Studying (Brady Imagine)

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I'm laying on my stomach on Brady's bed, my laptop open in front of me while I study for a test I have the next day. I'm in sweatpants and one of his t shirts, my hair tossed up in a bun.

"Babe, what are you doing?" Brady walks in, sipping on a coke and plops down beside me on his stomach.

"Studying B." I don't even look at him as I scroll to my next note.

"Still? You've been at it for two hours! You need a break before you go crazy!" He exclaims, kissing my cheek softly.

I give him a small smile. "I would, but this test is super important. If I don't get at least a B, I could fail this class."

"Studying for this long is detrimental to your health though. You need to take a break," Brady argues.

"I'll be fine Brady. Thank you for caring about me though," I mumble as I look back at my computer.

Brady huffs and just lays there for a moment. "Please?"

"Brady, come on. You know this is important," I mumble, typing out an answer to one of the study guide questions.

"Take a short little break." He kisses my cheek softly, trailing his lips down my jaw to my neck. I close my eyes for a moment and sigh.

"Brady..." I trail off when his lips touch my shoulder and bite my lip.

"Yes Brianna?" He asks teasingly. I can feel him smirk against my skin.

I turn my head and press my lips against his, making him smile. He slides his hand around my cheek gently and kisses me deeply, making my stomach flutter.

"I really need to focus Brady," I mutter against his lips before I finally pull away. He pouts and lays on his back now, his head resting on the small of my back.

For the next hour or so, Brady just lays there, playing a game on his phone. I roll out my neck for a minute before I focus back on my work.

"Is your neck stiff?" Brady asks.

I nod slightly. "A little. I'll be fine."

Brady sits up and slides his hands over my shoulders, gently massaging my shoulders and neck.

I hum a bit in response and look at him over my shoulder. He gives me a small wink and kisses my temple.

"That feels nice," I say softly.

Brady grins and slides his arm around my waist, flipping me onto my stomach. I shriek and press my hands against his chest as he hovers over me.


"What?" He asks curiously.

"I have to finish studying! I'm almost done!" I squeal when he starts tickling me and I push against him. "Stop!" I laugh.

Brady chuckles and shakes his head. "Not until I get a kiss!" 

"Brady! I'm trying to study!" I shriek again.

"And I'm studying too! I'm studying you!" He smirks and stares down at me, pinning my hands above my head.

I giggle and bite my lip. "That was so cheesy you dork," I mumble.

"I know. It was pretty bad."

I giggle and lean up, kissing him softly and sweetly. He smiles and kisses me back softly.

"Now get off. I'm studying." I shove him away and roll back over, going back to studying.

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