You Get Jealous

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Chance: You are walking through Disneyland after running to the bathroom, trying to find Chance, Emma, and Brooklyn. You aren't too fond of Emma joining you guys on this trip, but she's Brooklyn's mom, so you can't really complain. You send Chance a text, asking him where they are and you don't get a response. You frown to yourself and sigh, continuing to wander around in confusion. "Y/N!" You hear Brooklyn's familiar voice and look to your right to see Brooklyn running towards you. You smile and bend down to her height, hugging her as she runs into your arms. "B, where's daddy?" You ask, giving her a little squeeze. She points behind her and you follow her finger to see Chance and Emma walking a little ways back, clearly not realizing that Brooklyn had run ahead of them. They are laughing about something and she shoves him playfully, making him grin. You feel yourself getting agitated and force yourself to take a deep breath as you stand back up, pulling Brooklyn into your arms. They don't even notice you as they start to walk by until Brooklyn yells out, "Mommy! Daddy!" They both stop talking and turn around. "Brooklyn! Oh Y/N, I was just about to text you. You were gone a while and I wanted to make sure you were okay," Chance says, kissing your temple softly. You set Brooklyn down, letting her run to Emma as you look up at Chance. "I texted you like ten minutes ago because I was lost, trying to find you. You didn't answer," You mumble. Chance frowns. "What? I  didn't get a-" He stops when he looks at his phone and sees a message from you. "Oh." "Oh? That's all you have to say? On top of that, Brooklyn saw me and ran way ahead of you and you didn't even notice because you were too busy laughing it up with Emma," you snap slightly. Chance looks at you with apologetic eyes. "Babe, I'm really sorry. I wasn't ignoring you on purpose. I promise you, I didn't feel my phone buzz. I should have been paying attention to Brooklyn too. I'm so sorry. Please don't be upset," he pleads, grabbing your hands in his. You sigh and stare at the ground because you knew the minute you look at him you would forgive him. "Please look at me. I'm sorry. We were just talking about something that happened in high school and we got caught up." He grabs your chin gently and makes you look at him. His eyes are wide with worry and you bite the inside of your cheek. "Dammit Chance. You know I can't stay mad at you. I know that Emma is part of your family too, but I just feel like we haven't really been together all day. I've been walking behind you guys because I just feel so awkward," you explain, starting to feel like a petty, clingy girlfriend.  "That sounded so stupid," you state then, shaking your head. Chance smiles a bit and pulls you against him kissing your nose softly. You wrap your arms around his waist and close your eyes, leaning into his touch. "You're right. I was so busy trying to make her feel comfortable with a new girl in the picture, that I didn't even think about how I was making you feel. I'm so sorry. From now on, I'll be more aware okay? I love you," he whispers. You smile a bit and look up at him. "I love you too." "Not to interrupt, but I totally think you guys are adorable and I snapped a picture," Emma butts in then, showing you guys her phone. "Aw...that's so cute! Send that to me!" Chance exclaims. you and Emma both laugh and Chance looks between you guys. "What?" "You sound like a girl!" you tease. Chance huffs and slides his hand through yours and you lace your fingers together. "Come on. Let's go eat at the castle." The rest of the weekend goes by smoothly and you and Emma end up becoming good friends.

Michael: You and Michael are out for some lunch today, while he has a break from recording. You guys walk hand in hand through the town, searching for a nice place to sit down and eat. "Should we do sushi?" You ask, seeing your favorite sushi place down the block. "Sushi sounds really good. We can do that," Michael agrees. You guys cross the street and are waiting for the light to change to cross the intersection. "Michael!" You hear a girl call from behind you guys. You and Michael both turn and Michael grins, nearly tackling this girl in a hug. You stand back in confusion, raising an eyebrow as you watch quietly, already feeling a bit jealous. "Kaitlyn!" He cheers. "What are you doing in LA?" He asks as he pulls away. She grins slightly and shrugs. "I came to see a friend. I was going to text you later! I want to hang out and catch up!" She responds. "Oh my god definitely! I can't believe you're here!" Michael agrees. As they continue chatting, the light turns green and you gently grab Michael's arm. "The light is green," you mumble quietly, keeping your eyes toward the ground. "Oh you must be Y/N! Michael talks about you all the time!" Kaitlyn squeals and hugs you tightly. "Wait what?" you ask in confusion, looking over at Michael. He chuckles, clearly amused by the shocked look on your face. "Kaitlyn, this is Y/N, my girlfriend. Y/N this is Kaitlyn, one of my sisters," he introduces. Your eyes get wide then and you feel like an idiot for assuming it was an old girlfriend. "Oh! Hi! It's so nice to meet you," you say as Kaitlyn pulls away. "You too! Michael seriously never shuts up about you." You laugh and look at Michael again who is blushing slightly and shaking his head. "Kaitlyn..." he grumbles. You smile and kiss his cheek. "I think it's cute that you talk about me," you say as you guys head across the street. "Where are you guys off to?" Kaitlyn asks. "Lunch. Wanna join?" You offer. "Oh, that' s so sweet of you. I couldn't impose though," she replies. "It wouldn't be a bother at all! I was hoping to hear some embarrassing stories about him!" You tease, nudging Michael slightly. He groans and squeezes his eyes shut. "Nooooo..." Kaitlyn grins. "Actually, I have a lot of stories. Let's go eat!"

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