What a Mess (Chapter 3)

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Sky's POV:

I hear Kayte shriek and suddenly she's clinging tightly to me. I jump slightly, not expecting it and hug her gently.

"What?! Why are you screaming?" I ask in confusion, looking around the backstage area of Boyband. A bunch of the boys are staring at us with wide eyes.

"Brady just asked me out!" Kayte cheers.

My eyes widen and I break into a big grin, spinning her around. "Oh my god! It is about damn time!" 

"What? You knew he liked me?"

"Please Kayte, I knew you both liked each other. How did he ask you?" I ask excitedly.

"He pulled me aside and we were talking about his future is going to look like if he makes it to the final five tonight and he said he hopes he has a girlfriend. I asked if he had anyone in mind and he described this "perfect" girl, and I was so stupid and I didn't realize it was me, but then he said it and he asked me to be his girlfriend and I really need to breathe!" Kayte rambles, taking a deep breath.

I laugh and hug her tightly again. "Congratulations Kay! I'm so happy for you!"

Kayte laughs and pulls away, sitting on the couch beside me. "So? What about you and Chance?"

I raise an eyebrow, but my stomach flips when she mentions his name. "What about him?"

"Oh come on! It's so obvious you guys like each other! You flirt all the time!" Kayte nearly shouts.

I give her a look and cover her mouth, my cheeks turning red. "Sh!"

She giggles and licks my palm and I frown, scrunching up my nose in disgust as I wipe my hand on my jeans. "Gross!"

"I knew you liked him! Just go for it!" She exclaims.

"Easy for you to say when you finally have the boy you've liked for years!" I grumble quietly.

"He's coming over!" Kayte whispers. "Do something about this!" She pokes me in the side and I jump slightly, letting out a small squeak.

Chance stops in front of us and smirks. "Ticklish huh?"

"Uh, no. Not at all." I quickly cover.

"She's ticklish EVERYWHERE," Kayte butts in and I shove her off the couch, giving Chance a small smile.

"She's an idiot."

Chance laughs and takes the opportunity to sit beside me. "I'm totally going to use this against you." He teases.

"Don't you dare!" I laugh and shake my head, looking over at him.

He smiles and we lock eyes for a moment.

"So, are you excited for tonight? You're a shoe in for the final five," I say, clearing my throat slightly.

Chance rubs the back of his neck; something I've come to notice he does when he feels awkward or nervous. "I'm so nervous. If I didn't sing that song perfectly last week, America could vote to send me home."

"Chance, you've never once been in the bottom two and I'm pretty positive you've stolen every heart in America by just being yourself. You are going to be in the band," I reassure.

Chance looks over at me and gives me a small smile.

I smile back and bite the inside of my cheek when he doesn't look away. "What?"

"You just, you have a way of calming me down no matter how nervous I am. It's so amazing to me. You're always so positive. I don't know how you do it. If I don't have anything to look forward to, I get really nervous and pessimistic," Chance explains.

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