What a Mess (Chapter 8)

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Sky's POV:

"Michael! Give it back! Kayte is going to call any minute!" I yell, chasing Michael down the stairs to the hotel lobby.

He laughs and sticks his tongue out at me, standing with his arm straight up over his head, my phone in his hand. I jump up and try to grab it, but I fall short and huff.

"Michael!" I whine with a small pout.

Michael chuckles. "You are so cute when you pout, you know that?" He teases.

I roll my eyes playfully and hold out my hand as my phone starts ringing. "That's Kayte, can I please answer?"

Michael shrugs and grins, handing me my phone. I smile and kiss his cheek as a thank you, making his cheeks turn red and I quickly answer my phone. "Kayte?! Are you here?!"

Much to my dismay, Kayte isn't on the other end. "Uh, it's Chance. Didn't you see my name come up?"

"Oh. Sorry, I just answered without looking." I walk over to the lobby chairs and sit down.

"It's fine. Listen, I have a little free time and I was hoping you would come have lunch with me," Chance says.

I raise an eyebrow. "Is that a good idea? I'm sure Emma wouldn't approve of this."

I hear Chance sigh on the other end. "So what? I want to have lunch with you. Please?"

I bite my lip, contemplating if I should go or not. "Fine. I'll go. What time and where?"

Chance's voice comes through my phone and I can tell he is smiling. "Say 30 minutes? And I'll pick you up from the hotel."

I shake my head slightly and run my fingers through my hair. "Okay, 30 minutes. I'll see you soon then." I hang up my phone and squeeze my eyes shut.

"What was all that?" Michael asks, sitting beside me.

I look over at him. "Chance wants to have lunch. I told him I'd go. I should at least try and be civil. Can you find Brady and tell him that his beautiful girlfriend should be here soon?"

Michael frowns slightly, clearly bothered by my decision, but he nods. "Of course I will. Enjoy lunch Sky."

I give him a small hug and thank him.


Chance's POV:

Sky is already waiting outside when the Uber pulls up to the hotel. I feel myself start to get nervous and my palms start to sweat slightly as she opens the door and slides in. I know I shouldn't be nervous because it's Sky, the girl I dated for two months and was crushing on for five months, but knowing I could screw everything up and push her farther away makes it hard not to nervous. 

"Hi," I say softly as she buckled up.

Sky looks over at me, her green eyes catching the sunlight just right to make them appear golden and for a moment I'm completely in awe.

"Hi," she replies quietly, giving me a small smile.

I clear my throat and give the driver the address of the sushi bar I want to take Sky to, knowing how much she loves it.

"How has your morning been?" I ask as I look over at her.

Sky shrugs a bit. "It's been okay. I've been hanging around the hotel all morning, waiting for Kayte."

"Oh my god! I totally stole you away! Do you want to go back?" I question, sitting up slightly, my eyes wide with worry.

"No, Chance it's fine. I'll see her when we get back. Besides, I'm sure she won't mind if I'm with you," Sky reassures.

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