Kiss Me (Chance Imagine)

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*for Brxannalucxa. I hope you like it!*

"You're first show is tonight. How do you feel?" Michael asks, leaning against the wall in my hotel room.

I groan and sit up, sliding my hands along my jaw. "Horrible. I have such a bad toothache right now," I grumble.

Michael frowns. "A toothache? That's not ideal for singing Bri."

"You don't think I know that?" I ask, looking over at him. "And on top of that my head is throbbing."

Michael sighs and walks over, sitting on the edge of my bed. He presses the back of his hand to my forehead and frowns again. "Woah, you're burning up. There's no way you're performing tonight."

I groan and lay back down, closing my eyes. "That's not fair! I finally got a breakthrough when you guys asked me to be your opening act! Now I can't sing?"

"We can't risk you getting worse or getting hurt because you're sick on stage Brianna," Michael replies.

"What are you? My brother? Why do you care?" I snap in frustration.

Michael sighs. "I just don't want to see you get hurt okay? Let me go get the boys."

He stands up and walks out, returning a few minutes later with the rest of the boys.

"You have a toothache?" Drew asks quietly.

I slowly sit back up and nod, whimpering slightly when a twinge of pain shoots through my jaw.

"Let me take a look," he responds, sitting in front of me.

I raise an eyebrow. "Uh, what?"

"What? If I wasn't singing I was going to go into dentistry. I know a few things okay? Trust me," Drew defends himself.

"Dude you were going to be a dentist?" Sergio asks curiously.

Drew rolls his eyes. "Shut up and hold your phone's flashlight for me so I can see."

He grabs my jaw gently. "Open up."

I oblige and open my mouth. He tilts my head up slightly as Sergio holds his flashlight and Drew examines my mouth.

"Nothing looks like it's coming in and nothing looks infected. I think this is a simple case of grinding your teeth. Were you nervous about performing?" Drew asks.

I nod and rub my jaw again. "Of course. It's my first time in front of such a big audience."

Drew nods and smiles a bit, grabbing a hot rag in the bathroom. "Hold this against your jaw and it'll ease the tension. You probably clenched your jaw and ground your teeth last night in your sleep. It happens when you're stressed. In about an hour, take some pain meds and you'll be fine okay?"

I take the rag and hold it against my jaw as instructed, giving Drew a weak smile. "Thank you Drew."

"Of course!" Chance pushes past him then with a small frown. I feel my heart start to pound against my ribs and I feel my cheeks heat up as he looks at me.

"You're really pale Bri. Are you feeling alright?" Chance asks worriedly.

"My head hurts a little bit, but otherwise I feel fine," i reply with a small shrug.

He cares! Look how worried he looks! He's so cute!

"Would you mind if I checked you out?" Chance responds, kneeling beside the bed.

"Wait what?" I'm caught off guard by his choice of words.

"To make sure there isn't something wrong," he comments, looking at me.

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