Give Me a Chance (Chance Imagine)

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*first of all, pun totally intended in the title.

Also, I know the last chapter I did of What a Mess was pretty boring. I've been pretty busy lately so I was just trying to get something out there for y'all to read. The next chapter will be more interesting! I've got some plans *wink wink*

This imagine is for ArtAriArtd. Enjoy!*

"Brayden! Come on bud! Come down the slide!" I call from the bottom of the slide, smiling as Brayden appears at the top.

"Hi mommy!" He cheers, waving at me. I laugh and wave back. My attention is drawn to a cute boy who sits down on the bench across from the playground. He's wearing a black baseball cap, but I can still see how deep brown his eyes are. Honestly, he's gorgeous.

"Here I come mommy!" Brayden snaps me out of my thoughts and I look up just in time to see Brayden push himself off the top of the slide and slide down to me. I catch him in my arms and scoop him up, making him giggle.

"Why don't you play by yourself for a little bit? Mommy's tired," I say, kissing his forehead sweetly. Brayden nods and as I set him down, he takes off running around the playground. I hesitantly sit down beside this cute boy and watch Brayden play for a bit quietly.

"Which one is yours?" He asks me after a moment. I look at him and can't help but smile when I see the little dimple that pops as he gives me a friendly smile.

"That little one right there on the monkey bars," I reply, pointing to Brayden. "Which one is yours?"

"The little girl on the other side of the monkey bars," he points out.

I smile more. "She's adorable. Maybe this is a little weird for me to say, but you seem a little young to have a child."

The boy chuckles slightly. "Yeah, well, my girlfriend at the time and I got a little too excited I guess. We were 17 when she had her. Brooklyn is the best thing that's happened to me though. She brings a new joy to my life."

"Your girlfriend at the time? You guys aren't together anymore?" I ask. Is it bad that that makes me happy?

"No, we aren't. She's still very much a part of my life because we raise Brooklyn together. Well, we take turns, but still. And what about you? You seem a little young to have a child too," He responds, looking at me again.

I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and look down at my hands. "It's not a very great story. My boyfriend and I got a bit too drunk at a party when we were 16 and when he found out I was pregnant, he freaked out and left me on my own. I've been raising Brayden for three years now by myself. My parents help out of course, but it's tough."

"Oh wow. I'm sorry. No one should have to do this on their own," he mumbles. I wave my hand dismissively and smile a bit when I find Brayden playing with Brooklyn.

"It appears they like each other." I nod toward our kids where they are chasing each other and giggling non-stop.

The boy smiles and laughs.

"They're so cute!" We both admit at the same time. I look over at the boy and he smiles, looking at me.

"So what's your name?" He asks.

"Melanie." I bite the inside of my cheek slightly when the sun hits is face, turning his eyes from a deep brown to a reddish brown that seem to shine brightly.

"Well Melanie, I'm Chance. Would it be too straight forward to ask you on a coffee date?  I was hoping you would give this young dad a chance." He bites his lip nervously and I can't help but smile, my cheeks heating up and I know they're red from blushing.

"Not at all. I would love to grab some coffee some time," I answer and watch as Chance perks up and slides his phone out of his pocket, handing it to me.

"Put your number in. I'll text you after I'm home and Brooklyn's mom has come to get her."

I happily oblige and type my number in, handing his phone back. He does some quick typing and I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I pull it out and find a text from a random number.

'Hey, it's the cute boy you just met!'

I laugh and save his number. "Pretty confident huh?" I tease.

"Well, I won't lie. I saw you checking me out earlier when you were by the slides," Chance admits with a grin.

I grin too and stand up as he does. "If you saw me looking, that means you were checking me out too."

Chance blushes and scratches the back of his neck. "Maybe I was."

I giggle and bend down to Brayden's height. "Bray, can you say goodbye to your new friend? We have to get home."

Brayden pouts and shakes his head. "No, don't make me leave! I like playing with her!"

I smile and kiss his head softly. "Bud, we can come play with her again soon okay? I promise."

"Brooklyn, say goodbye. Momma is waiting," Chance scoops her up then and she giggles. 

"No daddy! I don't want to leave!" Brooklyn reaches down and grabs Brayden's hand and I can't help but let out a small "aw." Chance smiles and gently pulls her hand away, standing up slowly.

"We'll come see Brayden soon okay? Believe me, I want to see them more too," Chance says, looking down at me.

I smile and lift Brayden into my arms, my eyes locked on Chance's. "I'll see you later?" He asks.

I nod and pat my back pocket. "I'll be looking forward to that text."

Chance grins and we walk to our cars together. As he pulls away, Chance shoots me a wink and I can't help but grin. There's something about him.

I want to give him a chance.

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