My First Kiss Went a Little Like This (Sergio Imagine)

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I've been with Sergio for about three weeks now and we still haven't had our first kiss. I know we both agreed to take things slow, but I feel like things are going really well. He has been pretty busy in the studio and travelling though, so I'm sure once he has some time where we can actually sit down together, we'll share our first kiss...right?

I knock on the door to the boys' house and wait quietly for someone to answer. I hear footsteps behind the door and a moment later Drew opens it. 

"Hey! Come on in! Sergio is so excited that you're here," Drew says.

I smile and walk inside, kicking my shoes off. "I'm excited that we can finally spend some time together. You guys have been so busy lately. I'm proud of you guys though for doing so well," I comment.

Drew grins. "Yeah, we're happy with the progress we are making. Come on, he's in the basement talking to the others."

I follow him down the stairs and through the long hallway to the little bar area where the boys are all sitting around on the couches. I spot Sergio immediately and he's in sweatpants and a t shirt, his hair slightly messy because no one styled it for him. Drew clears his throat and everyone stops talking and looks over at us. Sergio's eyes light up and he grins, walking over.

"Skylar! You're here!" He hugs me tightly and I smile, hugging him back happily.

"I am! Are you happy to have a break?" I ask as I pull away.

Sergio nods and the rest of the boys agree. "While it's amazing to meet all of our fans, it can be a lot when we aren't getting a ton of sleep because we are constantly travelling."

I nod in understanding and sit down with Sergio who slides his arm around my shoulders.

"You two are so adorable honestly," Chance teases with a small smile.

I feel my cheeks get hot and know I'm blushing and Sergio simply smiles. "I'm aware thank you. I'm excited to spend some time with Sky finally. FaceTime is great and all, but to be able to see her and hug her makes me happy."

"Awww...that's so sweet," I reply, biting the inside of my cheek. "Is it weird only singing the songs you sang on the show and one single? Does it make you guys want to put out an album more?"

"Oh definitely. I love the songs we performed on the show, but it gets old after a while because we want to establish our sound ya know?" Chance answers immediately.

I nod. "Of course. That makes perfect sense. How close are you guys to releasing an album?"

"We've gotten quite a few songs finished. We should be able to release the album by like mid January. That's the hope anyways," Brady says.

"I can't wait to hear it. I already love the single, so I'm sure I'm going to love the album."

The boys all smile. "Especially if your man sings in Spanish I bet," Drew teases.

I laugh and roll my eyes. "Whatever Drew. Shut up."

"You only say that because it's true!" He sticks out his tongue at me and I laugh.

"Well, so sorry that I love listening to him sing in Spanish. It's just really cool to me."

"You mean you find it sexy?" Michael joins in on the teasing and I roll my eyes playfully, shaking my head.

"Y'all are dorks." I comment, making the boys laugh.

"Well, how about we leave you guys alone? So you can catch up," Brady says then and the boys all stand up.

"You don't have to leave. We can always go outside or something," I offer, but the boys shake their heads.

"No, it's okay. We were going to go play some video games upstairs anyways," Michael responds and they wave as they walk out.

I turn so I'm facing Sergio then and smile. "So, is it as amazing as you thought it would be?" I ask.

Sergio's face lights up and he nods excitedly. "Sky, it's literally been one of the coolest experiences of my life. I get to be in a band with my best friends, I get to travel the country and meet so many new faces, and on top of that I'm with you. I've never been happier."

I smile more and play with the ring on his finger lightly. "Really? I'm so glad you're happy Serg. You're such a talented singer and you're kind to everyone you meet. You deserve to be happy."

Sergio smiles and grabs my hand then, bringing it to his lips to kiss my knuckles softly, making me blush. He grins and stares at me for a minute.

"What?" I ask curiously, studying his face.

"Nothing. You're just beautiful and I'm trying to take in every detail of you because I'm trying to figure out how someone so beautiful inside and out is with me."

"Aw, Sergio. It's because you're beautiful inside and out too. You have such a kind soul and I love it. Plus, you are so passionate about your music and it makes me smile every time you sing."

Sergio smiles and leans in slightly. "Really? Good, because I'd be crushed if you didn't like me."

I giggle and lean in closer to him, our noses brushing lightly. "Well, I wouldn't be here if I didn't like you, genius."

Sergio chuckles and kisses me lightly then, his lips molding against mine in a slow, passionate kiss. I feel my heart racing in my chest and I kiss him back, sliding my hand around his cheek gently. As he pulls back a bit, resting his forehead against mine, he smiles and whispers, "I've been wanting to do that since we met."

"Glad I wasn't the only one thinking that," I quip with a smile.

Sergio laughs and presses his lips against mine again.

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