Casted Part 4

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At the restaurant, we all sit at a booth in the back. I catch Chance looking at me a lot and it makes me squirm because, of course, Dove is sitting right next to him. 

"So Sky, what did you do before you got this gig?" Boo Boo asks. I force myself to look away from Chance and continue browsing the menu. 

"Oh, ya know, what every teenage girl does. I went to school and obsessed over my favorite musicians and bands." 

"Really? Like who?" Sofia chimes in. My cheeks heat up and I look around at everyone. 

"You're all going to laugh," I admit. 

"Oh come on!" Dove pleads. I sigh and squeeze my eyes shut for a moment. 

"Well one of the bands was In Real Life," I begin.

 "Wait, like my band In Real Life?" Chance asks, his mouth hanging open.

 "No, like the other band called In Real Life. Yes your band!" I tease. 

Chance smirks and taps his finger against the rim of his water glass. "I can take you to meet the rest of the boys sometime." 

"What? That would be incredible!" I exclaim. Chance grins and I can't help but smile right back. 

"Aw look at you being all sweet and adorable!" Dove coos, grabbing Chance's jaw in her hand and kissing him softly. My smile fades and I drop my head, fiddling with a bit of unraveled string from the seam of my napkin. Sofia places her hand over mine comfortingly and while it's a kind gesture, it doesn't help much. I stand up, pushing my chair in and set my napkin down.

 "I'll be right back. I have to pee," I mumble. Sofia eyes me with worry for a moment, but doesn't say anything. I walk quietly to the bathroom, staring at my reflection in the mirror, my hands pressed against the sink so hard, my knuckles are turning white. This is too much. I can't act like I don't like him, but I don't want to hurt Dove either. The door opens then and Chance leans against the wall. I look at him in confusion. 

"This is the girls bathroom. Yours is across the hall." I say. Chance chuckles and walks over to me. I turn around slowly and look at him.

 "I know you said that it can't happen again, but the minute you stepped out of the trailer with Dove, I knew I wanted to kiss you," Chance explains. I bite my lip harshly, drawing a bit of blood, and shake my head. 

"No, Chance we can't do that to Dove." He grabs my hand gently in his and kisses my knuckles lightly. 

"You do things to me that you shouldn't, you know. You make my heart beat faster. You make me smile and laugh. You make me happy," he whispers, ignoring my pleas for him to stop. 

I snort slightly. "Yeah right." He places my hand against his chest and I'm surprised to feel how fast his heart is beating. I look up at him in shock and he takes the opportunity to lean down and kiss me. I let out a small gasp against his lips, kissing him back. He holds my hand against his chest, using his other hand to pull me against him. He kisses me deeper and I can't help but slide my fingers through his already messy hair. He pulls back slowly, resting his forehead against mine. My breathing is heavy as I try to figure out what just happened. 

As I calm down, my eyes shoot open and I quickly pull away. "Chance. No, damnit. What did we just do?" He raises an eyebrow slightly. 

"I believe it's called kissing." He says sarcastically. I glance at him for a moment with a look of disregard. 

"This isn't funny. You are dating my best friend. We have to stop." I whisper. Chance sighs. 

"Have you even given thought to what I might want?" He asks. 

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