I've Always Liked You (Sergio Imagine)

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"I got you a gig. You aren't going to like it, but I need you to say yes. It pays well," My agent says when I answer the phone.

"Why wouldn't I like it then?" I ask in confusion, sitting in the edge of my bed to slide my sandals on.

"It's with In Real Life. It's their new music video and they need a girl to play Sergio's love interest."

My mouth falls open slightly and I take a deep breath. "What? You know we have a history! Why would you say yes?" I panic.

"Because it pays well and it's just for a day. Do not turn this opportunity down. It could get you more jobs in the future."

I sigh and squeeze my eyes shut. "Fine. You so owe me though." I hang up before he can say anything else and grab my purse, heading out to the site of the video.

I arrive at a small little cottage about half an hour later and walk inside quietly, looking around. The crew put up a Christmas Tree with a box of ornaments set beside it. There are stockings hung and there is garland along the staircase.

Oh it must be for their new single... I think to myself.

"Hey, you must be Sergio's love interest," A crew member comes up behind me.

I look at him and smile a bit. "Yeah. Am I late?" I ask worriedly.

"Nah, right on time. Hair and makeup is in the family room just to the left over there."

"Okay, perfect. Thanks so much." I walk down the few stairs into the family room and quickly find an empty seat which is next to a tall boy with brown hair and deep blue eyes.

"Hey, welcome to the set. Who are you playing?" He asks me, and I look up at him with a small smile.

"I guess I'm Sergio's love interest. Which Christmas song is this for? Feel This Christmas or I'll Be Home for Christmas?" I question.

"It's for Feel This Christmas. Are you a fan then?" He responds.

"Oh, uh, I guess you could say that. I listen to you guys because of my ex."

"Wait, your ex listens to us?" The boy, who I now recognize as Michael, replies.

"He's...sort of in the band," I say quietly.

Michael raises an eyebrow. "I feel like I would remember a pretty face like you hanging around."

I blush slightly and look down at my hands. "Well we dated during the show for a bit, but it didn't work out."

"Who?" He asks.

I go to respond but get cut off. "Gianna?" I hear my name from behind me, immediately recognizing Sergio's voice and I slowly turn around in my chair to look at him.

"Hey Sergio." I nearly whisper.

"What are you doing here? It's been a while." He walks over and tries to hug me, but I shrink away from him and look down at my hands, playing with the rings on my fingers awkwardly.

"I'm supposed to play your love interest in this music video."

"That's fitting," he comments.

I raise an eyebrow and look up at him. "Is it? Last time I checked we aren't together anymore and I've done a lot to try and forget you."

Sergio swallows hard and looks at me with eyes that could break down the wall I've put up. "You're trying to forget about me?"

"I-I mean I've tried to, b-but it's hard." I blush as I start to stutter.

"I've never stopped caring for you, Gi. I've tried reaching out, but it kept saying your number was disconnected. I wasn't in the right head space for a girlfriend during the show and I took that out on you. I'm so sorry," Sergio explains quietly, gently grabbing my hands, looking me in the eye.

I sigh and look at our hands for a moment before I slowly slide my hands out of his. "Sergio, let's not do this okay? Let's just film the music video and you never have to see me again."

"I want to see you again Gianna. Don't you get that?" He pleads. When I don't say anything, he sighs and goes to sit down in his makeup chair sadly.

I hesitantly look at Michael as a makeup artist comes over and starts on my hair and makeup.

"He really cares about you. He talks about a girl that got away a lot. I'm assuming that's you," Michael mumbles.

"He does?" I sigh. "I don't know Michael. It really hurt me when he just tossed me to the side like I was nothing. Like I meant nothing."


I grab an ornament out of the box and stand on my tip-toes to try and hang it in a bare area of the tree. When he sees that I'm struggling, Sergio slides his hands around my waist and lifts me up. I try to ignore the butterflies that soar through me as I place the ornament carefully. Sergio sets me down and I slowly turn in his arms, my hands resting against his chest and we gaze into each other's eyes silently, longing and lust obvious in our stares.

"Cut!" The director yells. I blink a few times and pull away from Sergio, running my fingers through my hair and he awkwardly clears his throat. The rest of the boys and the actresses playing their girlfriends all look at the director.

"Really great take guys! Let's keep moving along! In this scene we are going to have Sergio and Gianna under the mistletoe while Sergio sings to her. He's going to lean in for a kiss and at the last second, Gianna I want you to turn your head and smile so his lips hit your cheek. Good?"

We both look at each other and nod. Suddenly I feel very nervous because my feelings are starting to resurface and I'm afraid to be so close to him.

We walk over to the mistletoe and get ready as everyone watches closely. "Action!"

I lean back against the wall as Sergio begins to sing, slowly moving closer to me. I bite my lip as I watch him, his eyes never leaving mine. He leans in slowly and I glance up at the mistletoe for a moment. His nose brushes mine, causing my stomach to ripple with excitement, but I stick to what I'm told and turn my head quickly, his lips hitting my cheek softly. I scrunch my nose and smile, letting out a small giggle, and as he pulls back, he smiles and looks down at me. 

"Cut! Perfect you two!"


As time goes on, Sergio and I grow closer, just like we were when we started dating. My feelings never fully disappeared and every time he looks at me my stomach does a flip.

I'm standing in the kitchen, sipping on a water quietly, scrolling through twitter on my phone while I wait for the break to end.

Sergio comes in and leans against the counter. "Nice work today. I forgot how talented of an actress you are."

I give him a small smile and shake my head. "I wasn't acting Sergio."

He raises an eyebrow and looks at me. "Wait what?"

"Sergio, I told you earlier that I tried to forget you. I couldn't do it though. I missed you, and being here, pretending to be a couple for this video brought all of my feelings rushing back." I set my phone down and look over at him.

His mouth hangs open slightly and I giggle, biting my lip as I place my fingers under his chin and push his mouth closed. "Don't act so surprised."

"I've missed you Gi. So much. I will do anything to make it up to you. Just give me one more chance," Sergio begs, brushing some hair out of my face.

"You don't have to beg. I've always liked you."

Sergio smiles and leans in, pressing his soft lips against mine slowly and sweetly. I smile against his lips and kiss him back softly.

"It's about damn time!" I hear Michael cheer from the doorway. Sergio pulls away and we both laugh, as I rest my head against Sergio's chest.

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