I Still Get Jealous (Michael Imagine)

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*for shawnsmybaby16*

"Bye babe. I'll see you after the interview tonight. Good luck," I kiss Michael's cheek softly and he smiles, giving my hand a gentle squeeze before he heads out to have lunch with his mom.

When the front door closes, I immediately spin on my heel and search the house for Chance. I find him playing pool with Brady.

"Hey, Chance. Do you have a sec?" I ask quietly, fidgeting with the bracelet around my wrist.

He looks over his shoulder at me and nods, setting his pool cue down. "Brady, I'll be right back."

Brady raises an eyebrow, but he shrugs and sits on a bar stool, playing with his phone. I walk into the living room and look up at Chance. "Are we still on for tonight?"

He smiles a bit and nods. "Yeah, of course."

"I hope Michael doesn't get upset," I say, biting my lip nervously.

Chance shakes his head. "He won't. He'll be totally shocked, but I think he's going to be thrilled."

I give him a small smile and hug him tightly. "Thank you for your help."

He smiles and hugs me back gently.


Michael's POV:

"Hey bud. Can we talk?" Brady hesitantly asks.

I raise an eyebrow curiously and nod. He grabs my elbow and walks over to a corner of the dressing room we are in.

"I don't know for sure, but I wouldn't be a good friend if I didn't tell you about my worries. I think there's something going on between Chance and Gracie," he whispers lowly.

I take a small step back and shift awkwardly on my feet. "What? Why would you say that to me?"

Brady sighs. "Okay, I know I sound crazy right now, but I overheard them talking to each other earlier. She asked him if they were still on for tonight and he said of course. And then she was saying something about hoping you don't get mad. It just seemed a little sketchy is all."

I frown and run my fingers through my hair. "Oh, okay. Well thank you for warning me."

"What's going on over here? Everything alright?" Chance squeezes my shoulders slightly as he walks over.

I glance at him momentarily before I nod. "Yup. Just nervous is all."

"Don't worry Michael. Tonight is going to be great," he replies with a smile, before he walks away.

I'm not gonna lie. Seeing his happy smile forms a pit in my stomach and I start to get nervous. What if there is something going on?

"Boys, you're on. Let's go," John peeks his head in. We all straighten up and follow him out to the main floor where we sit on the long white couch together.

Ryan Seacrest walks in and sits in the white chair across from us, smiling brightly. "Hi guys, how are you?"

We all mumble a quick hello, Brady chirping a quick "good" for us.

"So, you guys won the show Boyband on ABC. What was that like, and how is it different from now?" Ryan asks.

"I think it was a very surreal experience for all of us. I mean everything we did was being watched by cameras and we had to form close bonds with everybody on the show. It definitely helped prepare us for where we are now because we're all best friends. We never butt heads because of closeness of the show. It was different from other shows because we weren't all out to win one prize, right. There were five spots and we knew we had to get to know each other in case we ended up in a band together. Now, there aren't cameras on us 24/7 so we're getting to know each other in real life. No pun intended," Sergio explains.

"Going off of that, you guys are called In Real Life. Who came up with the name?" Ryan questions.

"The final eight all got a say and I guess we came to a general consensus. The architects gave us a list of names they thought would fit the style of the band, and we all decided In Real Life was the way to go because, just as our title suggests, we are America's boyband fending for ourselves amongst the other talented artists of today in real life," Drew responds with a smile.

"Now, I have to ask, because we've been seeing a lot of pictures and Instagram lives with you guys and a girl named Gracie. I know she started off as an extra for the show right? She was one of the dancers. Now you guys seem to spend a lot of time together. What do you guys think of her?" Ryan asks with a small smirk.

"She's such a sweetheart honestly. We all started talking to her while we were a part of the show because she just seemed to be friends with everyone, and our friendship grew from there," Drew comments.

"Yeah, I think she's got a big heart and has a way of making everyone around her happy," Sergio adds.

"She can be quiet at times, but when she opens up she's just a great girl," Brady says.

I smile a bit and nod in agreement. "There's nobody like her that's for sure."

I don't want to say too much about her because we haven't told the fans that we are dating yet. I want to, but I'm scared she isn't ready to handle the crazy fans who get upset about it.

"I think she is so sweet and she has a beautiful heart. She tries her hardest to make everyone else happy before herself. She's got a very contagious laugh and whenever she's in the room, you can't help but smile and be happy because she just has a genuinely optimistic aura around her. She's really great," Chance adds with a smile.

Suddenly I feel that pit in my stomach again, and I bite the inside of my cheek harshly. Why is he talking about her so much? Everyone else gave a single sentence, and he's talking about her for two minutes? Something is so wrong here.

"Sounds like someone might have a crush," Ryan teases, and Chance's eyes widen slightly.

"Yeah, sounds like it," I mumble, trying to be sarcastic and playful, but I think it comes off a little harsh.

Chance shakes his head and looks at me. "No, I don't. We are close friends, yes, but nothing more."

I huff to myself and look down at my hands. "What would you guys do if she was here right now?" Ryan asks.

"Hug her and tell her how much she means to me," I blurt out because I don't want to hear Chance say anything else about her.

The boys all look at me in shock and Sergio pats my shoulder slightly.

I hear the fans in the audience start cheering and I look up in confusion. Brady nudges me and nods over my shoulder. I turn in my seat and see Gracie walking toward us with a small grin.

"What? Gracie, what are you doing here?" I ask, standing up. She comes over and hugs me, her arms draped around my neck.

"I wanted to surprise you," she whispers. I hug her back, still in shock.

"Take five everyone!" Ryan says, and the cameras turn off. I grab Gracie's hand in mine and walk to the dressing room with her.

"You came for me?" I ask.

"Of course. Why else would I be here?" She responds, tilting her head slightly in confusion.

"Well, I just...Chance was acting a little weird earlier and Brady overheard-"

She cuts me off. "Hold on. You believed something Brady overheard? Why didn't you ask Chance about it? Or call me?"

"Because I got scared there was something and I didn't want to know the answer. I still get jealous you know, even though we're dating," I admit, my cheeks turning red.

She smiles and leans up to kiss me softly. "Michael, there's no one in this world I would rather be with than you."

I smile and kiss her back sweetly, my hand sliding around her hip. "Good. That's what I like to hear."

She pokes me in the stomach slightly and I chuckle. "Alright, alright! I only want to be with you too!"

She grins and looks up at me. "Better?"


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