I didn't even know that woman, those women and here I was, getting angry for no reason.

There was no way I was going to let those women near Yuan Zong. He wants to play? Sure, I could do that. I was going to play him just like he played me. I felt myself start to sweat. Why did the thought of Yuan Zong being with other women bother me so much? I had no idea, it was all so new to me, so confusing.

Did I want Yuan Zong to pay attention to me and only me?

Did I want him to like me and only me?

Did I want him to want me and only me?

I had all these questions stuck in my head, having no answer to them what so ever. Maybe I should have just left him be, move on from everything and clear my head from all the shit that had been going on these past few weeks. It wasn't healthy for me, I could tell, leading me to being stressed all the time and even skipping meals. I was not going to let anyone treat me like that, play me like that. (A/N: You go, Xia Yao! Good for you! ;))

But me being the stubborn little boy I was, was not going to let Yuan Zong get away with all of that. No way in hell.


Told you guys it was short. Next one will definitely be longer!

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A New Beginning (Advance Bravely: Xia Yao & Yuan Zong) ~COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now