Best Friends (Chance Imagine)

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Chance and I have been best friends since we were 3 years old. I moved in right next door with my dad after my mom passed away. I was there through bullies at school; he was there for mine. I was there through awkward crushes; he was there for mine. I was there when his dad passed away because I didn't want him to be sad. Needless to say, through thick and thin, we've always stuck together.

It's the night of our Senior Prom now and we had agreed that if we didn't have dates we would go together. Well, he has a date. I don't. He explained the situation to his girlfriend, Emma, and she agreed to let me come with them. He even went through all the trouble of asking me to be his second date (which, not gonna lie, is a little weird and Emma definitely wasn't too happy). 

"Ashley! Chance is here! You don't want to be late!" I hear my dad call from downstairs. 

"Okay dad! I'll be down in a minute!" I yell back. I adjust my dress one more time and look at my reflection in the mirror. I'm dressed in a one shoulder, baby blue gown with silver flecks of glitter in it and a silver rhinestone belt at the waist. My hair is straightened with the front loosely braided and pinned back. My makeup compliments my look with a neutral eye shadow and pale pink lipstick. I grab my clutch and slide my shoes on before I take a deep breath and head for the stairs. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have feelings for Chance. I mean, how could I not? He's so sweet and he cares about everybody. He goes out of his way for the people he loves. He can sing, and not to mention he's so handsome with his slicked back, deep brown hair and warm, brown eyes. So, yes, I have a bit of crush on my best friend. It's not like that matters though. He's with Emma and they just had a baby.

I walk slowly down the stairs, holding up the end of my dress so I don't trip. When they hear my heels clicking on the stairs, my dad and Chance both stop talking and look up at me. My dad smiles and Chance's mouth falls open in awe. As I reach the bottom, I walk over to them and smile a bit. "Close your mouth. You'll catch flies," I joke, gently pressing my fingers against Chance's chin, closing his mouth for him. "Where's Emma?" I ask, looking around in confusion.

"She...broke up with me last night," he replies quietly.

My eyebrows raise in shock. "What? Why?"

"She thinks that I'm in love with someone else and she wants me to be happy I guess. Now, I can take you as my only date and we can have a lot of fun."

"You like someone else? Who?" I ask, now realizing that his vest under his tux matches my dress.

"I don't want to tell you yet. I'm not sure if I like her or not, and I want to figure it out before I say anything okay?" He responds.

I smile and nod. "Of course. I understand. Let's go have a blast."

Chance smiles and hugs me gently for a moment before he pulls away and my dad clears his throat. We look over at him and he holds out two clear, plastic boxes. "Dad, did you buy a corsage and flower?" I laugh a bit.

"Let's just say a little birdie told me Emma wasn't coming tonight," he responds with a grin.

"Wow, my mom wasted no time spreading the word huh?" Chance laughs and my dad and I laugh along with him. Chance takes the corsage out of the box and gently  slides it on my wrist, squeezing my hand gently. I smile and pin the flower to his jacket, careful not to poke him and I see a flash, realizing my dad started to take pictures of us.

"Alright, smile you two." My dad waves the camera a bit and Chance slides his arm around my waist as we smile for some pictures. 

"Ready to go?" Chance asks and I nod, smiling a bit as we head to the door.

"Be safe! Chance, take care of my daughter!" My dad calls.

"Dad!" I whine, waving my hand dismissively. 

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