He Gets Jealous of One of the Other Boys

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Chance: You've been sitting with Michael while you wait for Chance to get back from dropping Brooklyn off with her mom. You are scrolling through Instagram on your phone when Michael steals it right out of your hands. You gasp slightly and look at him. "Funny, come on, give it back." You hold out your hand, but Michael grins and just looks at you. You roll your eyes playfully and go to reach for your phone, but he moves it farther away. "Michael!" You whine and give him a small pout. "What's wrong?" He asks as though nothing is wrong. "Give me back my phone!" You exclaim, reaching for it again. This time Michael stands up with it and you fall forward onto your stomach on the couch, letting out a small huff. He laughs and you stand up quickly. "Oh crap!" He laughs again and takes off running around the house and you laugh as you chase after him, getting close a few times. Finally you slip through the pantry door and hide. "Y/N?" Michael calls when he realizes you aren't chasing him anymore. He starts searching for you and just as he passes the pantry, you push open the door and jump on his back. He lets out a scream and grabs your legs so you don't fall. You take that opportunity to steal your phone back, sliding it into your back pocket. "Gotcha!" You tease. Michael laughs and shakes his head as you gently wrap your arms around his neck to steady yourself. You hear someone clear their throat and you both look over your shoulders to see Chance standing there. "Babe!" You exclaim cheerfully, and slide off of Michael, walking over to give Chance a hug, but he takes a step back. You frown and look up at him. "Chance? What's the matter?" You ask in confusion. "What's the matter is that I left for an hour and when I came back you were flirting with my best friend." You laugh slightly. "You can't be serious. Chance we weren't flirting. He stole my phone and I tried to get it back," You counter. "By jumping on him and wrapping your arms around him?" You raise an eyebrow. "Are you jealous right now?" Chance looks between you and Michael for a minute, not saying anything. "Chance, I would never do that to you. I don't want to be with Michael. I want to be with you. Only you," you reassure, slowly sliding your fingers through his hair, pulling him closer to you. Chance's shoulders relax then and he looks down at you. "Good. I'd be lost without you."

Michael: Michael, Chance, Sergio, and Brady had gone off to Target to do some quick shopping. You stayed behind with Drew to help him set up for the party they were throwing later that night. You are both running around dusting everything and vacuuming. "Drew! The kitchen needs to be mopped really quick! I'm going to go clean the bathroom!" You yell, heading for the downstairs bathroom. "Got it!" He calls back. You hum to yourself as you clean up the bathroom, taking your time since it was the last room you had to clean. You take the bag out of the trash can to bring it to the kitchen garbage, forgetting that Drew was mopping. You grab the garbage and walk out to the kitchen, shrieking as your shoe slips and you start to fall backwards. The trash flies out of your hand and all over the floor as you land hard against something. "Are you okay?" Drew asks, his arm around your waist from where he caught you. You nod slowly and look at him. "Yeah. Thank you." "What's going on?" You hear Michael's familiar voice and you carefully stand up, smoothing out your shirt. "Perfect timing. We were just finishing up cleaning. I almost slipped and fell, but Drew caught me." "Cleaning? There's trash all over the floor. It looked more like fooling around," Michael snaps. You eye him suspiciously. "Are you jealous? You could have stayed home to clean you know. Then you would have caught me if I slipped," you say sarcastically. Michael huffs. "I'm not jealous. It just didn't look like you were doing work," he tries to say, but you shake your head and smirk, walking over to him. "You are so jealous right now! Michael, I'm with you. Not Drew. So what if he caught me? You're the one I kiss and hug and spend my spare time with, dork." You poke his stomach lightly because you know he's ticklish and he cracks a smile. You giggle and hug him tightly. "Good now?" You ask. He hugs you back and nods. "Good. Clean up this trash then." You pull away and point to the trash on the floor that you spilled and his mouth falls open, making the other boys laugh.

Sergio: You are sitting with the boys playing Trivial Pursuit and you had to be on teams of two so naturally you chose your best friend, Brady. Sergio already didn't like that, but he kept his mouth shut. Now you and Brady were dominating the game and you were one question away from winning. "What is the capital of Florida?" Chance reads from the card. You and Brady look at each other for a moment and confer. You finally answer, "Tallahassee." "Correct!" Chance throws the card down and you and Brady cheer and high five before you hug him gently. "OH that was so easy!" Sergio exclaims. "Don't be jealous that we won," you tease. "That's not why I'm jealous," he mumbles quietly, but you just slightly catch it. "Wait, Sergio, babe. What's wrong?" You ask, your smile fading and you sit down in front of him. He sighs and shakes his head. "It's just...you chose Brady to be your teammate instead of me." You sigh and grab his hands. "Sergio, don't take that personally. I chose Brady because I haven't seen him in a while because you and I have been on vacation together for the past two weeks. I just wanted a chance to catch up with him," you explain calmly. Sergio looks up at you. "I guess I did have you all to myself at Disney." You nod and kiss his nose softly, making him smile. "Don't be upset okay?" Sergio nods and kisses your forehead. "You're right. I'm sorry."

Drew: You are sitting with the boys, listening to them sing their new single. The song has a part where Sergio sings in Spanish and you love it because it's so different. When Sergio's part comes up you immediately smile and start dancing around and Sergio shoots you a playful wink at the end. As they finish up and come out of the recording booth, you applaud them. "Guys that sounded amazing!" You exclaim, walking over to Drew for a hug. He shrugs out of your grasp and walks silently to the food table, grabbing a water. You raise your eyebrow and look at the boys in confusion, but they all shrug. You sigh and walk over to Drew hesitantly. "Did I do something wrong?" You ask quietly. "Do you like Sergio?" He blurts out. You laugh slightly and shake your head. "What? Drew come on. Of course I don't. My heart is already taken." "Then why only dance during his part? I saw him wink at you," Drew replies. "Babe, I danced because I like the Spanish singing, not because I like him. He winked just to be funny. I am your girlfriend last time I checked and I don't want to be with anyone else. Please don't get jealous." Drew sighs and looks over at you. "Fine. I'm sorry," he mumbles. you hold out your arms for a hug, a small smile on your lips. He smiles then and pulls you into his arms tightly. "Can't breathe!" You joke and he laughs, kissing your forehead.

Brady: You got the opportunity to play a love interest in the boys new music video. It's being filmed on the beach so the makeup and hair people dress you in a white and gold bikini with a knitted shrug thrown over your shoulders. Your hair is down and has that beach wave look to it and your makeup is simple as you are meant to look like you've been on the beach all day. You walk over to the boys and Brady whistles, making you blush. "My girlfriend is hot!" He compliments and you giggle. "Well, for this video, she isn't your girlfriend. She is Chance's," the director announces and Brady frowns slightly. "Oh, okay." As you guys start filming, Chance is instructed to grab your waist and pull you close, singing just inches from your face. You are told to slide your fingers along his chest and then up to his cheek and act like you are in love so that's exactly what you guys do. When the director yells cut, you notice Brady is off to the side and he looks a little upset. "I'll be right back," you whisper to Chance and you walk over to Brady. "What's up love?" You ask worriedly. Brady shrugs and looks out at the water. "I just don't like watching you with Chance." "Aw, B...are you jealous? There's no need to be. It's all acting. He isn't my type anyway. I like blonde, goofy, sweet boys...well actually there's only one blonde, goofy, sweet boy I like." You watch Brady try to fight back a smile, but he fails and you smile, turning him around to face you. "Good. I got you to smile. I'm going to go finish filming now, but I'm all yours afterwards okay?" Brady smiles more and nods and you lean up to kiss his cheek softly before you job back over to Chance to finish the scene.

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