Chapter 33 (anniversary dinner)

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Chapter 33 is here! :)

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Xia Yao's POV

Yuan Zong and I were now on our way to Da Yu's and Zhi Shui's place. The tension was high, with Yuan Zong constantly trying to wrap his arm around my waist and pulling me against him.  He tried it over and over again, even though I was pushing him away the whole time. Couldn't he get the message and just leave me alone? After 5 minutes of me literally yelling at him to stop his actions, he finally stopped and apologised for his behaviour, which I definitely did not expect him to do.

"Can't you walk a bit faster? You are so slow." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Just because you are a giant, doesn't mean I have to keep up with you."

"...Or I can carry you."

"Hell no, I can walk just fine. Come on, now. Or else we really are going to be late." I was so fed up with him at this point. One minute he was teasing me and the next he was shamelessly flirting with me. He was always like that!

"Says you who trips over air. Air." He mocked me.

"Shut up, ugh. It was just one time." I groaned. He just loved making fun of me.

"Why did they even invite me?" He asked instead.

"Hell do I know. Ask them." He sighed and stopped walking for a moment, staring at me.

"What? Are you paralysed now?" I noticed how his hand was twitching, before he slowly raised it and brushed it against my cheek, stroking it.

"Are you crazy, what are you doing?" I whisper- yelled at him.

"We are in public!" I added, raising my voice slightly. I looked around us and no one was to be found. Thank god.

"Pssht." He moved his body closer to mine, before leaning down and brushing his lips against my cheek, planting a little kiss on it, that left my whole face tingling and red.

"W-Why did you do that?" I was not angry at him, for kissing me. Well, kissing my cheek. Nor would I mind if he did it again...

"How could I not do that?" He smirked.

"Ugh. Let's just go. Please." So we continued to walk in silence. Yuan Zong was the one driving us here, but he parked his car a bit further away from their house and wanted us to walk the small distance to their house.

After 5 more minutes passed, we finally arrived at their house. I rang the door bell and we had to wait for a few minutes, since no one opened the door at first. After a few more tries, a messed-up Da Yu opened the door, looking all messy. His hair was a mess, he wore his shirt backwards and he wasn't even wearing any socks.

"We are already 5 minutes late and you are still in bed with Zhi Shui it seems. Doing... whatever you guys were doing." I cringed at the thought of them having sex, it was so disturbing to me.

"Shut up and come on in, you idiots." And we did. Their house looked pretty comfy, with a lot of beautiful paintings hanging on the walls. Then I remembered that Zhi Shui was an artist. And damn, was he a good artist!

"Happy anniversary, by the way. I'm happy for you guys, keep going strong." I smiled and handed them the expensive wine Yuan Zong insisted on buying. He thanked us and lead us to the living room.

"Me too and I think it's time."

"Time for what?" I asked and he just smiled sheepishly. Yuan Zong looked at me and pointed towards his left ring finger and I immediately knew what Da Yu was hinting on.

A New Beginning (Advance Bravely: Xia Yao & Yuan Zong) ~COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now